What's a Good Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection - Cause of Yeast Infection
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With the strong interest in natural living, many today are seeking to find a natural remedy for yeast infection and seeking to learn the cause of yeast infection to prevent further incidences.
In this article we will look at a natural remedy for yeast infection in order to treat the problem, but first let's look at some reasons as to why the yeast infection is caused.
There are several factors which can cause the balance of a woman's vagina to become imbalanced and thus result in her getting a yeast infection and they are as follows:-
1. Being treated using antibiotics can be a cause of yeast infection.
2. Oral contraceptives can cause yeast infection.
3. Wearing non ventilating clothes during hot weater will increase moisture and warmth in the vaginal area will will foster fungal growth.
4. Having repetitive intercourse over a short period of time.
5. Stress
6. You may have a suppressed immune system (which may include being caused by HIV).
7. You have a high carbohydrate diet are intaking lots of refined sugars and alcohol.
8. You may be pregnant.
9. You may suffer from diabetes. 1
10. Other causes of yeast infection can come from irritants such as soaps, powders, new detergents and other such products.
Below are a number of different natural remedies which can be used for treating yeast infection .Normally the best way of treating it is to restore the balance of good bacteria in your body against the bad bacteria as a natural remedy for yeast infection
1. Acidophilus and Bifidus. These are bacterias which will kill the yeast normally found present in healthy women and you can get them by eating yoghurts which contain live cultures. Also you can obtain these from taking lactobacillus/acidophilus supplements which are readily available at your local health food store.
2. Decrease the amount of sugar you have in your diet as sugar only helps the yeast to grow.
3. Douche. There are 2 types of douche you can try. The first is a solution of 1-3 tablespoons of vinegar added to a quart of water and then use it once a day for a week (but no longer). The second is a herbal douche made up of equal parts of raspberry, comfrey and sage which is mixed with 1/4 part goldenseal and then mixed with cider vinegar.
However, if you are someone who has never suffered from a yeast infection before it is important that you see your doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis before you try any natural remedy for yeast infection treatments. You really do not want to be treating a condition that you do not have. Also by seeing your doctor you will be provided with the correct diagnosis and then you can know what course of action to take as well as grasping the cause of yeast infection.
Carla Donnelly is a health writer and enjoys writing on women's health issues. You can visit http://yeastinfectionhelp.wordpress.com/ for latest news and info on Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection
Labels: canine_yeast_infection, oral_yeast_infection, pregnant_yeast_infection, untreated_yeast_infection, yeast_infection_cream