Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How Can You Tell if You are Suffering from a Chronic Yeast Infection

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Unfortunately when it comes to diagnosing a chronic yeast infection carrying out your own diagnosis can actually be the wrong diagnosis altogether. There are some other vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis and Trichomoniasis have very similar symptoms to chronic yeast infection. Also both of these as well as chronic yeast infection can be associated with serious reproductive healthy conditions that may lead to problems with a woman's pregnancy after the baby has been delivered.

More often than not a chronic yeast infection will involve a vaginal discharge which has an offensive odor to it as well as causing serious irritation that is not considered to be normal. But in order for a doctor or health professional to correctly diagnose if you are suffering from chronic yeast infection they will need to carry out a gynecological exam to see whether your vagina is inflamed or has an abnormal discharge. In some cases the doctor may send off a sample of the vaginal discharge to a laboratory in order that it can be examined under a microscope or for a yeast culture. A yeast culture is a test carried out in laboratory conditions to see if Candida fungi grows. Also by looking at the discharge under a microscope a doctor or health professional is able to rule out either BV or Trichomoniasis as being the cause and need a different course of treatment compared to a chronic yeast infection.

However, in general it is acceptable for people to use an over the counter anti-fungal medication in order to treat the symptoms themselves in cases where they have had a yeast infection diagnosed before by their doctor and because they are now experiencing the same symptoms. However, if you happen to meet any of the following criteria and think you are suffering from chronic yeast infection then you should contact your doctor immediately.

1. You have never had a yeast infection before.
2. You either have a fever or abdominal pain or you are suffering from both.
3. The vaginal discharge has a strong offensive smell to it.
4. You are either diabetic, HIV positive, pregnant or nursing a young child.
5. You have tried some of the over the counter medications that are readily available but the symptoms have not improved or they have not gone away almost straight away.

But whether you use an over the counter or prescribed medication in order to treat your chronic yeast infection it is important that you complete the course. You should not even stop using even if you are feeling better as this will only allow the chance for the chronic yeast infection to return.

For additional information on chronic yeast please

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