Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, May 30, 2008

Easy Tips On Home Remedy For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections are an annoyance which many of us women are plagued by, some more than others. The current estimate is that 3 out of every 4 women will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime, but some of us get them far more often than others. If you just get one every now and then, its not so bad to rely on the over the counter prescriptions, but if you have recurring yeast infections then finding a good home remedy for yeast infections becomes important.

Yeast infections usually appear when the pH balance inside the vagina raises and becomes alkaline rather than acidic, which can be trigged by things such as period, pregnancy, diabetes, birth control pills, steroids, or antibiotic use. When the acidic pH levels of the vagina become alkaline, a fungus called Candida albicans can become far more active. This fungus is always present in small quantities but is usually held in check by the acidic levels in the vagina. When this fungus starts growing more actively a yeast infection will then occur. Yeast infections may occur more frequently after menopause due to lower estrogen levels, which can thin the vaginal walls.

However if you pay attention to your body you should never need to resort to more harsh chemical prescriptions as it is easy to find a more gentle home remedy for yeast infections. Most of these methods are completely natural and possible with household items, and if you are one of the unlucky ones who suffer more common infections they are so gentle as to never cause you any ill effects while still being very effective.

A very good home remedy for yeast infections is to simply douche the vagina with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Mix one teaspoon of regular 3% hydrogen peroxide with a cup of water and use as a douche once a day. Repeat this until the symptoms are gone and you should be fine. This method has worked well for me in the past.

One method to definitely avoid is Echinacea tea douches. Though the tea will give you a nice tingly sensation on your tongue and is a well known natural herb, it will give you an extremely powerful and unpleasant burning sensation if used as a douche. We?re talking absolute fiery pain here, definitely do not try this method.

I got all these natural yeast infection cures from a great resource devoted solely to naturally curing yeast infections. I highly recommend you check it out as its great for finding a good home remedy for your yeast infection

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Male Yeast Infection-Tips On How To Spot And Treat The Male Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Though not so commonly known or talked about, the male yeast infection is more common than you would think. Men can contract a yeast infection by having sex with women who are currently suffering a yeast infection, no surprises there. Moreover it seems to be that quite often a man will contract the yeast infection from his partner, and not know about it as they are rarely diagnosed. Then he will continually reinfect his partner as she treats her own yeast infections, turning the whole process into something of a vicious cycle. So the importance of finding and treating the male yeast infection becomes very apparent.

There are of course other ways for a male yeast infection to present itself, one example would be when antibiotics are used for a prolonged period of time. The antibiotics kill the bacteria in the urinal tract that keeps the fungus Candida Albans in check, meaning they grow far too quickly and disrupt the balance. Another risk factor is diabetes, which heightens the chance of contracting a male yeast infection. If a man often finds himself getting yeast infections then it might be a good idea to get his fasting glucose levels checked just to make sure.

The symptoms of a male yeast infection are many and varied. The frequently seen symptoms of the male yeast infection are constipation, bad breath, bloating, indigestion, frequent intestinal gas, frequent diarrhea, very loose stools, sexual dysfunction, irritability and mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, jock itch, dry itchy flaky skin, athlete?s feet, and prostate problems.

As for treatment of male yeast infections, sadly there are fewer options available than there are for women. You can try one of the prescription solutions such as Monistat, and simply massage that into the outside of the penis which is a method quite a few have had reasonable success with. Some suggest adding a drop of white vinegar to the cream before applying it as this will aid in it penetrating the skin.

Or you could try some of the more natural cures available, which will probably be gentler on your manhood anyway. One such natural cure is Gentian Violet, which is simply applied directly to the opening of the penis. Be warned however that this substance will stain anything it touches purple. If this isn?t your kind of thing then follow the link just below for a great resource on natural cures for male yeast infections.

If the cure above doesn't work out then you should check out the natural yeast infection resource where I found out most of this information, at and is a great source of info on the male yeast infection

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cause Of Yeast Infection-A Guide On How To Spot And Cure Them

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections are an annoying condition which can affect both men and women although it is far more common in women. It can cause various disagreeable symptoms such as extreme itching, clumpy white discharge and a smell oddly similar to that of beer or yeast.

The causes of yeast infections are many and varied, ranging from the common to the very rare. The actual cause of a yeast infection is a fungus called Candida Albans, which is always present in the vagina in small quantities but can get out of hand sometimes. This can be due to changes in the vaginal environment, injury, sexual transmission, or HIV. Environmental disruptions that help yeast proliferation include increased pH, increased heat or moisture, allergic reactions, elevated sugar levels, hormonal fluxes, and a lowering of the population of bacteria that are normally present.

The above can be caused by a variety of factors:

Antibiotics ? they are probably the most common cause of yeast infections, as the antibiotics kill off the bacteria which would normally keep the fungus in check.

Clothing ? Tight non breathing underwear and garments will all encourage yeast infections as will clothes that remain unwashed too long. Changing your underwear often will help.

Chemicals ? In the form of commercial douches or soaps, both can disrupt the vaginal environment. Other chemicals can also include various types of laundry detergent, feminine hygiene sprays, scented toilet paper/tampons/pads and even some of the harsher bubble bath liquids.

Sexual transmission ? Of course if you have sexual contact with someone who has a yeast infection then you are likely to contract it. Often a male can be infected with a yeast infection and never know it, repeatedly infecting his partner again and again.

Hormones ? Menopause has often been said to bring on yeast infections with increased frequency. Also the pill, if you go off and on the pill those fluctuating hormone levels could trigger a yeast infection.

So sorting out the above will definitely help prevent a yeast infection. If however you already have one then there are some good natural cures available. Just follow the link at the bottom of the article and you?ll find some great information on how to treat yeast infections naturally.

Jenny Samuels - Cure Yeast Infections Naturally

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

3 Tips to Prevent Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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The one good thing about yeast infections is that they?re usually easy to treat. Even with home remedies, a mild yeast infection will go away within a few days ? and stronger, more entrenched infections will disappear in a week or so if you use medications available at the drug store without a prescription.

But two out of three women who get vaginal yeast infections get another one ? sooner, or later. And diaper rash, oral thrush and male yeast infections, which are all caused by Candida albicans yeast, also come back fairly regularly.

So, once you get rid of your yeast infection, how do you keep it from coming back? There are over 17 different environmental and health conditions that can trigger an infection, so it?s important to become informed about everything on that list to see how you can prevent future yeast infections. You and your best friend could both have a Candida outbreak for completely different reasons.

However, the most common triggers for the itching, the redness, the swelling and the dripping are antibiotics, hormone changes, and a poor immune system. You can?t control all these things, but there are things you can do to remain healthy so your resident yeast won?t go back on the warpath.

Stay Cool and Dry

Yeast loves to live in those warm, dark places that retain moisture. In your underwear, for instance, or under your breasts, in your armpit, or on your baby?s bottom.

To combat the little nasties, keep yourself as dry as you can. Some people find that it helps to use an absorbent powder such as Zeasorb Super Absorbent powder. Be sure you use the non-medicated kind, unless your doctor suggests otherwise. Don?t wear clothing that keeps in moisture ? loose cotton is best. Men with a yeast infection on the penis or with crotch rot, might want to switch to boxers for a while, and stay away from those tight jeans. And air yourself out occasionally ? especially right after a bath or shower, so you know you?re good and dry before you put your clothes back on.

Avoid Cuts, Scrapes and Irritants

Tiny cuts and scrapes in the genital area can give yeast a chance to invade. You can get these itty-bitty injuries without knowing it. You also want to avoid products that cause irritation to the delicate skin on your genital area or on your baby?s bottom.

Common items that cause irritation are scented and colored toilet papers; scented or harsh laundry detergents; and feminine deodorant sprays with scents or chemicals. Sex without adequate lubrication can cause abrasions in the lining of the vagina.

Some women find that tampons, especially the super-absorbent kind, can cause microscopic cuts in their vagina. If you use tampons and get frequent yeast infections, you might want to switch to unscented pads or washable cotton pads for a while to see if it helps.

Many older denture wearers get oral thrush under their denture plates. If this is the case, your doctor will probably suggest that the dentures be treated to remove the yeast, or that you have the dentures replaced for a pair that fits better.

Avoid Antibiotics

I know this isn?t always possible, but you definitely don?t want to take antibiotics unless you have to. People quite often get vaginal yeast infections, and children get oral thrush, right after a course of antibiotics. Make sure you ask your doctor if the antibiotics are really needed.

If you child gets frequent yeast infections and isn?t on antibiotics and isn?t eating a high-sugar diet (a major risk factor for oral thrush), you might want to switch to certified organic beef and poultry. Our meat industry is notorious for feeding large quantities of antibiotics to feedlot cows and caged chickens, to avoid the illnesses that are caused by overcrowding. These antibiotics are then passed on through the meat. The overuse of antibiotics by the meat and poultry industry may be one of the reasons why the incidence of yeast infections has doubled in the last 20 years.

This covers three of the 17 things that can cause yeast infections. Be sure to learn as much as you can about this common condition to protect yourself from this itching, irritating problem.

Jonni Good writes full-time about yeast infections and other important health issues. To learn more about the things you can do cure yeast infections, and avoid getting another one, visit

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Monday, May 26, 2008

What's a Good Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection - Cause of Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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With the strong interest in natural living, many today are seeking to find a natural remedy for yeast infection and seeking to learn the cause of yeast infection to prevent further incidences.

In this article we will look at a natural remedy for yeast infection in order to treat the problem, but first let's look at some reasons as to why the yeast infection is caused.

There are several factors which can cause the balance of a woman's vagina to become imbalanced and thus result in her getting a yeast infection and they are as follows:-

1. Being treated using antibiotics can be a cause of yeast infection.

2. Oral contraceptives can cause yeast infection.

3. Wearing non ventilating clothes during hot weater will increase moisture and warmth in the vaginal area will will foster fungal growth.

4. Having repetitive intercourse over a short period of time.

5. Stress

6. You may have a suppressed immune system (which may include being caused by HIV).

7. You have a high carbohydrate diet are intaking lots of refined sugars and alcohol.

8. You may be pregnant.

9. You may suffer from diabetes. 1

10. Other causes of yeast infection can come from irritants such as soaps, powders, new detergents and other such products.

Below are a number of different natural remedies which can be used for treating yeast infection .Normally the best way of treating it is to restore the balance of good bacteria in your body against the bad bacteria as a natural remedy for yeast infection

1. Acidophilus and Bifidus. These are bacterias which will kill the yeast normally found present in healthy women and you can get them by eating yoghurts which contain live cultures. Also you can obtain these from taking lactobacillus/acidophilus supplements which are readily available at your local health food store.

2. Decrease the amount of sugar you have in your diet as sugar only helps the yeast to grow.

3. Douche. There are 2 types of douche you can try. The first is a solution of 1-3 tablespoons of vinegar added to a quart of water and then use it once a day for a week (but no longer). The second is a herbal douche made up of equal parts of raspberry, comfrey and sage which is mixed with 1/4 part goldenseal and then mixed with cider vinegar.

However, if you are someone who has never suffered from a yeast infection before it is important that you see your doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis before you try any natural remedy for yeast infection treatments. You really do not want to be treating a condition that you do not have. Also by seeing your doctor you will be provided with the correct diagnosis and then you can know what course of action to take as well as grasping the cause of yeast infection.

Carla Donnelly is a health writer and enjoys writing on women's health issues. You can visit for latest news and info on Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection

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Friday, May 23, 2008

A Yeast Infection Cure? You Decide...

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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This make shock some people. But I'm not here to be nice. I actually want to help you, and if you really care about a real yeast infection cure that works - you better listen up.

This yeast infection cure may be surprisingly simple, but don't let that put you off. Because it's often the simple stuff that works best, right? I hope you agree.

The trouble that we have today is we are constantly seeking the latest, greatest yeast infection cure - the 'be all and end all' as some would say. And that goes for many of our common diseases in this day in age. We are so busy trying to find 'the next best thing', that we forget what prevention is.

You see, traditional medical science these days focuses on curing disease. Modern medicine thrives on the 'sickness industry'. It's a trillion dollar industry. They want to keep us sick. If the medicinal industry had ethic at all - they should really be promoting the 'wellness industry'. So what I am trying to say is it's not really some yeast infection cure you should really be looking for, but what might be causing the yeast infection in the first place.

Yeast infection cures only mask the symptoms of the problem. They don't fix the underlying cause.

What is the most common underlying cause for yeast infection? It's simple, and chances are you have heard it before. You are eating too much sugar. Stop kidding yourself. Studies have consistently proven that in nine cases out of ten, diet is the main issue. And yet, people ignore the most simple explanation and continue to search for the latest and greatest yeast infection cure. I mean come on!

Listen, it continues to frustrate me how many people hear this simple explanation about yeast infections and then just dismiss it because it seems to obvious. Let me ask you - do you have any craving whatsoever for sweet food? Like Coke or Lollies or Icecream or Chocolate Bars? That craving is the yeast that is inside you (also known as Candida) telling you to eat more sugar. Yeast grows with more sugar!. By eating sugary foods, you are fuelling the problem. Can you see an alternative to a yeast infection cure yet?

So forget about the yeast infection cure, and stop filling your body with toxic, sugar laden products. I can guarantee you that within a month or two, your yeast infection will be all but gone. And pay attention to other factors as well - such as your breath, body odour and any allergies you may have, because I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

There is more you need to learn. Remember, knowledge is power - but only when mixed with action. Educate yourself properly, and you can change anything you want in your life. And then you can stop looking for the latest greatest yeast infection cure.

If you suffer from yeast infections, I would suggest you take a look at a book that has been recommended to me - called 'Yeast Infection No More'. You can check it out by going to

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms In Men and Women

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Among the ailments that can really disturb any one?s life we can find, without any doubt and in the very first places, what is known as a yeast infection. This is a very resistant infection caused by fungi that suddenly start reproducing in a huge rate, overgrowing any competitor organisms and invading a part of the body.

The parts of the body that are more easily invaded by yeast are the mouth, sex organs and some areas of the skin. The basic characteristic that favors the high rate of reproduction of fungi in these areas is the moistness, warm temperature and natural existence of these zones of the body.

The main symptoms characteristic of a yeast infection are pretty varied, involving more than just a simple red skin. Among them we can find : Vaginal odor, painful sex or sexual dysfunction, white vaginal discharge, premature aging, arthritis, depression, chronic rashes, tiredness, poor memory, irritability, joint pain, PMS, feeling rundown, digestive problems, muscle aches, short attention span, hand pain, hip and knee pain, continuos headaches, acne problems, respiratory infections, memory loss, immune system weakness, skin problems, cases of impotence, intestinal gas, hand pain, hypoglycemia, menstrual pain, urinary disorders, skin lesions, shortness of breath, food allergies and even learning and memory problems.

As you can see, the contraction of a yeast infection can have serious consequences that can affect your quality of life in a number of ways. That?s why the importance of combating yeast infections since the first symptoms appear. These kind of infections by fungi are not simple to cure but they are totally curable by following the right treatment.

For a 100% natural yeast infection cure visit:


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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

See A Doctor Before Treating A Yeast Infection If You Are Pregnant

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Many women are concerned about treating yeast infections if they are pregnant. Being pregnant comes with its share of challenges, including an increased risk of yeast infection. Yeast infection is especially common during the second trimester of pregnancy. Because some medications should not be used during pregnancy, it is very important that women see their health professionals before attempting to treat a yeast infection when they are pregnant.

Candidas albicans is the fungus that causes yeast infections in pregnant women. Although some yeast is always present in the vagina, it does not normally take the form of infection due to the acidic environment there. When a woman is pregnant her body goes through many hormonal changes that affect her body, including the sensitive vaginal environment. When a woman is pregnant, the increased sugar levels in the vaginal secretions feed the yeast giving rise to infection.

When a woman is pregnant the signs of yeast infection are hard to ignore. Early symptoms of pregnancy yeast infection usually include extreme itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning and redness in the vagina and vulva. This may be followed by an odorless, white, creamy or cottage cheese like vaginal discharge. Experiencing pain during urination and sex are some of the common symptoms of yeast infection when pregnant.

The main concern of every pregnant woman is the safety of the baby in her womb. For this reason, many pregnant women become very distressed when they find out that they are suffering from a yeast infection. The good news is that yeast infection usually has no effect on the developing baby. However, there is a slim chance that the newborn baby may come in contact with the yeast infection as he or she passes through the birth canal. This infection, called thrush, causes white patches in the baby's mouth, which can be passed to mother when the child is breast feeding. Thrush is not a serious condition and is easily treated.

Your physician will perform a test to determine the best way to treat a yeast infection when you are pregnant. Your doctor will take a sample of your vaginal discharge and check it for yeast to confirm the diagnosis. If you do have a yeast infection, your doctor will give you a medication that is safe to use to treat a yeast infection when are pregnant.

Learn more about vaginal yeast infection on our site. You'll also find other information such as yeast infection while breast feeding and diaper cream and yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Why Do You Get Chronic Yeast Infections?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Unfortunately, chronic yeast infections are not uncommon, and they can cause a great deal of discomfort to the unlucky people who experience them. Almost all symptoms of yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans yeast.

Candida can cause a rash or infection just about anywhere on the body, although vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush are probably the most common. When yeast becomes infectious it can cause pain, itching, redness, swelling, and, if located on the genitals, it can cause a vaginal discharge.

Although Candida does make you itch and hurt on occasion, yeast does not actually ?cause? yeast infections. The symptoms are simply an indication that something else has gone wrong somewhere in your system. As soon as your body?s natural balance is restored, the yeast will lose its ability to cause the common symptoms of an infection, and your life goes back to normal.

If you have chronic yeast infections, it?s important to find out what?s causing them. Unfortunately, there are at least 17 different environmental and health conditions that can trigger yeast infections, so it is sometimes necessary to take a careful look at everything that could be causing the problems, and then eliminate them.

Many women get a yeast infection every time they need to take antibiotics. If their immune system is working properly, the yeast infection should be fairly easy to get rid of.

However, a number of things can cause either the immune system or the hormone system to be slightly out of balance, and this can bring on chronic yeast infections. This can be caused by a number of things, including the use of birth control pills, pregnancy, stress, corticosteroid medications, and some serious underlying illnesses such as diabetes and AIDS.

The first thing you should do if yeast infections keep coming back is to make an appointment with your doctor. It is vitally important that you find out for sure that your symptoms are really caused by yeast. Other organisms, such as bacteria and parasites, have very similar symptoms but they can be far more destructive. Since at least 2 out of 3 women misdiagnose their symptoms and attempt to treat a ?yeast infection? when they actually have a condition caused by something else, a diagnosis really is important.

If your symptoms are yeast-related, and they keep coming back, ask your doctor for a thorough exam.

If you get a clean bill of health, and you are not taking any medication that is altering your hormone balance or lowering your immune response, it may be time to take a look around your house to see if there?s anything that could be irritating your delicate membranes, such as perfumed or colored toilet papers, and harsh laundry detergents or bath soaps.

If you have skin infections, try using a non-medicated absorbent powder to keep the area dry. And, as you?ve read many places before, don?t wear tight clothing that won?t allow your skin to breathe and dry out.

In almost all cases, if the chronic yeast infections are not caused by an underlying illness, a few simple changes in diet or daily habits will keep the infections from coming back. But you may need to become a ?private? detective to find out the exact cause of your infections.

There are over 17 different things that can cause chronic yeast infections. To learn more and sign up for a free 7 page report, visit

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Monday, May 19, 2008

3 Potentially Dangerous Yeast Infection Myths

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is such a common problem that many people almost take them for granted. However, some misinformation has been passed between so many people, and written up on so many websites, that they have turned into ?common knowledge.? Don?t make important health decisions based on these myths.

I recently searched through as many scientific papers and books on yeast infections that I could find, while doing research for a new book. During that research I uncovered some extremely important information that you need to know.

Myth #1: You can always tell you have a yeast infection because the symptoms are so obvious.

Fact: It isn?t true. The symptoms of a yeast infection are definitely not exclusive to infections caused by Candida albicans yeast. That means that other types of conditions, including infections caused by bacteria and parasites, give you the same itch, the same redness, and very similar discharge. This is true for both vaginal yeast infections and male yeast infections.

This matters to you because bacterial infections are actually more common than yeast infections, and studies have proven that the majority of women who self-diagnose their own symptoms are getting it wrong.

Some of the ?false yeast infections? can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs and prevent you from having children. And some of these infections can be sexually transmitted to your partner.

Myth #2: Yeast causes yeast infections.

Fact: This isn?t really true either. While the itching and pain of a current yeast infection is being caused, usually, by Candida yeast, that isn?t what caused the infection in the first place. During my research I uncovered over 17 different environmental and health conditions that can trigger yeast infections.

Some of them are quite harmless, like using the wrong brand of soap.

But others are quite serious, because chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of an underlying illness, like diabetes or AIDS. Your chronic infections could be your body?s way of telling you that something is wrong, and that you need to see your doctor.

Myth #3: Yeast infections are basically harmless, even though they?re aggravating and itchy.

Fact: On thankfully rare occasions, this isn?t true, either. Over 10,000 people in the United States die of yeast infections every year. People with compromised immune systems are sometimes the victim of systemic yeast infections that attack their blood cells and organs, and these infections can be fatal.

And new, drug-resistant strains of Candida yeast are now a growing threat in hospitals, where the highly aggressive strains attach themselves to hospital surfaces and even staff clothing. These strains are very difficult to treat, and can pose a serious danger to patients. This problem is far greater in remote third-world hospitals, but is causing increasing concern in developed nations, as well.

There are many more facts that you need to know about yeast infections, so you can make intelligent, informed decisions about your health. To learn more, be sure to visit Jonni?s website at

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

3 Potentially Dangerous Yeast Infection Myths

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is such a common problem that many people almost take them for granted. However, some misinformation has been passed between so many people, and written up on so many websites, that they have turned into ?common knowledge.? Don?t make important health decisions based on these myths.

I recently searched through as many scientific papers and books on yeast infections that I could find, while doing research for a new book. During that research I uncovered some extremely important information that you need to know.

Myth #1: You can always tell you have a yeast infection because the symptoms are so obvious.

Fact: It isn?t true. The symptoms of a yeast infection are definitely not exclusive to infections caused by Candida albicans yeast. That means that other types of conditions, including infections caused by bacteria and parasites, give you the same itch, the same redness, and very similar discharge. This is true for both vaginal yeast infections and male yeast infections.

This matters to you because bacterial infections are actually more common than yeast infections, and studies have proven that the majority of women who self-diagnose their own symptoms are getting it wrong.

Some of the ?false yeast infections? can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs and prevent you from having children. And some of these infections can be sexually transmitted to your partner.

Myth #2: Yeast causes yeast infections.

Fact: This isn?t really true either. While the itching and pain of a current yeast infection is being caused, usually, by Candida yeast, that isn?t what caused the infection in the first place. During my research I uncovered over 17 different environmental and health conditions that can trigger yeast infections.

Some of them are quite harmless, like using the wrong brand of soap.

But others are quite serious, because chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of an underlying illness, like diabetes or AIDS. Your chronic infections could be your body?s way of telling you that something is wrong, and that you need to see your doctor.

Myth #3: Yeast infections are basically harmless, even though they?re aggravating and itchy.

Fact: On thankfully rare occasions, this isn?t true, either. Over 10,000 people in the United States die of yeast infections every year. People with compromised immune systems are sometimes the victim of systemic yeast infections that attack their blood cells and organs, and these infections can be fatal.

And new, drug-resistant strains of Candida yeast are now a growing threat in hospitals, where the highly aggressive strains attach themselves to hospital surfaces and even staff clothing. These strains are very difficult to treat, and can pose a serious danger to patients. This problem is far greater in remote third-world hospitals, but is causing increasing concern in developed nations, as well.

There are many more facts that you need to know about yeast infections, so you can make intelligent, informed decisions about your health. To learn more, be sure to visit Jonni?s website at

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Women and Hormonal Changes - Can A Cause of Yeast Infection Be Found Here?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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There are many factors which may be the cause of yeast infection and in this article we will look at some of the various ones that are often associated with this disease.

In fact in women yeast infections are the second most common reason as to why they have vaginal burning, itching or a discharge. Because yeast is found in the vagina of most women it can grow if the environment in the vagina changes. Often the use of antibiotics or steroids are the most common cause for a woman getting a yeast infection. But it can also be caused by pregnancy, menstruation, sperm, diabetes, diet and birth control pills. More women are likely to suffer from a yeast infection after they have had menopause as well.

Another cause for people suffering from yeast infection is if they have a weakened immune system due to other factors such as being treated for cancer, the use of steroids or if they have been diagnosed with AIDS.

Below we look more closely at how certain times when a woman is likely to get a yeast infection.

1. Menopause -Although there is no direct link between the menopause and yeast infections there is a link between estrogen replacement therapies (ERT) that are associated with the menopause and yeast infections. Often the high levels of estrogen that are being provided through the ERT will create a hormone imbalance in a woman and this may well lead them to getting a yeast infection.

2. Menstruation - Just before a woman begins her period is also the time when her body will produce more blood sugar. Unfortunately, a sudden change in the hormone levels may well lead to a yeast infection in some women.

3. Pregnancy - There are large hormonal changes occuring when a woman becomes pregnant and this is one of the other common causes as to why a woman may contract a yeast infection. It will certainly occur more as the woman approaches the time of the birth of her baby as she is producing more sugar than normal. As previously explained above the more blood sugar a woman's body produces is likely to cause a yeast infection.

As you can see from above where a woman is concerned there are many factors which may be attributed to the cause of yeast infection but certainly the most common causes seem to be where hormonal changes have occured in their bodies.

Dee Cohen is a therapist and yoga teacher. Visit to learn more about a common Cause for Yeast Infection and helpful tips.


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Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Do I Know If I Have Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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How do I know if I have yeast infection? A question most women ask especially if this is their first yeast infection. Fist, let us discuss what is yeast infection and what are the factors affecting yeast infection.

Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease. Yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albans which are always present in the vagina. Increase growth or reproduction of Candida Albans leads to yeast infection.

There are many factors contributing to the propagation of yeast infection that women should know and some of them are:

  • Imbalance in your system due to antibiotics and stress
  • Wearing tight undergarments or underwear materials that promotes sweating
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking Pills
  • Frequent douching
  • Hormonal replacement for menopause
  • Diabetes or increased sugar level
Even with the knowledge of the different factors affecting yeast infection, you will still ask the question ?how do I know if I have yeast infection?? especially if this is your first yeast infection. A doctor can tell you if you have yeast infection by examining your vaginal discharge under a microscope but initially you can tell that you have yeast infection if you have these symptoms.

  • Severe itching, swelling and burning sensation in and around your vagina , so bad that you can hardly walk
  • Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese
  • Vaginal discharge that smells like bread or beer
Asking the question ?how do I know if I have yeast infection? is very important to have the right diagnosis. While it is important to know all about yeast infection and to know that what you have is really yeast infection, finding cure for your yeast infection is of course your main goal to put an end to your sufferings. Prescribed medicines may cure yeast infection but if you experience recurring yeast infections don?t ignore it as it may lead to chronic yeast infection. Most women have recurring yeast infection and this should not be ignored.

If you have tried prescribed medicines and it brought you nothing but temporary relief, do not despair because yeast infection can be cured permanently. There is an all natural way and drug free treatment for yeast infection that treats not only the symptoms but the root cause of yeast infection.

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Yeast Infection. To find out more on Yeast Infection visit Great Discovery- Beauty and Health

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What Exactly Is A Vaginal Yeast Infection

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The basic definition of a vaginal yeast infection would be an excess growth of yeast cells located in the vagina. This infection may also be referred to as Vaginal candidiasis, or Monilial vaginitis. This type of yeast infection is quite common in women during their childbearing years, but can happen at any time. Not exclusive to women, a yeast infection can also occur in men.

This infection is caused most commonly by the fungal organism Candida albicans. Although, the infection may be quite uncomfortable a vaginal yeast infection will rarely become a serious health problem.

The infection causing organism, Candida albicans, is found to be worldwide, with trace amounts commonly found in the vagina, the mouth, the digestive tract, and on the skin without causing disease. In fact, this organism can be found in approximately 25% of all women who have no disease symptoms. Problems occur when the normal microorganisms of the vagina are out of balance.

Infection is common among women using birth control pills that contain estrogen, and among women who are pregnant. Increased levels of estrogen change the vaginal environment, making it perfect for fungal growth.

Yeast infections can also be found in persons with diabetes, or those having immune deficiency problems such as AIDS, or HIV. Vaginal candidiasis itself, is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. However, in men, itching and a penile rash may occur after having sexual relations with an infected partner.

Some additional causes of this type of yeast infection would include:

* the use of antibiotics

* the use of corticosteriods, such as Prednisone

* the use of an IUD

* hormone replacement therapy (both HRT and ERT)

* being overweight

While generally not a serious condition, repeated and persistent episodes of vaginal yeast infection that are not due to antibiotic use, or pregnancy, may be a sign of diabetes, or some other underlying condition. It is also a possibility that a persistent, and unresponsive infection may be an early sign of HIV.

If you feel that you may have a vaginal yeast infection, your doctor, or other health care professional can help make that determination based on your medical history, and a vaginal examination.

Copyright &copy2007 Carl DiNello

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Common Infections And Their Symptoms!

You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection

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Recognizing the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection is actually quite easy. Although, there are other conditions, such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, some sexually transmitted diseases, or a reaction to various vaginal products where conditions and symptoms can be similar; usually a women will know when a vaginal infection is developing.

Symptoms will begin to appear when the balance between the normal microorganisms of the vagina is lost. This imbalance occurs when the environment of the vagina allows the disproportionate growth of the fungul organism Candida albicans. Candida albicans is the fungal organism that is the most common cause of vaginal infection.

Some of the most common, and easily recognizable symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are as follows:

* Abnormal vaginal discharge ranging from a white, slightly watery discharge, to a white thick chunky discharge similar to the consistency of cottage cheese

* Vaginal and labial itching, and burning that can often be quite severe

* Redness and inflammation of the skin surrounding the labia (the opening of the vagina)

* Pain during intercourse

* Pain, discomfort, or a burning sensation during urination

If you are experiencing these symptoms, there is a good chance you have a vaginal infection. If for any reason you are uncertain, visit your gynecologist, or health professional for an accurate diagnosis.

A pelvic examination will be performed that may show the inflammation of the skin of the vulva, inside the vagina, and on the cervix. The examination may also show to the examiner, dry white plaque on the vaginal wall.

An additional test called a "vaginal smear," may also be taken. This is a test for vaginitis that involves a microscopic evaluation of the vaginal discharge. Vaginitis is an infection of the vagina that does not include the urinary tract.

While it is true that mild cases of vaginal yeast infection may, in fact, go away by themselves; it is never wise to take that fact for granted. Should normal efforts of self-medication such as nonprescription vaginal medications offer no relief, your persistent symptoms must be evaluated by your gynecologist.

It is also important to keep in mind that self-administered "home treatment" will not be effective should you be pregnant, have a sexually transmitted disease, or if your vaginal yeast infection symptoms are the result of a recurrent infection.

Copyright &copy2007 Carl DiNello

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Common Infections And Their Symptoms!

You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yeast Infection-Overgrowth-Symptoms And The 1-2 Punch Cause

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The primary organism that is the culprit of yeast infections is called Candida Albicans. When there is a large overgrowth of this fungus, it is called Candidiasis. This is sometimes referred to as the ?yeast syndrome? and can be characterized by a general feeling of sickness or aching through out the body. Yeast is known to release nearly 180 chemicals which can end up entering into the body and, over time, result in illnesses or disease states.


?Lack of energy; excessive fatigue with lethargy
?Bloating/ gas / indigestion after eating; extreme food sensitivity
?Heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or mucus in the stool
?Emotional problems: Depression, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks
?Headaches or difficulty concentrating, being ?spacey?
?Muscle weakness or joint pain
?Thrush, dry mouth or tongue, swollen face
?Itchy skin, rectal itching, diaper rash
?Athletes foot or nail fungus
?Chronic recurring UTI infections
?Allergies, sinus problems, chronic chest congestion
?Itching/burning associated with yeast infection of the sex organs
?Sugar or carbohydrate craving

The 1-2 Punch

Candida Albicans is normally present in small amounts in various parts of the body, especially in the lower intestine, where it is kept at bay by friendly bacteria. When people get sick and take antibiotics to kill off germs, they end up killing more than that. Since antibiotics to not discriminate, they kill many things, such as the friendly bacteria which help keep yeast under control. That?s Culprit # 1.

When the friendly bacteria are killed off, the check on yeast is removed. That might not be such a disaster, except for the fact that the yeast tend to come back and grow faster than friendly bacteria due to Culprit #2: High Sugar Intake.

Yeast thrives on sugar and can go through explosive population growth when left unchecked and fed all the sugar they can eat. These culprits are part of the 1-2 Punch your body takes before it starts to spin out of control. This can, in turn, become part of a self feeding cycle because as levels of the metabolic byproducts of yeast fermentation entering the blood stream rise and then decline, they can induce sugar cravings or carbohydrate cravings which results in your feeding the yeast what is required to continue fermentation.

You become addicted to the thing that is making you sick. However, it must be stated, if you have a high sugar intake before taking antibiotics, then the stage is set and the outcome is not surprising. While other factors can contribute, these are the two big ones that if taken care of, will help blunt or dwarf any other contributing factors.

Jon owns Yeast Infection No More which helps people find information about yeast infection elimination

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms

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Yeast is naturally found in our bodies in the form of a fungus called Candida. Sometimes however the growth of this fungus goes haywire and as a result we get a yeast infection.

Candida is normally found in the moist areas of the body such as the mouth, throat and digestive tract as well rectal and vaginal areas. Thus these are the areas that would get infected and hence where yeast infection symptoms are most likely to appear. The severity of the infection dictates what symptoms will manifest.

Yeast infection symptoms can be severe itching and burning of vaginal areas, painful sex or sexual dysfunction, virginal odour, vaginal discharge, chronic rashes, digestive issues and irritability ? these are just some of the symptoms of the yeast infection. Men can also suffer yeast infections in which case the manifestation of rashes, soreness around the penile areas is more likely.

Things can become really bad if you have systemic yeast infection which is when basically the infection damages the internals of the stomach and allows poisons in the form of unprocessed foods to enter the bloodstream. The symptoms are diverse and vary from person to person.

It is really important that if you suspect that you have any yeast infection symptoms that you get diagnosed straight away by your doctor. For quick peace of mind a simple test you can do to see fewer yeast infection is the saliva test.

Whilst this is not a medically endorsed test it is alleged to be a reasonable indication of the presence of a yeast infection, besides it?s easy and dirt cheap to do. All you need is a glass of water and your saliva. The first thing you need to do the morning before you eat or do anything is to work up a good saliva and split it into the glass of water. You then need to watch what happens to your saliva. If any of the following happens over a period of 30 minutes then there?s a good chance that you have a yeast infection: 1) the saliva sinks to the bottom, 2) the water turns cloudy 3) it looks like strings suspended from the ceiling (top of the water).

This article intention is to be informative and does not constitute medical advice. If you suspect or are worried that you have yeast infection symptoms then make sure you consult your health professional.

To find out more about a natural means to complete relief from yeast infection in hours visit Natural Yeast Infection Cures

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Systemic Yeast Infection

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Systemic yeast infection occurs when the entire body is infected by a yeast infection. This is obviously a severe yeast infection.

The human body naturally contains yeast in the form of the fungus called Candida . The most common form of this fungus, Candida Albicans is found in the digestive tract and throat.

When this fungus gets out of control it starts to grow at a faster rate than all the other cells and fungi in the human body. As a result of this there is an imbalance and the Candida fungus grows at a faster rate. Now the Candid fungus could morph into a different form.

It is this new form of the fungus that causes more serious or invasive damage to our bodies. This new fungus attaches itself to our intestinal walls and makes microscopic holes. It is through these holes that toxins are able to get into our bloodstream. When this happens it is called systemic yeast infection.

According to medical reports it is believed that a two to 80 to 90% of population suffers from some form of Candida or systemic yeast infection. People just think that this is the way things are and they just become accustomed to living with the systemic yeast infection.

People?s genetic makeup affects how systemic yeast infections manifest themselves. Hence it is difficult to associate the symptoms somebody has with a systemic yeast infection.

Is the opinion of many people that the primary cause a systemic yeast infection is the use or abuse of antibiotics in our modern world. Ironically the very thing that is apparently making us well is also helping to poison us.

This article intention is to be informative and does not constitute medical advice. If you suspect or are worried that you have systemic yeast infection symptoms then make sure you consult your health professional.

To find out more about a natural means to complete relief from yeast infection in hours visit Natural Yeast Infection Cures

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms and Natural Cure

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Yeast infections are as annoying as they are common. About seventy-five percent of women will get at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, forty-five percent will get more than one, and then some women suffer from chronic yeast infections.

Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called candida albicans. Yeast is always present in the vagina, but an overgrowth of yeast is the problem. Yeast is generally a harmless fungus that is always found in the vagina, digestive tract, and mouth in small amounts, but when an imbalance occurs, the candida multiplies which causes an overgrowth and results in a yeast infection.

The symptoms of a yeast infection are vaginal itching, burning, discharge that is usually thick and white, painful urination, and pain during and after intercourse.

There are many possible causes of yeast infections. Sometimes simply taking an antibiotic results in a yeast infection. In addition to destroying bacteria that cause illness, antibiotics kill off the "good" bacteria that normally live in the vagina. Without this necessary bacteria in the vagina, yeast cells can take over and grow out of control.

Other possible causes are wearing tight clothing, particularly underwear, douching, using feminine sprays which causes moisture, uncontrolled diabetes, and pregnancy. Recurrent yeast infections or yeast infections that dont seem to go away even with the medicated treatments are usually a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition such as diabetes or a poor immune system. Sometimes women are first diagnosed with diabetes after seeing the doctor on the first onset of yeast infection symptoms.

Pregnant women are especially prone to develop yeast infections because pregnancy changes the hormonal and chemical balance in the body. Yeast infections can be difficult to treat during pregnancy and some pregnant women will experience recurrent yeast infections.

Women who suffer from fatigue, illness, stress, and a poor diet are more likely to get yeast infections.There are steps women can take to help prevent yeast infections including:

1. Eating a healthy diet 2. Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear. Avoid nylon underwear. 3. Keep the external vaginal area clean and dry. 4. Avoid irritating soaps and vaginal sprays and perfumes. 5. Change pads and tampons frequently. 6. If you have diabetes, keep a stable blood sugar level. 7. Only take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor and never longer. 8. Do not douche.

Women who have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection should see a doctor the first time they experience the painful symptoms. Once a woman has had a vaginal yeast infection, she will easily recognize the embarrassing yeast infection symptoms.

There are many over-the-counter treatments for yeast infections which can be easily found in stores. The treatments are usually anti fungal creams which are inserted into the vagina before bedtime. Some treatments are 1 day treatments, while others are 3, 5, or 7 day treatments. The shorter the treatment time, the higher the cost. Pregnant women are advised not to use any medicated products unless advised by their doctor.

There are also completely natural ways to cure yeast infections. Imagine being able to cure yeast infections with no medications, no side effects, and without the costs of buying the over-the-counter-treatments.

Over-the-counter medicated treatments cures the majority of yeast infections, however they can be only temporary treatments. The yeast infections may come back, even worse than before. Many people who use natural treatments report never having another yeast infection again. This is probably because the natural, holistic methods listen to the body and gets to the root of problem, while the creams temporarily kill candida in the vagina, which is always present in the body anyway.

The key to your success in eliminating yeast infections is working with your body by stopping the internal cause of Yeast Infection while maintaining that inner natural balance where Yeast Infection ceases to exist.

You can get more information on Natural Cure for Yeast Infections at this site.

Sam Carson is a freelance writer and publisher of a content-rich website on Chronic Pain and other common health issues.


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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cure A Yeast Infection

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To cure a yeast infection you have no further to look than your physician, your pharmacy, or your fridge. All three of these sources can hold just what you need for a great yeast infection cure.

If we take our sources one by one, your physician has the ability to give you prescription medications which can potentially a yeast infection cure for you. For instance, the prescription drug Diflucan uses only one dosage and is supposed to be a particularly effective yeast infection cure.

Other prescription yeast infection cures include Terazol and Gynazole, both of which are vaginal creams, and also Mycostatin which comes in the form of vaginal tablets or vaginal suppositories.

All of these have side effects which you should be aware of when taking them, as do the next set of potential yeast infection cure, the over-the-counter variety.

Up until the very early part of the twenty first century it is shameful to admit but there were no over the counter remedies available as a yeast infection cure. On the contrary, if a woman had a yeast infection she had to visit her doctor to get proper medical attention and to receive a yeast infection cure.

So although the offerings in this department are still woefully meager, they are nonetheless there and available to anyone who doesn?t wish to advertise to the world, or their doctor, that they have a yeast infection.

Although it is best if you get a proper checkup for your yeast infection it can?t be denied that with the availability of these creams a new world has opened up, and women can now treat such a simple problem without any attendant fuss or hoopla.

All the available over-the-counter yeast infection cures work along the same principles as the prescription yeast infection cure, and most of them come in cream form, or suppository form. The more familiar brands include Monistat, Femstat, and Vagistat.

Moving on next to the natural cures and remedies section, you will find that the number of alternative yeast infection cure methods are too numerous to do more than give an honorable mention here.

To that end only a few of the well known natural yeast infection cure methods have been mentioned. To begin with we?ll start off with everyone?s favorite the yogurt yeast infection cure. It can be messy in the extreme to have to apply yogurt to the vagina, but it turns out that it is well worth the effort.

Another natural yeast infection cure that is well known and used is that of the garlic cure. Being one of the wonder herbs of the world, garlic is good for many an ailment and is a particularly effective yeast infection cure, especially when used as a suppository.

Next up you have apple cider vinegar, cranberries, oregano, cinnamon, curd, Tea Tree oil, lemon, lime, and Vitamin C. All of these can be used as an effective yeast infection cure and all of them work.

Learn how to cure a yeast infection quickly and easily. Check out the Natural Cure for Yeast Infection e-book for complete information!


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Tips For Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Of the 17 different things that can trigger vaginal yeast infections, heat and moisture are two of the most important factors that we can control, outside of the food we eat. Most people can prevent vaginal yeast infections by eating right and staying dry.

Yeast can survive in dry conditions, but only in a dormant state. It can only reproduce and grow in a warm, moist environment. That?s why it?s important to keep your skin and crotch area as cool and dry as possible.

High heat kills yeast, too, but it would be difficult to increase your body temperature enough to kill the yeast without killing yourself, too ? although some people do suggest sauna treatments for yeast infections (the jury is still out on that one).

Keeping the skin dry will help to avoid a yeast-caused rash under the breasts, in folds of skin, and in the crotch. Keeping the genital area dry may also keep yeast from moving from the anus to the genitals. The best way to keep your genital area as dry as possible is to wear loose clothing, wear panties that breathe, and avoid pantyhose.

If this is not enough, you can also try using Zeasorb Super Absorbent powder to keep yourself dry.

If you find that sanitary pads keep too much moisture against your body, make sure to change them often or switch to washable cotton pads that allow your crotch to breath.

If you get recurring vaginal yeast infections, any underlying cause should be corrected. Weight loss often helps prevent recurring infections. Diabetics will want to make sure their blood sugar is under control.

If you have not been diagnosed with any condition that may cause yeast infections, but you do keep getting them even though you eat right and keep yourself dry, you should go have a very serious talk with your doctor. Doctors are busy people, and they sometimes forget to check for these conditions when faced with another patient with a vaginal yeast infection.

As I mentioned before, it has been suggested that you can reduce the numbers of yeast organisms in your body by sitting in a sauna or a nice hot bath. Dr. Jeffrey McCombs, DC., who specializes in the treatment of patients with suspected systemic Candida infections, has made heat treatment (sweating in a sauna or tub) a cornerstone of his program. I have been unable to find any support for this method of treatment in the Medical journals, but saunas do help to detoxify the body through the sweat glands, so there may be some truth to it.

Perhaps a detoxified body is better able to fight off a yeast infection, even if the sauna doesn?t actually heat your body enough to kill the yeast outright.

At this point, of course, it?s just speculation, but many practitioners of oriental medicine do use heat to improve immune function, even for cancer patients. And what the heck ? saunas make you feel great, and they can?t hurt, unless you?re pregnant or have a heart condition.

If you aren?t used to sitting in a sauna, you?ll want to talk it over with your doctor first ? and don?t expect miracles. This is still an unproven theory.

By far the best proven tactics to use to avoid vaginal yeast infections are to eat a nutritious diet, keep yourself healthy, and stay dry. If this is not enough, learn about the other common causes of yeast infections, so you'll know what to avoid.

Jonni Good is the author of the definitive guide to preventing vaginal yeast infections. To learn more about the things that cause yeast infections, and the natural, soothing home remedies you can use to treat them, visit her website at

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Monday, May 5, 2008

A Look at Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection

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Milk or yogurt containing live Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures can provide a natural remedy for a vaginal yeast infection. Lactobacillus helps to keep Candida yeast organisms in the body in check, thus preventing and treating yeast overgrowth and infection. A clinical study has shown that daily consumption of at least 8 ounces of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus helped to reduce the number of the yeast organisms. Drinking acidophilus milk or taking acidophilus capsules can have similar benefits.

Another natural remedy for vaginal yeast infection is garlic. For a home remedy, take a clove of fresh garlic, peel it, wrap it in gauze, and insert the clove into the vagina. It needs to be removed and replaced two times a day. This is to help relieve symptoms and reduce the yeast growth. You can also use natural garlic clove suppositories or simply consume a clove of garlic a day as a preventative methods.

White vinegar can also be used as a home remedy. You can use the white vinegar to make a homemade douche. Simply combine one tablespoon of white vinegar with one pint of water. Apply the solution to the vaginal area two times a day, for five to seven days. The white vinegar solution will increase the acidity level of the vaginal area, inhibiting and lowering the growth of Candida yeast organisms.

Grapefruit seed extract is also a natural home remedy for vaginal yeast infection. For this remedy, simply add 10 to fifteen drops of grapefruit seed extract to a glass of water. Drink it every day for about a month.

Natural remedies can be effective for treating many vaginal yeast infections. But for persistent or recurring yeast infections, you need to see a medical doctor. It may be that your problem is not a yeast infection at all. It could be something else, such as a bacterial infection, in which case you may require medical treatment.

Worried about whether you or your partner is showing signs of a yeast infection? You can find helpful information about its causes and remedies at

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Treatments For A Yeast Infection - What You Should Know

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What is a yeast infection and what are some of the treatments for a yeast infection? According to doctors, yeast infections are very common and can occur at any age. They are caused by an overabundance of yeast which, for women, is found in the vagina. While uncomfortable, vaginal yeast infections rarely lead to serious health problems. What are the treatments for a yeast infection? Let?s review the more traditional methods in treating this condition.

Some of the factors contributing to yeast infections can include: high estrogen levels; use of birth control pills; diabetes; antibiotics; poor immune system; obesity; and an having continuous moisture build-up in the genital area for longs periods of time. This can be caused by wearing tight fitting clothing. While some yeast infections can be treated with traditional medications; there are some conditions which can evolve into more serious and life-threatening conditions. The symptoms experienced during a yeast infection can be itching; vaginal discharge; redness; pain during sexual intercourse as well as during urination. In addition, it is most commonly known to occur before a menstrual period.

Yeast infection relief may include over the counter medication; oral or vaginal medication prescribed by a doctor; or vaginal boric acid as an alternative treatment. However, if you know you have a severe infection, it is important to visit your gynecologist to determine if it is a yeast infection, and what methods can be used to cure the condition. While antifungal medications are used to treat yeast infections in vaginal form, you can use oral medications as well. In fact, oral medications can further treat any infection which may be in your body.

While some women use cranberry juice and yogurt as standard treatments for a yeast infection, these may or may not prevent re-occurrence. However, it is important to note that chronic yeast infections may be due to a more serious condition which would require intervention.

If you have a yeast infection, your best course of action would be to visit your gynecologist to determine the seriousness of the condition; course of treatment; and prevention. If you find the treatment prescribed yields little or no results, you may wish to look into other forms of yeast infection home treatment including, but not limited to, a holistic method designed to rid your body of toxins and other known viruses which may be contributing to the condition itself.

While this condition affects both men and women, it is important to determine which treatments for a yeast infection lends itself to a more effective cure. It is also important to research this condition so that if it does affect you, knowing what it is and how it is traditionally treated can allow you to further explore others means of treatment.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on various health related issues. You can find out more about Treatments For A Yeast Infection by visiting

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yeast Infection Remedies - Simple Tips That Can Help

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Yeast infections are not only a problematic condition, but irritating as well. While there are many yeast infection remedies, there are those who claim non-traditional methods can be just as effective in treating this condition. Let?s take a look at one such remedy.

Grown in Australia, tea tree oil does contain known chemicals which reduce fungus. The component in tea tree oil which effectively has been used to treat fungal conditions is terpinen-4-ol. Known to dissipate fungus and bacteria, tea tree oil can be used as a topical antiseptic to relieve such conditions as acne, athlete?s foot, and yeast infections. In fact, this oil has been used in the treatment of candidiasis which is an infection of the mouth and throat. Although research is ongoing, studies have shown that tea tree oil has been effective in treating vaginal infections.

While research into the effects of this oil as it applies to infections are ongoing, tea tree oil is more commonly known to be a component in toothpaste, shampoos, acne treatments and baby care products. However, recent studies suggest that tea tree oil is one of many components which are used as yeast infection cures.

Upon further investigation, you can find a myriad of online sites promoting creams, oils, ointments, blends, and other yeast infection cures which may leave you skeptical. The best way to determine what course of action to take is to first visit your gynecologist or family doctor to ascertain whether or not you have a yeast infection. Remember, this can occur in men as well as women.

Once it is determine exactly what type of infection you have, then you can ascertain what course of treatment is appropriate. Perhaps you may wish to use over the counter or prescribed medications to treat the condition. Moreover, you may find that home remedies for yeast infection work just as well. However, be careful; as you may have a condition which needs to be properly diagnosed and treated.

The old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" may apply here. Therefore in trying to prevent this condition from occurring, you utilize some necessary steps to avoid having to go through the pain and annoyance accompanying this condition.

Try not to wear tight clothing that keeps moisture trapped inside; good hygiene habits are essential; ensure your genital area is dry; after each bowel movement, wipe from front to back; avoid feminine sprays; avoid antibiotics as much as you can; and ensure you receive plenty of rest and exercise. A poor immune system is one of the contributory factors in developing a yeast infection.

If you develop a yeast infection, seek medical advice to determine the level of infection. Yeast infection remedies are abundant; but use caution and engage in research to determine the best course of action for you.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on various health related issues. You can find out more on Yeast Infection Remedies by visiting

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Friday, May 2, 2008

What To Do For Yeast Infection And How To Avoid Getting Them

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Before you know what to do for yeast infection, you first have to understand its origin. A yeast infection occurs when the fungus Candida albicans overgrows in the vagina. While many women may have small amounts of the fungus, not all become symptomatic. If conditions change and more fungus grows, the bacteria can dissipate thus allowing for this condition to appear.

Bacteria inhibit the fungus which causes yeast infections. In fact, anything that can be used to kill the fungus would be helpful. If you are experiencing itching and irritation of the vagina, as well as swelling and redness of the vulva, you probably have a yeast infection. You may also notice a white discharge which is unusually thick. This, accompanied by pain or soreness during intercourse, as well as frequent urination which are also accompanies by pain and burning are clear signs of this condition.

To avoid yeast infections, wear cotton underpants which allow the area to breathe. Avoid feminine hygiene sprays or powders. If you develop symptoms of a yeast infection, contact your gynecologist who will determine what type of infection you actually have. He or she will then discuss what to do for the infection.

Ways to cure yeast infection may include antifungal drugs in the form of over the counter vaginal suppositories or creams. Once the medication is applied for about a week, the condition usually clears up. However, if it re-occurs, your doctor may want to check further to determine if you have excess sugar which can cause diabetes ? a contributing factor in yeast infections ? and may then prescribe an oral antifungal medication.

Prevention by utilizing good hygiene habits is essential. Washing the area around the vaginal opening daily with unscented soap and water provides the best hygiene available.

Do not use deodorant sprays, which are unnecessary and which contain chemicals that can irritate the vaginal lining. Moreover, it is important to note that the vagina cleanses itself by secreting a discharge which flow downward, removing bacteria, old cells, and menstrual blood when present. Normal vaginal discharge is minimal and is either clear or white and sticky.

Douching can, in fact, contribute to the problem rather than alleviate it. It washes away the protective mucous plug that covers the cervix to prevent organisms from entering the uterus. Moreover, it can spread a vaginal infection. It also washes away secretions that can help your doctor diagnose the infection properly. Further, by douching, you are actually prolonging the vagina?s natural cleansing method.

Before you decide what to do for yeast infection, visit your doctor to ascertain the type and severity of the infection. While home remedies may be fine in the short term, a reoccurrence of the condition can only lead to more problems in the future and make it difficult to cure yeast infection.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on various health related issues. You can find out more on What To Do For Yeast Infection by visiting

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Menopause and Yeast Infections - Tips And Advice In Treating Them

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Menopause and yeast infections appear to be synonymous. Along with the hot flashes, mood changes and other problems associated with menopause, vaginal dryness is yet another symptom women have to contend with. Let?s explore how vaginal dryness can increase the risk of yeast infection.

The medical term for any infection of the vaginal tract is called vaginitis. The symptoms are very similar to yeast infections in that they include: itching, burning or painful during urination and/or sexual intercourse. One of the most common conditions associated with vaginitis is a yeast infection.

As debilitating as yeast infections can be, it is important to use preventative methods to ensure you do not become a candidate for this condition, especially during menopause. One of the contributory factors is having sex with multiple partners. In addition, the use of foams or jellies or other birth control items can cause infections as well. Try to limit your use of sprays or products that are not natural. Soap and water is the best method to wash your vaginal area.

Due to the fact that bacteria is the catalyst which aids in removing fungus from the genital area, it is important to avoid consistent use of antibiotic medications since they tend to kill the healthy bacteria which is needed. Wear cotton instead of nylon. Nylon does not allow for air circulation, but keeps the moisture in. It is also recommended to use proper hygiene practices when wiping your genital area. Always wipe from front to back, thus decreasing the changes of spreading bacteria from back to front.

Other ways in which you can assist in the dissipation of a yeast infection is to avoid intercourse for a time; take cold baths to relieve the itching; never douche, as you would be washing away the necessary bacteria needed to fight the fungus; and if necessary, use a vaginal cream. More importantly, however, seek advice from your doctor to determine the extent to which the yeast infection can be treated.

While we all experience menopause and its affects; yeast infections can be avoided if using proper hygiene habits. Whether using home remedies or conventional medications, at some point you may have to receive medical intervention of the condition does not go away or if it becomes chronic. Although many espouse the use of oils, creams, and other products; it is up to you to research this condition and find an effective method to treat it whether or not you seek medical advice.

You may also wish to research many of the holistic treatments available. For thousands of years, the use of holistic care in treating certain conditions was widely accepted. Perhaps you will discover it is a good alternative to this irritating and often nasty condition.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Terry Edwards provides helpful information on various health related issues. You can find out more about Menopause And Yeast Infections by visiting

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Curing Your Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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The actual term for a yeast infection is Candida. Candida is caused by the yeast organisms that are normally in the body but for some reason, such as unhygenic intercourse, taking antibiotics, pregnancy, and even the use of oral birth control, there becomes an overgrowth of the yeast and therefore the start of an infection.

So, what does this mean for you?

There are many symptoms of yeast infections, mostly commonly though, are itching, discharge, a rash, and odor. Less common are pain, tiredness, PMS, muscle aches, poor memory, memory loss, mood changes, discomfort during sex, and several others. It is important to remember that not everyone who has a yeast infection will show the same signs of the infection as others. Another important point is that it is transferable during intercourse from women to men and vise versa. Now once you know you have a yeast infection it is generally a good idea to get treatment as soon as you can, let untreated yeast infections become severe and can cause many other problems with your health, or the development of chronic yeast infections. Your Doctor can give you a prescriptions, there are many over the counter drugs that clear up the symptoms, and there are many at home treatments that have been known to work. Although some of these might work to clear up your symptoms, they are not always working to clear up the actual problem, thus curing your infections, and many times the infections reappear later on.

This is called Chronic Yeast Infection, and can be very dangerous to your fertility, as well as the rest of your health. What occurs to cause chronic yeast infection is the yeast that can form roots or spores, forms spores and the body has no way to fight the spores. More importantly there is not a specific test that can be done to prove whether or not you have chronic infections, however a reoccurring yeast infection may be a good indication. Whether it is chronic or not there are some things you can do to make the symptoms of the infection less severe. Following these tips in addition to getting treatment should help to clear up your symptoms, and treat the problem.

Here are some tips to follow if you have a yeast infection:
-Make sure the underwear you are using are cotton.
-Drink a lot of water.
-Keep the area of infection as dry as possible.
-Do not douche as this can worsen the problem.
-Do not try boric acid as a home remedy, it can cause death in the more severe cases.

*Disclaimer*- Before treatment of any kind please consult with a trusted medical professional.

If you want to clear up yeast infections for good, and not leave yourself open for chronic infections check out Home Remedies- Yeast Infection for the home remedy to yeast infections that covers men, women, children, and thrush in babies and breastfeeding moms.

You can also visit this author on her blog at

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