Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, January 28, 2008

Causes of Yeast Infections

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Essentially, the main cause of more than 90% of yeast infections is Candida Albicans, a fungus which naturally exists quite harmlessly around the genitals and on the skin. Ordinarily, the acidic environment around the vagina helps to prevent yeast from growing. However, sometimes due to external circumstances, the body?s balance can be disturbed and this is normally the cause of yeast infections.

Candida albicans overgrowth can be due to a number of things and in most cases the cause of yeast infection is easy to pinpoint and easy to deal with once you know what to look for. Yeast loves sugar and will thrive and multiply in a person who has a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugars (including alcohol). Also, one of the more common causes of yeast infections is a woman?s monthly period. The acidic balance of the vagina can change during menstruation and this can cause a yeast infection to develop. The acidic balance of the vagina is also changed during pregnancy, when taking birth control pills and steroids. Many women crave carbohydrates around the time of their period, and if the wrong type of refined, sugary carbohydrates are eaten this can exacerbate the situation and promote a candida yeast explosion.

Antibiotics play a huge part in causing yeast infections. Most women find that they usually suffer a bout after taking a course. This is because, although the antibiotics clear and kill the ?bad bacteria? which may be causing an illness or infection, they also kill off the ?good bacteria? as well. This allows candida albicans free rein on your body as there are no friendly flora around to keep control of a candida yeast overgrowth. Whilst on a course of antibiotics it is always wise to take a good probiotic supplement and drink plenty of plain water to help flush the bad bacteria away.

Candida albicans loves warm moist conditions. On the skin, candida yeast will normally grow in folds of fat or in the skin between the toes. Wearing heavy boots or trainers which make your feet sweat is one of the main causes of yeast infections in the feet. Keeping the area as dry as possible will help as will dusting with an antifungal powder instead of using a scented talc or spray. Expose the affected area of skin to the air as much as possible and if you sweat a lot, change your clothes around the affected area often to avoid making conditions hospitable for a candida yeast take over.

The causes of yeast infections in the mouth are less obvious. Thrush (oral yeast infection) is most common in small babies and it is often passed from mother to infant during birth. In children, the cause of yeast infections is likely to be due to improperly sterilised bottle teats or pacifiers and if you do have a child who suffers from thrush limit the amount of sugary foods, juices and refined carbohydrates he/she eats and drinks so as to discourage candida albicans from growing .

The important thing to remember is that yeast infection can be controlled very successfully. Once you find out what the candida yeast trigger is and eliminate it, then you remove the cause of the yeast infection and therefore you no longer have to live with the discomfort and embarrassment which a yeast infection brings.

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