The Danger of Candida Yeast Infection Explained
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Candida is a very dangerous yeast infection. Everybody knows about it but very often is underestimated even by some doctors. Why? Maybe because this infection is very "quiet" and its symptoms are vary vague. If a simple Candida infection is taken in consideration by doctors, the chronicle tip of Candida is still unaccepted by some doctors. This form is known as the yeast syndrome or chronic candidacies or Candida related complex and its symptoms are very vague and because of this not taken in consideration by some doctors. It is said that what one doesn't understand does not believe. The effects of chronic yeast infestation in the intestine are so widespread in the human body that doctors can not believe that such a little thing can do such disturbance in ones body.
Further more many doctors, very often, confuse this syndrome with more commune ones because of the similarity of some symptoms. Frequently, in the yeast syndrome, we can encounter nervous symptoms like irritability or confusion. That is why many patients have been branded hypochondriac, malingering, neurotic, and hysteric just because some doctors do not believe in the yeast syndrome. Another thing that doctors link to when they confuse symptoms is represented by the blood tests. They say that if these tests show nothing then nothing is wrong with the patient. This is a falls idea. Why? Because in yeast syndrome blood tests are always negative. So these tests can not eliminate this syndrome.
What is more concerning is that the chronic form of Candida infection has a very high rate of appearance. Studies have shown that signs and symptoms suggesting yeast syndrome are present in 50 percent of new patients. This percentage razes many questions. There must be various causes for this. After many investigations it has been shown that there are three principal causes that can lead to a predisposition to this health problem:
- First of all are the dental problems - the presence of dental amalgam and resultant mercury toxicity; - The second problem is referring to the overuse of the antibiotics. These drugs destroy the "good" flora in our intestines that has the important role of keeping the yeast out of our body. - And of course it is the diet problem who is very commune to those in western regions: a diet with the high carbohydrate content.
All three problems are known as western problems because of its prevalence and all three favor the growth of yeast
To explain why the yeast syndrome is so dangerous we first must understand how Candida works and how it hurts the body. The principal problem is represented by the yeast metabolism. Candida has been found to produce 79 distinct toxins that have a devastating action over the body. No organ can escape of these actions because these toxins quickly and easily diffuse throughout the body. Why so easily you may ask? One of the causes may be the overuse of antibiotics. These drugs can destroy bacteria which are needed for normal digestion. It results a poor digestion that facilitate various toxins, including those produced by Candida, to penetrate the intestine's mucosa and enter into the blood stream. We can add to this the excessive intake of carbohydrates such as breads, pastas, potatoes that stimulate the growth of Candida and we have a perfect case of yeast syndrome.
The yeast infection is most dangerous once it takes hold in the intestinal mucosa. Why? Because once here, it is very hard to get rid of and if this happens, yeast has the bad habit to return over and over again. Once arrived in the mucosa the yeast infection renders the mucosa partially incompetent to regulate the entry of digested food into the intestine. This "wound" is called the "leaky gut syndrome" and it is very harmful for our body because it represents a door for different toxins through which they enter in to our blood stream and then through all of our body. One of the most dangerous toxins that can enter through this door is represented by long chain polypeptides (partially digested protein). These toxins are recognized as "foreign" by the immune system. The immune answer of the body costs in making antibodies that may attack host tissue. What to do you may ask? The first thing you can do is to prevent the yeast from spreading. This can only be done by changing our stile life and of course our diet.
Yeast infection can also appear in other diseases like: many forms of psoriasis and other dermatoses (Skinner, Crook, James, Oranje, Buslau), also in infantile seborrheic dermatitis (Bothe, Busacker, Reinel).
If you want to know more about Candida just visit this site. Find out more about Candida Albicans in our candida center.
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