Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is There A Home Or Natural Remedy For Chronic Yeast Infections?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is a condition caused by the fungus Candida albicans. A vaginal yeast infection is an excess growth of yeast cells in the vagina. Learning to recognize the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection is vital before women attempt self-treatment. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. Yeast infection is so common that 3/4 women will have it in their life time. Treating a yeast infection is simple, but it's important to visit your doctor for the right diagnosis.

Natural Treatment

Instead of reaching for a costly over the counter medication; why not use a natural remedy for yeast infection instead? Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure, and there are some natural remedies for a yeast infection. The first one is dietary natural cure for yeast infection - for example Cranberry pills, which can be found at natural food stores, can be taken throughout the duration of a yeast infection as a supplement. Among the most effective natural treatments for yeast infection is the use of probiotics, or what is commonly called friendly bacteria or beneficial bacteria. Acidophilus is an ideal natural cure for yeast infection, as it is a natural probiotic. The advantage of a natural approach to fighting yeast infection, is it allows control over the yeast permanently and puts your immune system back on track. If you are in any way uncertain, consult a health care provider to modify your diet and/or treat this condition directly with an effective, all natural yeast infection control product.

Who Doesn't Want a Natural Remedy for a Yeast Infection?

Whether it's a dislike for man-made chemicals or just plain embarrassment, many women seek a natural remedy for a yeast infection. One well known home remedy for yeast infection is the regular use of curds or yogurt. This home remedy for a yeast infection combats the fungus (yeast) that is responsible for the infection. Curds and yogurt are foods identified to be the most effective home remedy for yeast infection. Some believe that the best way to use yogurt as a natural remedy for yeast infection is by inserting plain yogurt into the vaginal area. Taking a tampon dipped in yogurt and inserting it in the vagina, twice a day, is one of the most recommended home remedy for yeast infection.

Natural Treatment for Yeast Infections

The treatment for yeast infection varies from person to person. Most of these candidal infections are superficial and clear up easily with treatment but their causes are quite different, their symptoms similar, and treatment varies. Try to avoid intercourse until you have completed treatment and the symptoms have subsided. It is important to receive proper treatment for your yeast infection, and it is very important to consult with your doctor before treatment. If you don't complete treatment correctly you may not get rid of the yeast infection. Women who do not improve after treatment with a standard oral or vaginal treatment for yeast infection should be reexamined by their physician. With proper treatment, the infection usually clears up in a few days to a week.

If the yeast infection is left untreated, the symptomatic pains of this infection may continue and this may worsen the severity. One of the main causes of recurring chronic yeast infection is sexual activity. If your yeast infection is chronic, even after a change of diet and the use of herbal therapies, have your male sex partner evaluated. If a yeast infection is left untreated it can progress to a bacterial infection, which is more serious.

As embarrassing as this can make some women feel, you must realize that the yeast infection is not your fault. Yeast infection is merely an overgrowth of yeast in or on the body, and yeast infection is able to affect ANY part of the human body. Many homeopathic physicians feel a systemic yeast infection is the most overlooked and misdiagnosed disease in medicine. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, see a doctor immediately so they can determine if a yeast infection is the cause of your symptoms, and suggest a course of (hopefully natural) treatment.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.


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Friday, October 24, 2008

Yeast Infections and Antibiotics

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A leading cause of a yeast infection is the use of antibiotics. These drugs kill off bacteria that usually keep the yeast in check. The yeast population can then grow too quickly for your immune system to control it.

When this happens, yeast may then change over to its infectious form and go on the attack.

Women quite often experience their first yeast infections after taking a prescription for antibiotics, or after using soap containing disinfectants. Other women have no problems with most antibiotics, but may get yeast infections if they take specific types of antibiotics, or if they are treated for an extended time for chronic problems like acne.

Toddlers often have oral thrush after a course of antibiotics.

Some Antibiotics Can be Avoided

Some condoms have a spermicide containing nonoxynol-9, which has been shown to increase the incidence of yeast infections. If you get a yeast infection after having sex using a condom, check the package to see if it has an antibiotic or spermicide. If it does, you might consider changing brands.

Our food supply is also full of antibiotics, because beef and poultry are fed these drugs on a regular basis to keep them healthy in crowded conditions. Some health practitioners believe the widespread use of antibiotics in both humans and animals is the cause for both the recent increase in drug-resistant bacteria, and the increased incidence of yeast infections.

If you have a child who gets oral yeast infections and there is no obvious cause, (such as eating lots of sugar), you may want to switch to certified organic beef, chicken and eggs. (?Free range? is not a regulated term, and does not guarantee that the chicken or egg is antibiotic free.)

Many people don?t realize that soap containing disinfectants can remove the beneficial bacteria from their skin, right along with the germs. If you get yeast infections often and you use one of the popular brands of disinfectant soap, you may want to switch to a non-medicated brand.

Some herbal remedies intended for a condition called "systemic candidiasis" may act as mild antibiotics, and kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut right along with the yeast. If you often have vaginal yeast infections or thrush, you should talk to your doctor before using one of these remedies. You do need those bacteria, and yogurt can only replace some of the species of bacteria naturally living in your intestines.

Replacing Your Beneficial Bacteria

When you need to use an antibiotic because you have a bacterial infection or other illness, you can replace some of your bacteria, but not all of them, by eating non-sweetened yogurt that contains active bacteria. Many commercial brands do not contain live acidophilus, so be sure to read the label.

If you can?t tolerate yogurt, a dietary supplement that contains acidophilus may also be helpful to bring your body?s yeast and bacteria back into balance, so you will be less likely to suffer from a yeast infection after the use of antibiotic medications.

Remember that antibiotics are only one of at least 17 different things that can trigger a yeast infection. Some of the other things on that long list can be avoided, but not all of them. Protect yourself against yeast infections by learning as much as you can about this common condition.

Jonni writes full-time about important health issues, including yeast infections and antibiotics. For a Free Report called ?4 Important Facts About Yeast Infections,? visit her site at

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thrush, Yeast Infection and Candida- Home Treatments Explored

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Thrush- In plain English, thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth. It occurs mostly in babies and children, but also adults can get it, if they might already have a serious disease or illness. You know it is thrush usually because of a white bumpy rash in your mouth that comes on quickly, it is painful and can spread to most parts of your mouth and esophagus.

Yeast Infection- In the genital region of men and women, more commonly in women, but can be incurred by either sex, or originated by either sex, it is a common misconception that men only get yeast infections from women.

Both thrush and yeast infections are caused by the Candida yeast fungus overgrowth. Luckily there are many products you already have at home that can help clear up the symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar- applied many times a day to the infected area
Tea Tree Oil- applied to infection
Yogurt- applied to infection
Garlic- applied to infection
Oil of Oregano- applied to infection
Drinking buttermilk- two glasses a day (continue after the infection is gone to stave off recurring infection)

*Boric Acid*- Do NOT use boric acid to clear up a yeast infection it can be very dangerous as it is a toxic product.

For thrush it is important to sterilize all bottles, and pacifiers and anything else the baby or child puts in their mouth. For women who breast feed it may be a good idea to pump until the baby's infection is gone so you do not catch the infection on your breast, this can be very painful and itchy and if it causes you to stop feeding for awhile you can develop clogged milk ducts and then mastitis.

There is one way to cure yeast infections and thrush alike. It is a home remedy and information about it can be found at Home Remedies- Yeast Infection.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yeast Infection Remedy - Easy and Effective Herbal Treatments

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast is the second most common kind of vaginal infection. One of the many species of fungus called Candida causes it. Candida normally lives in small numbers in the vagina as well as in the mouth and digestive tract of both men and women.

Women are more vulnerable to get vaginal yeast infections if their bodies are under stress from poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, or when they are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune suppressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV infection are also at increased risk.

Symptoms of yeast:

The symptoms of yeast infection may vary from very mild to severe and include:

? Vaginal itch or soreness

? Thick, white, curd like discharge

? Burning discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially when urine touches the area

? Pain during sexual intercourse

? Unpleasant odour from the genitalia

? Itching and burning of the female genitals (vulva)

? Painful urination

? Vulva redness and swelling

Vaginal discharge is not always present and may be minimal, but when present may be:

? cheese like in nature

? thick, whitish-grey discharge

? watery to thick in consistency

Causes of yeast infection:

Since yeast is normal in a women's vagina, it causes an infection when a change in the balance in a woman's system occurs. For example, pregnancy, which leads to changes in hormone levels. Antibiotics can kill the normal vaginal bacteria. Then the yeast, which is usually present in or near a women's vagina can multiply.

Thus, yeast overgrowth usually occurs as the result of:

? Fatigue

? High stress

? Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle

? Increased warmth and moisture in the vaginal area

? Menopause

? Not drying the outer vaginal area thoroughly after bathing

? Birth control pills

? Poor diet

? Poorly ventilated underwear

? Poor personal hygiene

? Pregnancy

? Certain drugs

? Use of 'broad spectrum' antibiotics

? Vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication

? Sweating

? High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels making a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow

Treatment of yeast infection:

Any woman who experiences symptoms of a yeast infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to be sure that the vaginal discharge and discomfort is caused by yeast and not any other sexually transmitted infection.

Vaginal yeast infections are treated with antifungal medicines that are inserted directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories.

Treatment of sexual partners is not necessary, since most yeast infections are not transmitted sexually.

How to prevent yeast infection?

Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections.

However, one can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps ?

- Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.

- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.

- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow.

- Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays.

- Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.

- After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.

- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.

- If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels.

- Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection.

- Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.

- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.

- Do not wear underwear at night, as our body needs to dry after a day of clothing which traps heat and moisture.

Dietary recommendations for yeast infection -

Any woman with a yeast infection should be particularly careful about her diet, as some foods promote fungal growth. Try to include -

? Fresh vegetables and fruits

? Fish

? Whole grains

? Essential fatty acids, such as nuts

? Plenty of fresh water

? 1 tablespoon Isabgol husk fibre and/or 1/4 cup Oat bran daily Avoid:

? Alcohol

? Animal fats

? Caffeine

? Dairy products, such as cheese, ice-cream

? Fast foods

? Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product

? Fermented food

? Hydrogenated oils and margarine

? Processed foods

? Sugar, sweets, chocolates

? White and processed flour products

Thus, as yeast fungus thrives on sugars and carbohydrates - a vegetarian nondairy diet of protein, unrefined grains, and vegetables is best. Onions and garlic are also very helpful. Fresh, raw garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins.

Read More on Treatments by Ayurveda and Home Remedies at

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