How To Prevent And Cure Yeast Infection
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Yeast infection can cause a lot of anxiety, anguish and embarrassment to many sufferers, especially for females who suffers from vaginal yeast infection. It is not a pleasant experience and definitely not something everyone knows about how to prevent and cure yeast infection. But if you follow the below mentioned recommendations and advice. Take small steps to prevent yeast infection, you are one step ahead of curing those nasty infections, and of course itching!
These are some very easy advice and steps to take note of:
Be Diligent, Clean Yourself Thoroughly
Wet or moist environments promote yeast growth. So dry those vaginal area thoroughly after swimming or after you had taken a shower. Especially after swimming, remove your swimsuit quickly and wash yourself clean with running water. If you are into physical exercises, make sure you have a good shower after that. You do not want to leave any room for the yeast to grow.
Select Suitable Type of Clothing
Think you look nice in tight clothing? Well think again! A tight, moist environment greatly increases the chance of yeast growth. Stay away from tight jeans, materials made of synthetic such as polyester. Instead wear cotton based clothing and underwear to let your skin breathe a little better.
A Little Effort Can Go A Long Way
Yeast can actually be transfer from rectum to the vagina and so, after urinating or a bowel movement, wipe yourself clean. However only use white and unscented toilet paper.
Stop Using Scented Products
Avoid using scented pads or tampons and also avoid bubble baths or scented feminine sprays, color toilet paper, deodorant. These can be irritating to the vagina.
Be Selective In Your Sugary Food
Watch out your sugar intake. Yeast grows faster with a higher level of sugar in your body. However, eat more yogurt as it contains friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus (I have no idea what it means), which prevents yeast infection. At the end of the day, switch to yogurt.
If you take the above steps to prevent the growth of yeast, curing vaginal yeast infection can be a lot easier as opposed to not doing anything about it and leave it as it is. Do you know that up to 40% of yeast infection sufferers in America does nothing to prevent and hence do nothing to cure their yeast infection? Leaving it untreated can be potentially very dangerous. Taking small positive steps to prevent it will help you cure yeast infections.
Jake Supraman is an active internet author and used to suffer from yeast infection. However he had since recovered and done loads of research on yeast infection. He maintains a blog on at this website
Labels: acidophilus_yeast_infection, breast_yeast_infection, canine_yeast_infection, male_yeast_infection, oral_yeast_infection