Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yeast Infections - Why High-Sugar Diets Are Sometimes to Blame for Chronic Yeast Infections

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It has been known for some time that a high-sugar diet, or a diet high in simple carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, can contribute to chronic yeast infections.

Research studies have shown that the yeast population in mice will skyrocket (and become infectious), if the mice are fed a high-sugar diet. The same thing happens in humans. Unfortunately, many people the Western world eat too much refined sugar and simple carbohydrates. This poor dietary choice has become a major factor in the increase in obesity and diabetes, and can increase the chances of yeast infections, too.

What are refined sugars and simple carbohydrates?

All types of sugar (white, brown, powdered, raw, Turbinado, etc.), white flour, corn syrup, maple syrup, and white rice are the most common simple carbohydrates that we eat. You can assume that any flour made of grain that has been refined to remove the nutritious germ and high-fiber bran is going to be very attractive to yeast, just like candy and other forms of sugar.

Honey is also a simple sugar, but small amounts of honey may actually be beneficial to the important bacteria in your gut. For this reason, a teaspoon or two of honey every day may actually be good for you, but you won't want to get carried away if you have chronic yeast infections caused by Candida albicans yeast.

Many people find their chronic yeast infections clear up when they just stop eating anything containing sugar or white flour. This is a simple dietary change that is fairly easy for most people to do. As a bonus, this one change also helps you lose the extra pounds you?re carrying around, and can prevent or reverse the insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.

Sugar and white flour are full of calories, but have almost no nutritional value at all, so your health is certainly not at risk if you give them up.

Both sugar and white flour should be avoided like the plague if you currently have a yeast infection, and you should seriously consider cutting down or eliminating these products permanently to keep your yeast infection from coming back.

High-calorie diets also lead to obesity, which may in turn lead to insulin resistance and diabetes or a pre-diabetic condition. You can be eating a high-calorie diet even without sugar or pasta if you eat a lot of fat, or if you eat a healthy diet but load up your plate with too much food. One of the most effective things you can do for your long-term health is to grab a good, well-researched book on nutrition and learn as much as you can about maintaining a healthy diet. Two of the best books on nutrition (for overall health, and not just yeast infections) are Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD and Eat More, Weight Less by Dean Ornish, MD.

You don't need a special "Candida" diet to reduce your chances of getting yeast infections, but a healthy diet is a must. Reduce or eliminate sugar, white bread and pasta, and watch your portions, and you may never have another yeast infection.

To learn more about the things that can cause yeast infections, and to learn about the safe, natural remedies that eliminate the irritating symptoms of this common condition, visit

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