Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, December 7, 2007

Do You Have Yeast Infection Candida Albicans Symptoms?

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The yeast infection Candida, or a similar yeast infection will affect about 3 in 4 women at some stage in their lives.

Even though it is somewhat more common than it was years ago it is a subject, which many women still find very difficult to discuss, leaving many to avoid treatment and put up with the symptoms.

However, this is never a good idea. Although mild symptoms of candida albicans can be just an irritation, chronic candidiasis, which can eventually occur is a serious medical condition, which left unchecked could lead to severe symptoms.

There are many places now especially on the internet where people can get the information they need to understand what candida is, what causes it, the signs and symptoms as well as how it can be treated.

Continue reading to find out how you can join our free newsletter to find out how to naturally combat candida.

It is vitally important that if a woman thinks she is suffering from a yeast infection she talks to her doctor or another health professional.

Through them they will be able to find the best route possible in order to treat this very common but uncomfortable infection.

One of the first things a person will normally need to do in order to combat the effects of Candida is to alter their diet.

In most cases it would be wise if they eliminated both refined sugars and yeast from their diet as well as increase the amount of probiotics (good bacteria) into their digestive system.

It is the good bacteria, along with a fully working immune system that suppresses the Candida from growing and causing the infection.

Should a persons immune system become repressed or they have reduced levels of probiotics in their digestive system this allows the yeast infection (Candida) to begin growing.

There are round about 20 different types of Candida to be found in the human body and the most common of all of these strains is Candida Albicans.

Although this fungi lives quite happily on and inside our bodies the majority of the time it can, under certain conditions, become so plentiful that it will cause an infection.

These infections will normally occur in the moist damp areas of the human body such as in the genital area of women (the vagina), the mouth or between folds of skin, like under the breasts or armpits.

Should candida enter your bloodstream, allowing the spores to infaltrate the body and enter major organs, it can cause serious complications.

Often a repressed immune system is the reason that candida can multiply in the body. This may be due to an illness or through a form of medication that they are taking such as chemotherapy.

Candida can also start to multiply quickly if there are insufficient levels of good bacteria in our digestive system. These good bacteria or probiotics feed off candida, which helps to suppress the numbers and allow the body to keep the upper hand.

This normally occurs because a person has taken antibiotics prescribed by their doctor for an extended period of time. Antibiotics take a broad stance and will often indiscriminately kill any bacteria, including the good ones that are vital for effective digestion.

To combat this it?s often recommended that a probiotic supplement be taken by people on prolonged courses of antibiotics to help keep yeast infection candida albicans in check.
Sign up to Jane Symm?s free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling the yeast infection candida at Eliminate Candida Naturally.

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