Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bacterial Yeast Infection - What is it and What to do About It?

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A bacterial yeast infection, whether present in the female vagina or the male penis, is annoying and painful. It can also be spread by sexual activity to an uninfected sexual partner if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs.

A bacterial yeast infection is simply the overgrowth of bacteria that is always present, to some extent, in the human body. These bacteria are present in the human digestive tract, sexual organs, and sometimes even the mouth.

When provided with an environment in which the yeast can multiply and flourish, the number of bacteria becomes so great that symptoms occur.

Symptoms of a bacterial yeast infection in females can include itching and burning of the genital area including the vulva, labia, and vagina.

There may be a discharge from the vagina which can be cloudy, or thick and white, and may have the consistency of cottage cheese. The discharge may also have a strange smell or odor which is not normal or the vaginal area.

The signs in a male can range from completely non-existent to itching and burning of the penis. The male may experience a discharge from the penis and painful or burning as urine is passed.

An infection caused by yeast bacteria can be present in babies, children, or adults of either gender and may occur without any sexual contact of any kind.

Because the genital area is moist and warm, bacteria can flourish and yeast can over-multiply. Even babies can get these infections when feces in diapers contact their genital organs.

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