The Three Best Ways to Treat Male Yeast Infections
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Male yeast infections require treatment just as do yeast infections in females.
However, men will find no section of products in their local drug store that indicate they are to be used by men for this problem. This can leave a man discouraged and depressed because of annoying symptoms and no apparent treatments.
Do not despair! There are effective male yeast infection treatments available in your local stores; they just are not labels in a way that a man can easily locate them. A man has to know what he is looking for in order to locate one of the three best ways to treat male yeast infections.
The most convenient, easy to use, and effective male yeast infection treatment is found on the shelves labels as cream for vaginal yeast infections. Products which contain miconazole or clotrimazole are the best choices. Compare labels because you may find that some brands are much less expensive yet contains the same quantity of the active ingredient as more expensive brands.
Look for products that are cream or ointments to be applied using a plunger applicator which is filled with the cream for each use. Do not select products that have the medication encapsulated in a gelatin capsule or are in the form of hard suppositories since these delivery methods do not lend themselves to use by a male.
The next of the three best ways to treat male yeast infections is simply a dietary choice. Because the bacteria which cause a penile yeast infection or male yeast infection that affects the genital area have over-multiplied from the numbers normally present in the human body, consuming yogurt, smoothies, buttermilk or other products which contain active cultures can cure the infection by restoring the natural balance.
The good bacteria in active cultures work to control the number of yeast present, resulting in a cure. Some people find these foods distasteful and prefer to take a dietary supplement which contains acidophilus.
A natural home remedy that is very effective in mild cases of male yeast infection, especially when the infection symptoms involve itchy, flaky skin on the male genitals involves creating an environment in which the yeast bacteria do not thrive by changing the skin pH. Mixing boric acid with water in a shallow bath works great for most male yeast infections.
Add two tablespoons of boric acid to a warm sitz bath about three inches in depth, just deep enough to soak the genital area well. This is a treatment in which more is not better. Do not add too much boric acid or it can cause dry skin, irritation and other side effects and the pH provided by the recommended mixture is sufficient to discourage the yeast bacteria overpopulation.
If none of the three best ways to treat male yeast infections work in a stubborn case, you should talk to your doctor who can prescribe medication effective in cases that require super-strength treatment to obtain a cure of the male yeast infection.
During treatment for male yeast infection, be sure you do not pass the infection to your sex partner. In fact, you may well have gotten the infection from a partner with a yeast infection. It is quite common for partners who practice unprotected sex to pass yeast bacteria back and forth, resulting in an seemingly chronic infection. Instead, both partners should treat their yeast infections and abstain from sex for a few days until both are free of all symptoms.
If you wish to have sex during treatment, use protection but some men have found that use of a latex condom that is treated with noxinol-9 can be irritating during an active infection.
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