Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Natural Yeast Infection Cures, Apple Cider Vinegar A Natural Alternative

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Yeast infections in women can be painful and very difficult to treat. Whilst there are a large amount of medical treatments available, people have reported that they can be ineffective and even worse, the side effects are worse then the infection. Given that medical treatments for yeast infections can be very expensive it is not surprising to find that many people are now seeking more natural cures for yeast infections.

A quick internet search shows a multitude of different natural solutions from yogurt right through to washing with tea tree oil. The main crux with natural yeast infection cures is they seek to balance the pH or acidity of the body thus removing the environment that allows yeast or Candida, it?s medical name, to flourish.

One treatment that has received much public support is Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used both to bath the affected area or drunk in a dilute solution to help balance the bodies acid levels.

Internet reports state that drinking a dilute mix of two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water twice a day has been very helpful in treating yeast infections with many saying that it works faster and better then the medical treatment they had previously tried.

Other people have reported great relief from their candidiasis symptoms by using two cups of vinegar in a low bath and gently bathing the area. One person reports she was able to see the dramatic difference in her level of swelling and pain within two bath treatments.

Importantly it has been noted that the best Apple Cider to use is the organic or ?raw? apple cider vinegar, this is the brown murky type. It would appear that this is more effective then the clear distilled type. One reader also has warned that moderation is the key, that in enthusiasm she has consumed a large quantity that this pushed her pH balance out of range and this actually made the infection worse.

As with all natural yeast infection cures it is best to go gently in the early stages as you learn your own body?s reaction to the treatments. I recommend you always consult with a doctor who understands of your wishes to trial natural treatments.

You can learn more about natural yeast infection cures by visiting

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