See A Doctor Before Treating A Yeast Infection If You Are Pregnant
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Many women are concerned about treating yeast infections if they are pregnant. Being pregnant comes with its share of challenges, including an increased risk of yeast infection. Yeast infection is especially common during the second trimester of pregnancy. Because some medications should not be used during pregnancy, it is very important that women see their health professionals before attempting to treat a yeast infection when they are pregnant.
Candidas albicans is the fungus that causes yeast infections in pregnant women. Although some yeast is always present in the vagina, it does not normally take the form of infection due to the acidic environment there. When a woman is pregnant her body goes through many hormonal changes that affect her body, including the sensitive vaginal environment. When a woman is pregnant, the increased sugar levels in the vaginal secretions feed the yeast giving rise to infection.
When a woman is pregnant the signs of yeast infection are hard to ignore. Early symptoms of pregnancy yeast infection usually include extreme itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning and redness in the vagina and vulva. This may be followed by an odorless, white, creamy or cottage cheese like vaginal discharge. Experiencing pain during urination and sex are some of the common symptoms of yeast infection when pregnant.
The main concern of every pregnant woman is the safety of the baby in her womb. For this reason, many pregnant women become very distressed when they find out that they are suffering from a yeast infection. The good news is that yeast infection usually has no effect on the developing baby. However, there is a slim chance that the newborn baby may come in contact with the yeast infection as he or she passes through the birth canal. This infection, called thrush, causes white patches in the baby's mouth, which can be passed to mother when the child is breast feeding. Thrush is not a serious condition and is easily treated.
Your physician will perform a test to determine the best way to treat a yeast infection when you are pregnant. Your doctor will take a sample of your vaginal discharge and check it for yeast to confirm the diagnosis. If you do have a yeast infection, your doctor will give you a medication that is safe to use to treat a yeast infection when are pregnant.
Learn more about vaginal yeast infection on our site. You'll also find other information such as yeast infection while breast feeding and diaper cream and yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Labels: oral_yeast_infection, pregnant_yeast_infection, untreated_yeast_infection, yeast_infection_cream, yeast_infection_medicin