What is the Cause of Yeast Infections
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The statistics reports that at least 75% of the women in their lifetime will get at least one yeast infection. Some of theses women will even get recurring yeast infections. But to prevent them you first need to be well informed about the cause of yeast infection.
First I must clarify the fact that there is no one cause for vaginal yeast infection. There are various factors that provoke them such as:
- Simple stress
- Hormonal changes
- Transference through sexual intercourse
- And more
So because of this it is a good idea to be well informed about the different cause of yeast infections. To be aware of theses causes will help you avoid getting a yeast infection in the long run.
One cause of yeast infections is antibiotics. You see antibiotics are created to kill of any bacteria in your body. The problem with this is that sometimes these antibiotics, whether they overused or not, will kill some of the good bacteria?s in your body. The side effect can often be an imbalance in your body therefore increasing the growth of yeast producing bacteria.
As I wrote earlier stress can also become a cause of yeast infections. Stress as the power to change your hormones around resulting in a yeast infection.
Also hormonal changes are a major factor in the cause of yeast infections. Pregnant women, lactating women and menopausal are affected greatly. For the average women the same applies with their menstruation cycle.
As for men the most usual cause of yeast infection is through sexual intercourse with yeast infected woman. This also includes oral sex.
Other factors can be a major cause of yeast infections in women. Factor such as :
- the use of douches
- scented feminine hygiene products
- feminine sprays
- regular use of spermicidal cream
- and more
The combinations of some or all of these products will sometimes imbalance the delicate balance of the vagina which in turn can create a yeast infection.
Another well known cause of yeast infection that is largely overlooked is clothing. Items like tight jeans, pantyhose and synthetic underwear prevents the vagina from breathing properly. Clothing articles made from man made fibers will often do the same thing.
Click here if you want more information about the Cause of Yeast Infections. We provide various information to help understand and treat yeast infections. Find the best Yeast Infection Treatment and Yeast Infection Cure
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