Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Look at Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection

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Milk or yogurt containing live Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures can provide a natural remedy for a vaginal yeast infection. Lactobacillus helps to keep Candida yeast organisms in the body in check, thus preventing and treating yeast overgrowth and infection. A clinical study has shown that daily consumption of at least 8 ounces of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus helped to reduce the number of the yeast organisms. Drinking acidophilus milk or taking acidophilus capsules can have similar benefits.

Another natural remedy for vaginal yeast infection is garlic. For a home remedy, take a clove of fresh garlic, peel it, wrap it in gauze, and insert the clove into the vagina. It needs to be removed and replaced two times a day. This is to help relieve symptoms and reduce the yeast growth. You can also use natural garlic clove suppositories or simply consume a clove of garlic a day as a preventative methods.

White vinegar can also be used as a home remedy. You can use the white vinegar to make a homemade douche. Simply combine one tablespoon of white vinegar with one pint of water. Apply the solution to the vaginal area two times a day, for five to seven days. The white vinegar solution will increase the acidity level of the vaginal area, inhibiting and lowering the growth of Candida yeast organisms.

Grapefruit seed extract is also a natural home remedy for vaginal yeast infection. For this remedy, simply add 10 to fifteen drops of grapefruit seed extract to a glass of water. Drink it every day for about a month.

Natural remedies can be effective for treating many vaginal yeast infections. But for persistent or recurring yeast infections, you need to see a medical doctor. It may be that your problem is not a yeast infection at all. It could be something else, such as a bacterial infection, in which case you may require medical treatment.

Worried about whether you or your partner is showing signs of a yeast infection? You can find helpful information about its causes and remedies at

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