Ingrown Hairs Can Cause Yeast Infection
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Many yeast infections in the groin area are caused by ingrown hair which has become infected. The use of antibiotics to treat ingrown hair infection can also be a major contributing factor to yeast infections. One of the best ways to help prevent yeast infection is to take steps to prevent ingrown hair when shaving or waxing.
Shave only after the hair has been wet for at least give minutes. Hair that is wet and full of moisture can be cut easily. Hair that is not well saturated can be very strong and tough, increasing the chances of a yeast infection. As the razor passes over, the hair is pulled up from the follicle. After it is cut it retracts below the skin surface and may be forced into the surrounding tissues, causing the perfect environment for an ingrown hair and yeast infection.
Shave in the direction of the hair growth. Cutting with the grain not against it will prevent hair from being cut too short which will reduce the chances of yeast infection. Prevent ingrown hairs and yeast infection by avoiding repeat strokes over the same area.
Shave with the skin in a relaxed condition. Do not stretch the skin too taught. A little pressure may be necessary but excessive stretching can cause hair follicles to become embedded in tissues and cause ingrown hairs. Another way to prevent ingrown hair is to use a loofah in the bath or shower.
To prevent ingrown hair when waxing, pull the hair out cleanly without breaking it. To do this, apply a thin layer of wax in the direction of the hair growth preferably holding the spatula or tongue depressor at a 45 degree angle as you spread the wax. When applying the cotton strip over the wax, rub in the same direction as the hair growth, leaving about 1/3 free to allow for a firm grip for a fast back pulling action.
To prevent ingrown hair, pull the skin taut before pulling the cotton strip away. Pull back with a rapid movement close to the skin. Do not pull up or out because that is a leading cause of ingrown hairs. One fast, smooth pull back is much more effective than a series of light pulls which only increase the pain and leave patchy areas that can create the perfect environment for a yeast infection.
After 24 to 48 hours exfoliate the skin (with a loofah sponge for example) to prevent the dead skin from accumulating in areas that can become ingrown such as the bikini line, upper thighs, underarms and calves. Prevent ingrown hairs by not wearing tight clothing over freshly waxed areas to minimize the risk of irritation and yeast infection.
To learn more about how to get rid of yeast infections, visit our site where you'll learn more aboutyeast infection symptoms and yeast infections treatment options. is an useful resource to help people with identifying symptoms, prevention and treatment of yeast infection.
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