Top 5 Causes of Yeast Infections
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Yeast infections are due to an imbalance in the body. Specifically, a build up of candidal organisms in the affected area. So what causes this build up?
There are many factors that create a perfect setting for an increase in the level of yeast from normal levels:
-The use of strong antibiotics, which kills bacteria, can set the stage for yeast infections. Interestingly enough, it is the efficacy of these antibiotics that is the culprit. The effect of antibiotic use is that ALL bacteria are killed, even the ones that keep yeast in check. This allows yeast to grow unchallenged.
-Stress is another contributor. Under stress, the body is under great imbalance. This imbalance creates an environment ripe for yeast to multiply in.
-Use of douches and scented feminine hygiene products can cause a chemical imbalance in the vaginal environment. These changes in PH levels can also contribute to the onset of yeast infections.
-Weakened immune systems caused by HIV/Aids, cancer, and other immunodeficiency disorders can weaken the body?s natural ability to regulate yeast production. It is important to seek medical advice if recurrent episodes of yeast infection occur. This can be a sign of other, life threatening conditions.
-Clothing can also be another cause for yeast infections. Items such as pantyhose, tight jeans, and synthetic fiber undergarments do not allow the vagina to breathe. This can create excess heat and moisture in the vagina. Heat and moisture are obviously great environments for yeast to grow.
There are many causes for yeast infections. The list above is but a small sampling of the causes that are most common. Nothing in this article is earth shattering. If you suffer from yeast infections, take stock of your lifestyle and make the necessary changes to promote healthier, less stressful habits that promote good health. Use common sense and avoid the conditions that are most likely to trigger a yeast infection.
Moncef Ahardan is a proponent and student of natural supplementation. For an all natural supplement that can help you fight yeast infections in a safe manner, without the side effects of antibiotics, click on
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