Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Home Remedies For yeast Infection

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Do you suffer from recurring vaginal or male yeast infection? below is a home remedy or yeast infection treatment for men and women.

But first, what causes yeast infection? It is caused by a fungus named Candida Albicans. Yeast is a tiny organism that lives in small numbers on the skin and in the vagina. When the acidic balance in the vagina is lowered, the yeast grows and causes a vaginal infection.

Yeast infection symptoms are not serious but are very unpleasant. They include a thick white discharge from the vagina. Burning during urination, vaginal itching, irritation, redness and swelling. Irritation, soreness and white spots on the penis.

One of the main causes of recurring yeast infection is sexual activity. If a woman with yeast infection has unprotected sex, her partner can contract the infection. Since alot of men do not even know they are infected as they do not show any visible symptoms right away. The woman can treat her infection only to contract it again from her partner. Thus the recurring yeast infection can go on until the male notices symptoms.

One of the best home remedies for treating yeast infection is dabbing apple cider vinegar mixed with garlic and water to dilute the vinegar. The vinegar stops the yeast from growing while the garlic stops the itching.

Tips on preventing yeast infection.
1. Do not wear tight clothes.
2. Wear cotton underwear.
3. Removing your swimsuit right after swimming.
4. Do not wear a sanitary pad longer than your period.
5. Do not use deodorant tampons or pads.
6. Always dry the vulva area adequately after swimming or bathing.-a blow dryer set on cool to ensure your genital area is dry.
7. Try not to wear pantyhose every day.
8. For the men use a condom but not a nonoxynol-9 lubricated kind.

Although it is impossible to totally prevent a vaginal yeast infection. Using these tips can create a vaginal environment which can slow down the causes of recurring yeast infection

Did you know that 80% of women and as much as 25% of men get yeast infections. Find out exactly how to cure and stop your recurring yeast infection naturally CLICK HERE

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