How To Cope With Vaginal Yeast Infection
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Our body is the home for yeast organisms or cells called Candida Albicans. These cells exist in several places including the skin, the mouth and the vagina, and it?s perfectly normal to have them.
The problem of vaginal yeast infection occurs when there is an excess amount of yeast cells in the vagina. Usually these cells are kept from multiplying by the acid balance in the vagina, and so it helps to understand what causes an imbalance.
Ironically one of the causes of a yeast infection can be antibiotics. If you have a urinary tract infection, the antibiotic you use to cure it may indeed be creating conditions in which yeast infection thrives.
While antibiotics destroy harmful microorganisms, they can also destroy ?good? ones. This causes an imbalance and conditions which enable Candida cells to grow in their place, resulting in an excess number of yeast cells. In some cases, this manifests itself as a vaginal yeast infection.
When do yeast infections occur
Yeast infections can occur during pregnancy, at the end of menstruation, being on a course of antibiotics, or using birth control pills. Child bearing years is certainly a common time to have a yeast infection.
Recognizing a vaginal yeast infection
The most common vaginal yeast infection symptoms are itching in the vagina or vulva region. Sex can be painful and a vaginal yeast infection discharge often occurs, similar to cottage cheese in consistency. You can easily find pictures of vaginal yeast infection on the Internet. Simply search for the term ?pictures of vaginal yeast infection?.
How to treat a vaginal yeast infection
Treatments for vaginal yeast infections range from natural home remedies to over the counter vaginal yeast infection medication such as antifungal creams like MONISTAT.
Popular home cures for vaginal yeast infections use garlic or yogurt. A good tip is to take yogurt when you are on a course of antibiotics. Be sure to choose yogurt with acidophilus (check the label) since it helps with the fight against yeast infection.
Some people use boric acid for vaginal yeast infections, in the form of supplements. However, boric acid should never be taken during pregnancy, and it?s best not to even consider using it until you have talked to your doctor about it.
When treating a yeast infection, it?s one thing to get pain relief and it?s another to actually cure the cause. It?s best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.
Frank Thornton writes on yeast infections at
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