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Thursday, December 13, 2007

How Candida Yeast Infections Effect You

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Candida yeast infections are caused by a group of microscopic fungi.

Although these fungi can live quite happily in the body, on the surface of the skin or in the digestive system, it only takes a certain set of circumstances and they can start to reproduce rapidly, causing what is commonly called a yeast infection.

The Candida yeast infection particularly thrives in an environment that is moist and warm, such as in the digestive system, in the vagina, as well as in the folds of the skin, on the skin as well as the nail bed.

The most common reason for a woman to suffer from vaginal burning, itching and a discharge is because they are suffering from a yeast infection.

Unfortunately, as the Candida yeast is found in the vagina of most women it can overgrow if the environment and conditions in a womans' vagina changes. One of the main reasons why a woman will suffer from vaginal yeast infection is through excessive use of antibiotics or steroids.

Also pregnancy, the menstrual cycle, sperm, diabetes as well as birth control pills can contribute to a woman developing a Candida yeast infection. And unfortunately these infections can become even more common after menopause commences.

So, if you think you are suffering from a Candida yeast infection when is the best time to consult your doctor in order to get it diagnosed and treated properly?

I would suggest the best time is right NOW. There is no good reason to wait for a candida infection to spread and get worse. In fact, the repercussions of such a decision can lead to a number of severe complications.

If you have tried over the counter treatments, and find that they either do not work, or the symptoms become worse, then you should seek the advice of a medical professional.

It is not unusual for the symptoms of candida infections to be confused with other condition such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis as well as bacterial vaginosis, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible to get the appropriate treatment.

If you find that your condition not only worsens, but you start to suffer from fever, chills, nausea along with vomiting. Or the rash begins to spread to other parts of your body then you should seek medical advice immediately, as it may be the result of may more serious illness.

In general at least 3 in 4 women will at some points in their lives suffering from Candida yeast infections and thankfully these problems can soon be treated if they are diagnosed and treated successfully.

They can either be treated using more conventional Western forms of medication such as anti-fungal medications or you can decide to go the alternative route and use more natural treatments instead. A combination of both usually be used.

Continue reading to find out how you can sign up for our free newsletter and discover natural methods to relieve candida symptoms.

Once candida yeast infections have been diagnosed there are a number of treatment options available, and these will be covered in future articles.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about candidia yeast infection along with more information on the treatment of chronic yeast infections.

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