Just What Is A Yeast Infection?
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A yeast infection or candidiasis is an infection which is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast in the body. Today there are more than 20 species of Candida and the most common of these is Candida Albicans. What a person should know is that this fungi lives on the surface of all our bodies and under certain circumstances they can become so numerous that they cause an infection. These infections will often particularly occur in warm and moist areas of the body such as those around the vaginal and anus areas of the body. Such infections are referred to as vaginal yeast infection, thrush, skin and diaper rush. Also a person may suffer from a yeast infection in their nail beds too.
As mentioned above such yeast infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas and this includes the underarms. Although a person's skill will usually effectively block yeast from entering the body but if there is any breakdown or cuts in the skin then this may allow the fungi or yeast to enter a person's body. As we grow older some adults may find they suffer from oral yeast infections and this becomes more common as a person's age increases. But most of the yeast infections that an adult will suffer from can be easily cleared up using treatments. However, for some people a yeast infection that is recurring may be the sign that they are suffering from a more serious illness such as diabetes, leukemia or AIDS.
There are many varieties of yeast infection and as mentioned earlier these can usually be found in exposed or moist parts of the body such as:-
1. Oral Thrush
2. Vaginal Candidiasis or Thrush
3. Diaper Rash - Often found in the folds of the skin around the diaper area on a baby.
It is noted that Candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginal irritation in women and it can also infect the male genitals also (known as male yeast infection) and is particularly prevalent in men who have been circumcised.
But luckily today there are many ways in which a yeast infection can be treated and before starting any course of treatment for a yeast infection a sufferer should consult their doctor first.
Looking for more information on what is a yeast infections and how to prevent it visit http://www.what-is-a-yeast-infection.com/
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