Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, September 10, 2007

Candida Fungus/ Yeast Infection And Cancer

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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There is a connection between candida and cancer ? so asserts Doug Kaufmann, author and expert on nutrition who has studied yeast infections and candida for over 30 years. Kaufman?s studies demonstrate that fungi in foods, as well as the overuse of antibiotics, lead to intestinal overgrowth that can compromise our health in many ways, including cancer. As proof of his research findings, Doug Kaufmann devised a diet based on the widely examined problem of mycotoxin contamination of the grains we eat. Children with documented cases of leukemia saw the disease vanish after some simple changes in their diet. After a cycle of antibiotics use, Doug Kaufmann also says, the candida/yeast/fungus overgrowth that comes in its wake can be lethal. And this drug-induced imbalance in the intestinal flora is a reality, to different degrees, in 90% of the American population. Since cancer and yeast infection have been linked, any effort you make to reduce your yeast overgrowth will not only improve your general health. It will also diminish the real, albeit worst-case cancer threat that this condition represents.

In this area there are specialists who can guide you, as well as simple and effective self-tests and self-treatments. Also? be sure to avoid the foods that actually nourish candida/yeast infection. The biggest villains are sugar and white flour products, refined foods, and commercially processed meats, which are full of hormones. Eat as much non-processed food as possible, with lots of vegetables. Read up on the blood type diet, or any other natural foods diet that attracts you. Be sure to use Oil of Oregano for 6 weeks in combination with the diet. Oil of Oregano will be able to diminish or disappear your candida/ yeast infection. Simple home test by spitting in a glass of water in the morning and see how much spirals and sediment appear can be very useful in checking the progress of your diet/ Oil of Oregano. Natural hormone creams as Prosperine can be supportive too. All the above have to do with taking well care of your self.

Be sure to enjoy your life and radiate love, so love finds its way back to you.

Warmly, Pieternel van Giersbergen.

Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. Her site has over 120 articles about healing yourself and staying healthy.

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