Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Is A Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection?

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Although it is thought that candida is present in everyone, a Candida Albicans intestinal yeast infection is very unlikely unless certain conditions are met.

The main reasons for a candida albicans infection in the intestines are:

- The log term and repeated use of antibiotics.

- A suppressed immune system, either through illness, medication or lifestyle

- A Diet that is high in starch and sugars.

When candida albicans is in its normal state it is quite harmless and forms part of the approximately 500 different type of organisms that live in the GI tract.

However, when the levels of friendly bacteria in the gut is reduced to an unhealthy level, the immune system becomes compromised and the environment in the gut changes. This allows the candida to thrive and increases the risk of it sticking to the intestinal wall and changing its form from yeast to fungus.

Candida Albicans is dimorphic, which means it is a type of yeast that has two forms, either as a simple round yeast cell, or as a fungus. In the fungal form it has tentacle like outgrowths called hyphae that can penetrate the tissue of the body.

If given the opportunity to thrive, it increases in number at an incredible rate and when this it can cause numerous problems and symptoms.

Candida is yeast so as a part of its metabolism it produces ethanol and acetaldehyde (responsible for some of the symptoms of a hangover). These amounts are normally so small that they are eliminated along with other toxins within the body.

However, when the levels of candida overgrowth become high, then the levels of alcohol and other toxins in the body increase and cause many of the symptoms associated with a candida overgrowth like migraines, fatigue and bloating.

A study carried out in the UK tested a number of sick patients, checking their levels of ethanol a short time after ingesting a sugar solution. It was found that the patients consistently had high ethanol levels and was concluded that it came from an intestinal yeast overgrowth.

If candida is allowed to transform into its fungal form, then the hyphae can burrow through the intestinal wall, which can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome. This is where toxins and food matter enter the bloodstream. It also allows the candida to enter the bloodstream and release spores and so become systemic.

If this happens one of the symptoms is that a person may become hypoallergenic to various things or trigger other autoimmune diseases. Once the candida and toxic substances have been provided with access to the bloodstream they can then start to cause problems for other parts of the body including organs such as the kidneys, lungs, liver, heart and brain.

Also, when Candida is allowed to proliferate (grow out of control) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract it can prevent our digestive system from digesting and assimilating nutrients as effectively. This can lead to a mineral or vitamin deficit and also compromise our immune response.

Continue reading to discover natural methods to relieve candida and sign up for our free newsletter.

If you believe that you have the symptoms of a Candida Albicans intestinal yeast infection then make an appointment to see your medical practitioner. They will most likely prescribe a course of anti ? fungal medication, a change in diet and potentially some lifestyle changes for you to adopt.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection

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