Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, December 21, 2007

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Work!

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Natural yeast infection remedies have gained much popularity in recent years to cure yeast infection. People seems to have caught on the health bug and are turning more and more to natural remedies for answers to their illnesses. It is not difficult to understand since most over-the-counter medications and drugs are rarely without side effects. Yeast infection is a condition that could rebound, and more are starting to look towards natural yeast infection remedies for permanent solutions.

We will look at some self-care tips before disclosing several effective natural yeast infection remedies that we can use.

Self-Care To Prevent Yeast Infection

1. Foods to avoid

Some foods encourage yeast growth such as alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, processed foods, sugar, products containing wheat and white flour, margarine, milk and dairy products.

2. Personal Care

a. Refrain from sharing common bath area such as pools, baths and other public areas where full immersion takes place. This is so as to avoid exposure.

b. Use a condom during sexual intercourse. Remember to read the label and avoid those with nonoxynol-9 lubricant.

c. Cut down on usage of personal care products such that carry a scent like perfumes, sanitary pads, body sprays and tampons as they destroy the good bacteria that kills yeast.

d. Avoid wearing tight clothing and undergarment as they are poor ventilators of body heat. A warm and moist environment encourages yeast infection to spread. Switch to cotton clothing if you can.

Useful Natural Yeast Infection Remedies

1. Garlic

Garlic has strong antifungal properties and is a natural yeast killer. Wrap the garlic in either a piece of cheesecloth or gauze and insert the small pouch into the infected vagina overnight. The infection would die after a few applications. But make sure you are not allergic to garlic.

2. Yoghurt

Yoghurt has many uses other for consumption as a health snack. One of them is to eradicate yeast. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus which produces hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial. Use plain, non-sugared yoghurt as a topical medication on the infected vulva and vagina for healing. Eating yoghurt also helps!

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used widely in some parts of the world. It is recognized as one of the best natural yeast infection remedies. Using a tampon coated with a lubricant before adding a few drops of tea tree oil, it becomes a potent yeast infection cure.

There are many more useful and safe natural yeast infection remedies around. Be sure to read my blog if you want to find out some unique natural yeast infection remedies that have been proven to cure yeast infection within as short as 12 hours. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

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