Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, February 27, 2009

Yeast Infection - Do you Have One?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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What is a Yeast Infection?

Maybe you have never heard of it. Maybe you just discovered that you have one and you are wondering what are you suppose to do. The first step would be to better understand what you are up against. First don?t worry; a yeast infection is not a very serious condition although recurrent yeast infections can be a symptom of an underlying condition.

A yeast infection is a bacterial infection. They can occur due to various reasons. Some of the most common ones are:

- Transference through sexual intercourse
- Steady Usage of antibiotics
- Wrong diet

There are other factors such as:

- Pregnancy
- Stress
- Wrong Clothing
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Use of Scented Feminine Hygiene products
- Douches

These are only the most commons reasons why yeast infections occur. Other less common factors can be the cause of a yeast infection. Factor such as:

- Weaken immune system
- Transmitted through sexual disease
- Prolonged contact with semen

You should know that even though a yeast infection can be transmitted sexually it is not considered a sexual transmitted disease.

What are The Symptoms?

The first thing you should do if you suspect you are suffering from yeast infection symptoms is to consult a physician just to rule out any other condition.

Here are some of the symptoms associated with yeast infections:

- intense itching
- rash
- burning sensation
- vaginal discharge
- pain during sexual intercourse
- swelling of the vulva
- redness around the affected area
- frequent urination

One of the most common sign of a yeast infection is the vaginal discharge. It often takes the form of a thin watery or milky substance. It can be egg white in appearance, firm and yellowish or it can have a cottage cheese-like texture.

There is often an odour associated with it. The odour tends to be acrid and pungent. Sometimes it can also be odourless in some cases.

How do you treat it?

Usually it can be treated with prescription medications and over the counter medication. There is also a wide variety of natural treatments that are extremely effective.

Keep in mind that there is always a chance that it can occur again. The best thing to do is to take preventive measures and always be aware that it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

In other words a Yeast infection if treated properly can be cured quite easily although in some cases it can take quite a bit longer. All you need to do is take the necessary precautions and preventive measures and you should be able to overcome it with little problems.

Visit our website for more information about yeast infection treatment and yeast infection cure. If you liked our article about yeast infection symptoms visit our website for more quality articles. We help you understand it and treat it.


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Friday, February 20, 2009

Choosing The Best Treatments For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Because there are so many options available, you should compare treatments for yeast infections before deciding which method to use. When you compare treatments you will find that they range from tried and true natural remedies to prescription medications. The treatment you choose will depend on the severity of your infection and your personal preferences.

Yogurt is a popular home treatment that is often used to alleviate yeast infections. Compared to some other treatments, yogurt is inexpensive and effective. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a healthy bacterium that occurs naturally in the vagina. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. The yogurt can be applied directly to the vulva and can be inserted into the vagina with a tampon that has been soaked in yogurt. Make sure that you use only plain, unflavored yogurt with no added sugar and be sure that is contains live acidophilus cultures. Apply once or twice a day until symptoms improve.

Garlic is another home treatment that is sometimes used to cure yeast infections. Garlic contains natural antifungal substances that kill of yeast. Peel the garlic, wrap in gauze and insert it into the vagina. For best results, you should leave it in your vagina for several hours at a time (like overnight). Garlic capsules may also be used.

Boric acid capsules used as suppositories are an effective medical treatment for yeast infections. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

To relieve the itching associated with a yeast infection, try making a paste of slippery elm powder and a little water. Apply as needed. Another option is to keep aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and then soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your vulva. Although slippery elm and aloe vera treatments will relieve symptoms, they will not kill the yeast fungus. Make sure you use them in conjunction with anti-fungal yeast remedies.

There are many over the counter antifungal treatments that can be used for yeast infections. Take time to compare treatments so you will chose the one that will best treat your yeast infection. Monistat is a popular choice. This medication comes in a pre-filled applicator so that the anti-fungal substance can be inserted directly into the vagina. Monistat is effective but it is expensive compared to home remedies. Some women use Vagisil cream to relieve itchiness while they are treating their yeast infections.

Your doctor can help you compare prescription treatments that are available for yeast infections. Diflucan is an oral medication that generally clears up a yeast infection with just one treatment. Like most prescription medications, it does have some unpleasant side effects so make sure your doctor discusses all aspects of the medication with you.

Most women find that they prefer natural remedies to prevent and treat yeast infections. Do some research and decide which treatment is best for you. When you compare the treatments for yeast infections, you will be certain to find the one that best suits your needs, budget and lifestyle.

Glossary: Boric acid: A home remedy that is sometimes used to treat yeast infections. Diflucan: A prescription medication that is sometimes used to treat yeast infections.

Learn more about getting yeast infection from tanning beds on our site. You'll also find other information such as vasectomy and male yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Yeast Infections - Why High-Sugar Diets Are Sometimes to Blame for Chronic Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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It has been known for some time that a high-sugar diet, or a diet high in simple carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, can contribute to chronic yeast infections.

Research studies have shown that the yeast population in mice will skyrocket (and become infectious), if the mice are fed a high-sugar diet. The same thing happens in humans. Unfortunately, many people the Western world eat too much refined sugar and simple carbohydrates. This poor dietary choice has become a major factor in the increase in obesity and diabetes, and can increase the chances of yeast infections, too.

What are refined sugars and simple carbohydrates?

All types of sugar (white, brown, powdered, raw, Turbinado, etc.), white flour, corn syrup, maple syrup, and white rice are the most common simple carbohydrates that we eat. You can assume that any flour made of grain that has been refined to remove the nutritious germ and high-fiber bran is going to be very attractive to yeast, just like candy and other forms of sugar.

Honey is also a simple sugar, but small amounts of honey may actually be beneficial to the important bacteria in your gut. For this reason, a teaspoon or two of honey every day may actually be good for you, but you won't want to get carried away if you have chronic yeast infections caused by Candida albicans yeast.

Many people find their chronic yeast infections clear up when they just stop eating anything containing sugar or white flour. This is a simple dietary change that is fairly easy for most people to do. As a bonus, this one change also helps you lose the extra pounds you?re carrying around, and can prevent or reverse the insulin resistance that can lead to diabetes.

Sugar and white flour are full of calories, but have almost no nutritional value at all, so your health is certainly not at risk if you give them up.

Both sugar and white flour should be avoided like the plague if you currently have a yeast infection, and you should seriously consider cutting down or eliminating these products permanently to keep your yeast infection from coming back.

High-calorie diets also lead to obesity, which may in turn lead to insulin resistance and diabetes or a pre-diabetic condition. You can be eating a high-calorie diet even without sugar or pasta if you eat a lot of fat, or if you eat a healthy diet but load up your plate with too much food. One of the most effective things you can do for your long-term health is to grab a good, well-researched book on nutrition and learn as much as you can about maintaining a healthy diet. Two of the best books on nutrition (for overall health, and not just yeast infections) are Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD and Eat More, Weight Less by Dean Ornish, MD.

You don't need a special "Candida" diet to reduce your chances of getting yeast infections, but a healthy diet is a must. Reduce or eliminate sugar, white bread and pasta, and watch your portions, and you may never have another yeast infection.

To learn more about the things that can cause yeast infections, and to learn about the safe, natural remedies that eliminate the irritating symptoms of this common condition, visit

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Mouth Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Mouth yeast infection is a condition commonly known as "Thrush". It is a fairly rare infection, so much so, that only in the past 10-15 years has it been clearly defined medically. Two decades ago, the cause of mouth yeast infection was unknown. Physicians merely treated the overt symptoms of Thrush without really knowing what caused it.

Thrush is a painful, uncomfortable condition. It is also very unsightly, causing embarrassment to the sufferer. The symptoms of this mouth yeast infection are easily recognized as creamy-white, curd-like patches on the tongue, inside the lips and on the inside walls of the mouth. Thrush lesions can range in size from a fingernail to a half-dollar. The lesions can also extend down into the throat where they be unseen, but are certainly felt by the sufferer. Infants can be particularly susceptible to mouth yeast infection.

Before the cause of mouth yeast infection was known, physicians often tried to simply scrape the white patches of fungus from the affected areas of the mouth. This left the patient with red, raw, and bleeding lesions that were horribly painful. This type of Thrush, if left untreated, can spread and cause damage to other body organs. This mouth yeast infection is therefore much more dangerous than vaginal candida fungal infections.

Today, medical research has specifically identified the causes of Thrush. The main cause of a mouth yeast infection is extensive medicinal use of antibiotics and steroids.

Today, we know much more about mouth yeast infection because Thrush is often a condition taking advantage of weakened immune systems in AIDS patients. But don't be alarmed - a person with Thrush is NOT necessarily an AIDS patient! A weakened immune system, present in AIDS, is also present in many other conditions such as lupus and fibromyalgia.

There are four clinical stages of mouth yeast infections. These are Moniliasis or Thrush, Erythematous, Chronic Hyperplastic and Angular Cheilitis. So far, we have discussed Thrush - the creamy white curd-like coating on the mouth's surface. When this surface is wiped off, it leaves a red tissue beneath. Erythematous occurs when the red patch peels away and is mostly found on the palate as well as tongue. When the extra tissue cannot easily be wiped off and appears to be somewhat discolored due to staining caused by food or tobacco, we come to Chronic Hyperplastic. At the Angular Cheilitis stage, there will appear red cracks at the corners of the person's mouth and is very often covered by a pseudo membrane.

Cure the Cause, Don't Cover the Symptoms

If you do not treat a mouth yeast infection properly it may very dangerous. Some pharmacies offer over-the-counter oral drugs which they promise will bring a end to your mouth yeast infections but in reality can make the infection worse or only appear to go away. Although some products may temporarily cover the symptoms, most oral pills do not destroy the infection at it's source.

Do you want to eradicate mouth yeast infection forever, without using cover-up pharmaceuticals? You can do it naturally, powerfully, permanently. Visit this resource: Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection


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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to Diagnose and Relieve A Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A Candida Albicans intestinal yeast infection is caused by a fungal organism which, it is believed, is present in everybody's gastrointestinal (GI) tract no matter what their age, how healthy they are or their gender.

Candida Albicans is the most common type of candida fungus/ mold, and all healthy people are immune to candida albicans. In fact, for many years a solution containing candida albicans has been injected just under the skin as a way of checking for a normal healthy immune response or for any obvious abnormalities.

The most common types of Candida Albicans are those which cause either a vaginal yeast infection in women or oral thrush which can infect anyone including young babies.

In a normal healthy host, candida present in the gut is kept under control by both the body's immune system and the friendly bacteria (probiotics) that are found in the intestinal tract.

However, problems start to occur when the Candida Albicans is allowed to colonize, multiplying and causing many of the symptoms associated with a candida infection, which range from stomach irritation to more severe even life threatening symptoms.

This can happen due to a number of reasons:

The levels of friendly bacteria in the GI tract have been reduced below a healthy amount often due to taking prescribed or non-prescribed medication for an extended period of time. This then compromises the body?s natural ability to keep the candida albicans from multiplying. If a person has been taking a long course of antibiotics then it is worth keeping a close watch for any yeast infections.

A poor immune system, either through medication or through illness, can allow the candida albicans to thrive and spread. Candida infections are not unusual in HIV patients or in people who have been treated with Chemotherapy. Also a persons lifestyle can impact on their immune system, especially if they have stressful jobs or ongoing stressful personal situations.

Also, a poor diet has been attributed to an increased risk of a candida infection. This is particularly true of diets that are high in sugar.

Unfortunately as it grows the Candida Albicans can change from its relatively harmless ?yeast? form, into the fungal form, which lines the GI tract walls and, if allowed to overgrow, uses its long root like tentacles to penetrate the intestinal lining and release spores into the rest of the body.

If this occurs, then a break down may occur between a person's intestinal tract and their circulatory system and so allow the introduction of allergens, poisons, irritants and toxins into the bloodstream. If the openings are large enough then partially digested proteins may also enter the bloodstream, a situation known as leaky gut syndrome.

Continue reading to sign up for our free newsletter and discover natural methods to diagnose and relieve candida symptoms.

Although it has been hard to diagnose in the past, as candida is a normal part of the GI tract flora, there have been some advances. A simple blood test known as a Candida Albicans Assay test can often be enough to diagnose whether a person has an increased level of Candida antibodies in their bloodstream.

To help a diagnosis ensure that you keep a record of any symptoms you may be suffering from and discuss them with your medical practitioner. There are a number of conditions that can have similar symptoms to a candida overgrowth, so the more you know about the condition the better chance you have of fighting it.

Treatments have been shown to be effective against candida albicans infections once it has been successfully diagnosed, and they usually include a course of anti -fungal medication, a change in lifestyle to reduce stress and an anti-candida diet.

To reduce the risk of another Candida albicans intestinal yeast infection occurring, it is important to understand the initial cause of the infection and treat that to reduce the chance of further episodes.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection along with more information on the treatment of chronic yeast infections.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection - Candida Albicans Symptom Help

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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For many people the cycle of yeast infection is complicated often by the use of antibiotics leads to a natural remedy for yeast infection search. A common candida albicans symptom is a white discharge but there are a number of different symptoms that vary from person to person.

Other symptoms include food allergies, itching, burning during urination, digestive problems, acne, lowered immune system and short attention span. I have seen a natural remedy for yeast infection on the internet that involved cloves of garlic and it is important to be careful with that when used in a sensitive part of your body. Also some natural remedies can be toxic to the liver so this needs to be researched carefully.

One helpful contribution to a natural remedy for yeast infection is to avoid scented bubble baths as well as avoiding tight underwear made of synthetic materials. It's important to get out of swimsuits and exercise clothing quickly as yeast grows in a damp environment. Another overlooked candida albicans symptom is a rash or redness around the area.

One step in getting a natural remedy for yeast infection is to have a swab taken by your physician to diagnose properly. There are some good antifungals including oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract and clarkia , but it's good to have a well-organized systematic plan that can synthesize antifungals, probiotics, antioxidants, hygeine and diet.

It is helpful to eat foods more on the alkalinic side. One type of apple that is not high in sugars is the granny smith apple. I was surprised to learn that 75 percent of women will get a yeast infection in their life time. This is why it's helpful to have some knowledge of candida albicans symptom analysis.

One thing to be aware of is that it's easy to get a magnesium deficiency when you have a yeast infection so try to stay conscious of this. Also hormones can play a role in candida albicans so be aware during pregnancy as well as different times in your cycle as sugar feeds on estrogen and progesterone. It can seem overwhelming to find a natural remedy for yeast infection but putting together the helpful agents into a plan will give you success. Try to not just pick and choose but use a system you follow daily.

Dee Cohen is a therapist and yoga teacher who researches natural treatments. Stop by to get info on Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection


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