Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Five Steps to Cure Yeast Infections Rapidly

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast is probably one of the most uncomfortable common infections people get. Most commonly it effects women but it can manifest itself anywhere on the body and even systemically in either sex. Even infants can have it as a diaper rach or in the mouth as thrush. Yeast can either be a vaginal infection or it can be a skin rash. Yeast infections most commonly effect women who are of childbearing age. This infection is caused by Candida albicans, which is a strain of yeast. This, as well as other strains of yeast naturally crop up in a woman's vagina and in everyone's body, in miniscule amounts and are kept in control by Lactobacillus acidophilus, a naturally ocuuring bacterium. However, a yeast infection occurs when there is an inbalance in the body.

There are many resons for this inbalance. For example, the common use of broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids, and birth control pills is greatly responsible for the problem. Another reason is simply biological, due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy and surrounding a womans menstrual cycle the body's tenuous balance is thrown off. Frequent sex can also cause yeast in some women becasue the acidic enviroment of the vagina is changed by the semen causing an infection. Other causes of infection can be tight clothes, wet bathing suits or even frequent douching.

There many remedies at the pharmacy which will kill the yeast. These can make you comfortable but they do not restore the healthy balance to your body. Natural home remedies have a longer lasting effect and can be used alone or in conjunction with the pharmecutical remedies. Usually natural home remedies can be used on a daily basis not only to cure the yeast infection but to ensure it doesn't return.

There are 5 steps to curing a yeast infection that I have found to create a yeast free life stlye.

Wear loose cotton clothes especially cotton underwear.

Take Acidlopholus(can be found at health food stores) or in yogurt.

Use a tampon and cover it in plain yogurt. Insert it and by morning you will be symptom free. This site has a great all natural remedy that gave me relief in hours with out using any pharmacutical drugs.

These 5 steps and a thourough understanding of why yeast infections occur can keep you yeast free for ever. Good Luck.

A 41 year old Boston University Graduate, mother of two enjoys writing. She has spent years learning and researching the practical everyday side of life.

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