Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thrush, Yeast Infection and Candida- Home Treatments Explored

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Thrush- In plain English, thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth. It occurs mostly in babies and children, but also adults can get it, if they might already have a serious disease or illness. You know it is thrush usually because of a white bumpy rash in your mouth that comes on quickly, it is painful and can spread to most parts of your mouth and esophagus.

Yeast Infection- In the genital region of men and women, more commonly in women, but can be incurred by either sex, or originated by either sex, it is a common misconception that men only get yeast infections from women.

Both thrush and yeast infections are caused by the Candida yeast fungus overgrowth. Luckily there are many products you already have at home that can help clear up the symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar- applied many times a day to the infected area
Tea Tree Oil- applied to infection
Yogurt- applied to infection
Garlic- applied to infection
Oil of Oregano- applied to infection
Drinking buttermilk- two glasses a day (continue after the infection is gone to stave off recurring infection)

*Boric Acid*- Do NOT use boric acid to clear up a yeast infection it can be very dangerous as it is a toxic product.

For thrush it is important to sterilize all bottles, and pacifiers and anything else the baby or child puts in their mouth. For women who breast feed it may be a good idea to pump until the baby's infection is gone so you do not catch the infection on your breast, this can be very painful and itchy and if it causes you to stop feeding for awhile you can develop clogged milk ducts and then mastitis.

There is one way to cure yeast infections and thrush alike. It is a home remedy and information about it can be found at Home Remedies- Yeast Infection.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yeast Infection Remedy - Easy and Effective Herbal Treatments

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast is the second most common kind of vaginal infection. One of the many species of fungus called Candida causes it. Candida normally lives in small numbers in the vagina as well as in the mouth and digestive tract of both men and women.

Women are more vulnerable to get vaginal yeast infections if their bodies are under stress from poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, or when they are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune suppressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV infection are also at increased risk.

Symptoms of yeast:

The symptoms of yeast infection may vary from very mild to severe and include:

? Vaginal itch or soreness

? Thick, white, curd like discharge

? Burning discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially when urine touches the area

? Pain during sexual intercourse

? Unpleasant odour from the genitalia

? Itching and burning of the female genitals (vulva)

? Painful urination

? Vulva redness and swelling

Vaginal discharge is not always present and may be minimal, but when present may be:

? cheese like in nature

? thick, whitish-grey discharge

? watery to thick in consistency

Causes of yeast infection:

Since yeast is normal in a women's vagina, it causes an infection when a change in the balance in a woman's system occurs. For example, pregnancy, which leads to changes in hormone levels. Antibiotics can kill the normal vaginal bacteria. Then the yeast, which is usually present in or near a women's vagina can multiply.

Thus, yeast overgrowth usually occurs as the result of:

? Fatigue

? High stress

? Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle

? Increased warmth and moisture in the vaginal area

? Menopause

? Not drying the outer vaginal area thoroughly after bathing

? Birth control pills

? Poor diet

? Poorly ventilated underwear

? Poor personal hygiene

? Pregnancy

? Certain drugs

? Use of 'broad spectrum' antibiotics

? Vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication

? Sweating

? High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels making a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow

Treatment of yeast infection:

Any woman who experiences symptoms of a yeast infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to be sure that the vaginal discharge and discomfort is caused by yeast and not any other sexually transmitted infection.

Vaginal yeast infections are treated with antifungal medicines that are inserted directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories.

Treatment of sexual partners is not necessary, since most yeast infections are not transmitted sexually.

How to prevent yeast infection?

Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections.

However, one can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps ?

- Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.

- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.

- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow.

- Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays.

- Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.

- After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.

- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.

- If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels.

- Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection.

- Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.

- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.

- Do not wear underwear at night, as our body needs to dry after a day of clothing which traps heat and moisture.

Dietary recommendations for yeast infection -

Any woman with a yeast infection should be particularly careful about her diet, as some foods promote fungal growth. Try to include -

? Fresh vegetables and fruits

? Fish

? Whole grains

? Essential fatty acids, such as nuts

? Plenty of fresh water

? 1 tablespoon Isabgol husk fibre and/or 1/4 cup Oat bran daily Avoid:

? Alcohol

? Animal fats

? Caffeine

? Dairy products, such as cheese, ice-cream

? Fast foods

? Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product

? Fermented food

? Hydrogenated oils and margarine

? Processed foods

? Sugar, sweets, chocolates

? White and processed flour products

Thus, as yeast fungus thrives on sugars and carbohydrates - a vegetarian nondairy diet of protein, unrefined grains, and vegetables is best. Onions and garlic are also very helpful. Fresh, raw garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins.

Read More on Treatments by Ayurveda and Home Remedies at

Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies. - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia


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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thrush Mouth, Oral Yeast Infection and Oral Candida

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Thrush mouth, oral thrush, oral yeast infection and oral candida are all names for the same medical condition which is a yeast infection in the mucous membranes of the mouth and candida albicans growing out of control is the most common cause of these fungal infections.

We all carry around yeast organisms. The problems start when the body's chemistry becomes imbalanced. The people most often at risk for this type of infection are:

  • diabetics and others with metabolic disturbances.
  • People with AIDS/HIV.
  • newborns.
  • people that are mal-nourished.
  • people that have had oral sex with a partner suffering from thrush.
  • women whose hormones are disturbed because of pregnancy or birth control pills.
  • women undergoing fertility treatments.
  • asthma and COPD sufferers that use inhalers with steroids
  • children that fit any of the above.
  • people that consume large quantities of milk.

Diabetics, mal-nourished people, women on birth control pills, women that are pregnant, women undergoing fertility treatments and people with AIDS/HIV all have either an immune system problem or a hormonal imbalance that can make them susceptible to thrush mouth.

Newborns are constantly going through hormonal and physiological changes so they are at risk for thrush mouth and just about everything else you can think of.

Asthma and COPD sufferers can reduce the risk of getting thrush mouth by rinsing their mouths out with water after taking their medication. Reducing the amount of sugar and yeast in the diet can help all sufferers. Altering your diet, eating yogurt and taking oral medications are other treatment options.

Your body cannot process large quantities of milk fast enough to keep you from knocking your body's natural flora out of balance. Moderation in everything is good but excess in anything is usually unhealthy.

If you would like to get rid of this problem quickly visit, thrush mouth, oral yeast infection and oral candida to learn more.


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Monday, April 13, 2009

Understanding Yeast Infection And Steps To Prevent and Treat It

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Do you know that more and more people worry they may be suffering from Candida yeast infection? It is a very common disease among man and women. So what cause it? It is being caused by the overgrowth of the Candida fungi. Candida Albicans is a destructive yeast infection that starts in the digestive system and over time, spreads to other parts of the body slowly. Do you know that even underwear, if it is too tight or made out of nylon may cause Candida yeast infection? If you know the cause of your infection, you can treat them early as soon as the symptoms appear.

Watch out for the following symptoms if you suspect that you had Candida yeast infection. They include severe itching, burning, and soreness, irritation of the vagina and/or vulva, and a whitish or whitish-gray discharge.

In men it can also result in red patchy sores near the head of the penis, or on the foreskin. The sores will feel irritated and itchy, sometimes they will burn as well! Ouch! The most common locations for appearing of yeast infections are the mouth, skin and the male genitals. Treat any skin yeast or fungal infection with tea tree oil. These types of infections have signs and symptoms that vary alot, which depends on the location of the infection.

In woman, Candida yeast infection is also the most common vaginal infection. How it is usually treated is using anesthetic gels, which numbs the sore area and signal the brain from feeling the pain.

For treatment of Candida yeast infection, prescription drugs may seem to be a good solution, but all drugs have unpleasant and unwanted side effects. However, vitamins play an important part of the Candida treatment because vitamins assist your body to fight against the infection and they also postpone the effects of the menopause.

There are rules if you want to follow a Candida treatment. Firstly, you must reduce your intake of yeasty foods as they are creating the perfect environment for the multiplying of the yeast infection in your body. Secondly, processed or packaged food contains sugar, yeast or other substances, which are helping the yeast infection to spread. Sugar promotes over growth of yeast an in certain cases, frequent sufferers from yeast infection, sugar is viewed as the main culprit. So you have to consider thinking of giving up consuming this kind of food.

For some, it is recommended to consume food rich in Vitamin E, as it helps to develop resistance against the Trichomonas organism. It is an important ally for the fight against the Candida yeast infection.

Eating yogurt daily can also help to prevent and clear up yeast infection, according to some. In a nutshell, by practicing simple hygiene like washing your hands, washing your laundry daily including your underwear, you can avoid yeast infection. By understanding the cause, detecting the symptoms early and treating them as early as possible, you can avoid suffering as it is not a pleasant experience. I know that because I had just recovered from it!

Jake Supraman is an active internet author and used to suffer from yeast infection. However he had since recover and done loads of research on yeast infection. He maintains a blog on at this website

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

How To Prevent And Cure Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infection can cause a lot of anxiety, anguish and embarrassment to many sufferers, especially for females who suffers from vaginal yeast infection. It is not a pleasant experience and definitely not something everyone knows about how to prevent and cure yeast infection. But if you follow the below mentioned recommendations and advice. Take small steps to prevent yeast infection, you are one step ahead of curing those nasty infections, and of course itching!

These are some very easy advice and steps to take note of:

Be Diligent, Clean Yourself Thoroughly

Wet or moist environments promote yeast growth. So dry those vaginal area thoroughly after swimming or after you had taken a shower. Especially after swimming, remove your swimsuit quickly and wash yourself clean with running water. If you are into physical exercises, make sure you have a good shower after that. You do not want to leave any room for the yeast to grow.

Select Suitable Type of Clothing

Think you look nice in tight clothing? Well think again! A tight, moist environment greatly increases the chance of yeast growth. Stay away from tight jeans, materials made of synthetic such as polyester. Instead wear cotton based clothing and underwear to let your skin breathe a little better.

A Little Effort Can Go A Long Way

Yeast can actually be transfer from rectum to the vagina and so, after urinating or a bowel movement, wipe yourself clean. However only use white and unscented toilet paper.

Stop Using Scented Products

Avoid using scented pads or tampons and also avoid bubble baths or scented feminine sprays, color toilet paper, deodorant. These can be irritating to the vagina.

Be Selective In Your Sugary Food

Watch out your sugar intake. Yeast grows faster with a higher level of sugar in your body. However, eat more yogurt as it contains friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus (I have no idea what it means), which prevents yeast infection. At the end of the day, switch to yogurt.

If you take the above steps to prevent the growth of yeast, curing vaginal yeast infection can be a lot easier as opposed to not doing anything about it and leave it as it is. Do you know that up to 40% of yeast infection sufferers in America does nothing to prevent and hence do nothing to cure their yeast infection? Leaving it untreated can be potentially very dangerous. Taking small positive steps to prevent it will help you cure yeast infections.

Jake Supraman is an active internet author and used to suffer from yeast infection. However he had since recovered and done loads of research on yeast infection. He maintains a blog on at this website

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Vaginal and Male Yeast Infections-Why Antifungal Herbs Might Make Things Worse

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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If you now suffer from a vaginal yeast infection or a male yeast infection, you've probably searched the Web for a mild, natural cure. And you've probably landed on web pages that suggest a variety of antifungal herbs, such as oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, black walnut, etc.

If so, you found web pages written by people who believe in a syndrome that the medical community does not acknowledge or accept as scientifically valid ? called "systemic yeast infections," "systemic candidiasis," or "Candida overgrowth."

The folks who believe in this syndrome have a long list of symptoms that are supposed to be caused by having too much yeast in your gut. Genital yeast infections are included on the list, but there are over 30 other vague symptoms, too ? including such things as fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems, and infertility.

In fact, if you feel less than perfect, these folks will blame it on Candida.

It seems natural, then, to assume that the remedies recommended for this general, systemic type of yeast infection will also work for your vaginal yeast infection or male yeast infections. However, there is no proof that this is true, and there are good reasons to believe that the antifungal herbs can actually make things worse for you.

You could even find yourself with chronic yeast infections, instead of the one irritating rash you've got now.

Why? Because the most common cause of yeast infections is the use of antibiotics. And the herbs listed above are mild antibiotics. They may kill off some of the yeast in your intestinal tract (which is not the yeast that's actually making you itch), but at the same time your beneficial bacteria population will also be damaged.

For this reason, the systemic yeast infection crowd always suggests that you start eating yoghurt or taking probiotic supplements ? exactly the same recommendation you would get from your doctor to lower your risk of getting a yeast infection when you need to take antibiotics.

In other words, if the herbs have the killing power that's claimed for them, using the herbs will damage the bacterial population that is your body's first line of defense against yeast infections.

It would be in your best interest to skip the herbs altogether, and eat the yogurt. Some people with genital yeast infections also put the yogurt directly on the infected area, to get the beneficial bacteria right where they're needed. There have been no studies that prove that this works, but thousands of people swear by it, and it certainly can't hurt.

The "systemic yeast infection" web pages also recommend fairly complicated Candida diets, and there is one aspect of these diets that you should follow ? if you're suffering from a vaginal or male yeast infection you should stop eating sugar and white flour, at least until the symptoms and rash are gone.

Sugar has mild antibiotic properties and yeast loves it. It won't hurt you to give it up for a week or so.

If you want a natural, soothing yeast infection remedy, apply a mild vinegar solution to the affected area. One safe way to do this is to put a cup or more of apple cider vinegar in hot bath water, and then get in for a nice relaxing soak. Or you can sponge your genital area with a vinegar solution, if a relaxing bath doesn't appeal to you for some reason.

Ladies, do not use a vinegar douche if you have the symptoms of a yeast infection ? if you've guessed wrong and actually have a bacterial infection instead, you could cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs.

(Yeast and other fungi really don't like vinegar, so if you ever have athletes' foot or nail fungus, remember this remedy and give your tired feet a good soak in a tub of warm vinegar solution. It may smell funny, but the fungus will almost always disappear without resorting to more expensive and invasive medications from the drug store.)

So stay away from antifungal/antibiotic herbs if you have a vaginal or male yeast infection, stop eating sugar and white flour at least until the symptoms are gone, and try soaking your rash in a nice warm vinegar bath.

If these mild and safe home remedies don't work in a few days, it's time to get yourself to a doctor. No home remedy is guaranteed to cure every yeast infection.

And it's important to remember that a self-diagnosis is not always right ? your home remedy might not be working because you don't have a yeast infection. If you itch for some other reason, you need to know what really is causing your symptoms so your doctor can help you get rid of it before it does any lasting damage.

Jonni Good is the author of the definitive guide to vaginal and male yeast infections, which includes an extensive discussion about safe natural remedies, and which also shows you how to easily avoid getting another yeast infection in the future. You can read about her new book online at

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Living with Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is unpleasant. It doesn?t take a genius to figure that out, but once a person becomes a victim, life becomes limiting. Everything becomes all about the yeast infection. No time to enjoy life while all the focus, attention and energy are on one thing.

That thing for some becomes an embarrassment.

Yeast infections are most common in women, although it occurs in men as well. But one thing remains the same. It is pain to live with and a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease.

The cure to yeast infection becomes a need and maybe a desperation to some, looking for many and different ways for a cure.

What is the cause of yeast infections?

Candida Albicans is the primary cause of yeast infections. A large overgrowth of this fungus is called Candidiasis.

A question most women ask especially if this is their first yeast infection is how they know if they are infected with this disease. This is the first thing a person who thinks they are infected must do. Knowing leads to questioning and a question eventually gets an answer.

Yeast infections usually occur in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth and moist areas of skin. When they cause an infection in the vagina, it is known as vulvovaginal candidiasis.

What Are Symptoms of Yeast Infection?

Symptoms of yeast infections include:
?Itching and irritation in the vagina
?Redness, swelling, or itching of the vulva (the folds of skin outside the vagina)
?A thick, white discharge that can look like cottage cheese and is usually odorless, although it might smell like bread or yeast
?Pain or burning when urinating or during sex

If any of these symptoms you think you have, see your doctor or gynecologist. Confusion of yeast infection and STDs or other vaginal infections is easy. Visit your doctor so they can give you the right diagnosis. helps people to cure yeast infection

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