Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Yeast Infection Home Remedies

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Bacterial vaginosis is about as unpleasant as it can be. (My wife, an RN, basically wrote this article for you ;) If you have it, it might seem like nothing is ever going to take away the unbearable itching or the uncomfortable burning sensation that plagues you almost night and day. You have probably tried just about every bacterial vaginosis treatment available on the market and nothing has worked to date. So what do you do now?

Take heart, because there are yeast infection home remedies available for you to try right in the privacy of your own home. But if you?re thinking of going the natural remedy route, you might want to first talk to your doctor to make sure that what you?re suffering from is indeed bacterial vaginosis and not some other problem! Often you can describe your symptoms on the phone and get an idea of what's going on without actually going to your doctor.

And make sure you check up on any possible drug interaction with another drug you may be taking. You want to make sure that any herbal or natural remedy that you?re planning on taking doesn?t react adversely with another drug.

But the particular bacterial vaginosis treatment that we're about to discuss is very popular and used by many women to help rid themselves of their bacterial vaginosis. It is a yeast infection home remedy that makes use of unsweetened yogurt. You may have heard of this before, but here's how to go about it:

There are two simple methods we'll cover here, but there are others. Anyway, the first method requires you to literally paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt. Since this can be a fairly messy affair before and afterwards, you might also want to wear a pad while the yogurt is within you. Make sure the yogurt is unsweetened with live bacterial cultures. So be sure to read the label first.

The second method involves the use of a tampon and is slightly less messier: Simply coat the tampon in the unsweetened yogurt and insert into the vagina. Replace it every few hours or so. How long should this go on? Use your judgment; it depends on the level of bacteria present in you when you start.

Other than using yogurt as a natural yeast infection home remedy for bacterial vaginosis treatment, there's another method that utilizes garlic. Known as your basic wonder-herb, garlic can do just about anything that you need--including warding off evil spirits! But seriously, this remedy can work if you can put up with the garlic smell. Because many women swear by this method as a great bacterial vaginosis treatment that can be done at home.

The most popular way to go about this involves peeling garlic cloves and wrapping the peeled cloves in a piece of gauze. Now tie it off with unwaxed dental floss. There may be other creative ways to do this, but this one is known to work. You then insert this suppository into your vagina leaving a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out when you need to. This should be done every few hours or overnight until the infection gets better. You didn't know you could make your own garlic suppositories, did you!

You can also take garlic in pill form, like you would for controlling bad cholesterol. Same for the yogurt bacterial culture--they can be taken in pill form. The yogurt is available as lactobacillus acidophilus tablets. This is a little slower than the suppository method, but definitely easier.

There are other natural yeast infection home remedies that work if the above two methods don't suit you. Bacterial vaginosis treatment methods can also involve apple cider vinegar baths. After you've cured yourself, remember to try to wear only cotton underwear and looser-fitting clothing. Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, stick to a good balanced diet, and exercise.

Charles and Jennifer Brown are successful Webmasters and the publisher of You can find much more information on yeast infection home remedies and about bacterial vaginal yeast infections in general on their website.

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