Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, October 26, 2007

Yogurt: A Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection

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It's an unfortunate fact of life. Most women suffer from yeast infections at one time or another. And, for some women, yeast infections--along with the itching, burning, and other unpleasant side effects that go with them--are a recurring problem.

Fortunately, there's a natural remedy for yeast infection. And it might be sitting in your refrigerator right now.

Yogurt Really Is Good For You

Studies have found that when women who suffered from frequent yeast infections started to eat yogurt daily, they had fewer occurrences of yeast infections. And, when they did get yeast infections, the condition cleared up faster.

Why? The lactobacillus cultures found in yogurt help to fight the fungus that causes yeast infections.

A Daily Dose

Doctors recommend eating at least half a cup of yogurt that contains live cultures every day. While most yogurt contains live cultures, it doesn't hurt to read the label for the words "active cultures," just to make sure.

What If You Don't Like Yogurt?

If you don't like yogurt, drinking milk that contains live lactobacillus will also be effective. The next time you're at the grocery store, look for milk that has "cultured milk," "acidophilus milk," or "kefir milk" on the label.

How About Internal Use?

Some believe that the best way to use yogurt as a natural remedy for yeast infection is by inserting plain yogurt into the vaginal area. But why go through all that when eating yogurt has been proven effective, and doesn't cause nearly as much mess or discomfort.

Yeast infections can be a painful and embarrassing. But a daily dose of yogurt could be just what you need to prevent or alleviate this bothersome condition.

For more health tips, visit The Tip Trove.

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