Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Learn How to Prevent Yeast Infection: 7 Invaluable Tips

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No one likes the pain, itching, and discomfort of a yeast infection. So, learning how to prevent yeast infection can help you to avoid having to deal with this troublesome condition any more than you have to.

1. Don't douche too often. If you douche too often, you could kill off lactobacilli bacteria. And this "good" bacteria helps fight the fungus that causes yeast infection. So, limit yourself to douching no more than once a week.

2. Don't skimp on the vitamin C. When your immunity is down, you're more prone to getting yeast infections. Vitamin C helps to strengthen your immunity. So, make sure you eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C (like oranges, grapefruit, mango, papaya, red and green bell pepper, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, and potatoes). If you don't think you're getting enough vitamin C in your diet, consider taking vitamin supplements.

3. Wear cotton underwear. Candida albicans (yeast) is the fungus that can cause yeast infections. And candida thrives in a moist, warm environment. Unlike some other fabrics, like nylon, cotton is able to breathe, which promotes coolness and dryness. Cotton also absorbs moisture away from your skin. So, when it comes to undergarments, cotton is the way to go. You should also use cotton feminine hygiene products. 4. Get out of a wet swimsuit as soon as possible. Staying cool and dry is the best way to prevent candida from thriving. Walking around in a damp swimsuit definitely won't help. So, when you get out of the water, change out of your wet swimsuit as soon as possible.

5. Use plain, white toilet paper. When I was young, my mother banned anything but white, unscented toilet paper from the house. And, it seems, with good reason. The dyes and perfumes in colored, decorative, and scented toilet paper can cause irritation, which could lead to yeast infection.

6. Avoid powders that contain starch. Some women sprinkle powders in their underwear, thinking they will absorb moisture and keep the area dry. But avoid powders that contain starch. Starch can actually help fungus, like candida, grow and thrive.

7. Watch your sugar intake. Yeast thrives on sugar, and women who eat a lot of products that contain refined white sugar might find that they suffer from recurring yeast infections. You don't have to avoid sugar all together, just practice moderation. You can also satisfy your sweet tooth by substituting honey or brown sugar for white sugar.

Learning how to prevent yeast infection can help you to avoid this unpleasant condition, and all of the pain, inconvenience, and embarrassment it can cause.

For more health tips, visit The Tip Trove.

And if you are searching for a way to treat yeast infection without drugs, you can learn about the natural way to cure yeast infection from health researcher Sarah Summer.

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