Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What You Can Do About Chronic Yeast Infections

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A chronic yeast infection can be an indication that the immune system is not working properly. People with chronic health conditions like diabetes and HIV are prone to chronic yeast infections.

In people with weakened immune systems, chronic yeast infections can affect various internal organs and cause pain or dysfunction of the organ. Approximately 85% of people with HIV contract a chronic yeast infection called esophagitis in their upper gastrointestinal system. This infection is similar to thrush but extends down the mouth and esophagus to the stomach. Candida esophagitis can cause painful ulcers throughout the GI system, making it difficult to swallow anything, even lukewarm liquids. If the infection spreads into the intestines, food may be poorly absorbed. People with this type of chronic yeast infection are in danger of becoming dehydrated.

If Candida yeast gets into the bloodstream, a person may become sick without fever. If the infection spreads to your brain, acute changes in mental function or behavior may occur.

When it comes to chronic yeast infections, self diagnosis may be a misdiagnosis. A handful of other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) the most common cause of vaginitis in the US, and trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, cause similar symptoms. BV and trichiomoniasis may also be associated with serious reproductive health conditions that may lead to problems during pregnancy and after delivery.

A chronic yeast infection that includes a vaginal discharge that has an offensive odor with irritation is not normal and should be taken seriously. To diagnose your vaginal symptoms your health professional will perform a gynecological exam to check your vagina for inflammation and abnormal discharge. A sample of the vaginal discharge may be taken for laboratory examination under a microscope or for a yeast culture, a test to see if Candida fungi grow under laboratory conditions. Looking under a microscope also helps rule out other causes of discharge such as BV or trichomoniaisis, which require a different course of treatment than chronic yeast infections.

In general, it is acceptable to use OTC antifungal medication to self treat your symptoms if you?ve had a yeast infection diagnosed by your health care professional before and you are now experiencing exactly the same symptoms. However, if you meet any of the following criteria, do not self treat. Instead, contact a health professional for guidance:
? You?ve never had a yeast infection before
? You have fever and/or abdominal pain
? Your vaginal discharge is foul-smelling
? You are diabetic HIV positive, pregnant or nursing
? You used an over the counter yeast treatment but your symptoms have not gone away or they returned almost immediately.

If you take medication to treat a chronic yeast infection (whether it?s over the counter or prescription medication) be sure to use the full course of medication. Don?t stop using it, even if you feel better.

If you have chronic yeast infections you should make an appointment with your doctor for a complete physical examination. Chronic yeast infections may be caused by a serious underlying medical condition.

Chronic: Ongoing
Esophagitis: A chronic yeast infection of the esophagus

Learn more about yeast infections treatment on our site. You'll also find other information such as male yeast infection and yeast infection in prostate. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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