Yeast Infection Information & Natural Remedies For This Problem
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The most common type of yeast infection is vaginal yeast infection. Another form of yeast infection, however, is the candidiasis or candida. Candidiasis or candida may occur both in men and women in other parts of the body, usually the skin. In this article, however, we shall focus on vaginal yeast infection.
The beginning of vaginal yeast infections are caused, many times, by injury to the vulvar or vaginal membranes. Other environmental conditions that are favorable for yeast infection are: increased pH, heat and moisture, high sugar levels, and hormonal changes. Yeast is usually controlled by helpful bacteria. A decrease in the level of healthy bacteria adds to the risk of uncontrolled yeast reproduction, and thus infection.
The usual symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include vaginal itching, the presence of thick and white vaginal discharge, irritation, and rashes in areas around the vagina. Common unrelated symptoms include fever, back pain, or vomiting. Yeast infections, contrary to mistaken popular belief, do not fall under the category of sexually transmitted diseases. Although yeast may be transmitted through sexual intercourse, the act of sexual intercourse itself does not cause infection.
Women who are diabetic and those with a considerably weak immune system are more susceptible to yeast infection than others. Yeast feeds on sugars called glycogen and glucose. Diabetic persons have a high concentration of these sugars in their blood. A weak immune system opens the door for all sorts of infection, including yeast infection.
An important dietary component to avoid yeast infections is to avoid taking food with very high glycogen and glucose content. This is especially true for diabetic women.
Vitamin supplements that could prevent the recurrence of yeast infections include Colloidal silver, vitamins B3, B5 and B6. These vitamins help in boosting the immune system, thus helping in the minimizing of yeast fermentation. Supplements that have the amino acids L-Lysine and L-Threonine also would help out in keeping a strong immune system. It would also be good to take on vitamin supplements that have either L-Methionine or L-Cysteine since these are chemicals or antioxidants that rid the body of oxidants that stim
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ulate yeast replication.
Labels: cause_of_yeast_infection, oral_yeast_infection, yeast_infection, yeast_infection_picture