Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Natural Treatments For Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Let's be honest. Yeast infections are not something that women like to openly talk about and with good reason. So many suffer in silence until it gets to the point where they have to go to a doctor. Hopefully, this article will educate you slightly as to what a yeast infection actually is and how you can cure it without harmful drugs. After all, that is our ultimate goal.

A vaginal yeast infection is an abnormal growth of yeast cells in the vagina. These infections are most common in women who are in their child bearing years, but they can happen at any age. The good news is, they rarely lead to any serious health problems. The bad news is, they can be quite uncomfortable and the standard medical treatments can have some nasty side effects and don't always work.

How does one know when a yeast infection is present? Well, the most common symptoms are vaginal itching, which can at times be very severe, vaginal discharge, which is usually white, red skin around the opening to the vagina, pain while urinating or touching the skin, and pain in the vagina during sexual intercourse. These symptoms are more likely to occur one week before the menstrual cycle begins.

Most vaginal yeast infections clear up on their own, but in some cases this doesn't happen and treatment is needed. This is where modern medicine and naturalists differ greatly. And even with that, there are times when modern medicine even tells you that it is best not to do anything, such as when you're pregnant because these treatments can be harmful to the baby. Think about what they can do to you in the process.

In the rare cases where your yeast infection is serious you will develop symptoms such as a high fever over 101. You may also experience lower abdominal pain with this fever. Fortunately, these symptoms usually don't occur until you've actually had the yeast infection for some time. So the best time to treat it is in the early stages.

Traditional treatments include over the counter and prescription medications, in the cases where the yeast infection is serious. But all these treatments have side effects and unfortunately, don't always work. So the question is, what do you do? Do you just have to suffer with this condition?

The answer to that is no. There are natural treatments for vaginal yeast infections so that you don't have to resort to dangerous drugs. If you visit our web site you will find such treatments. The suffering doesn't have to continue and you don't have to rely on your doctor to hand you a prescription filled with harmful side effects.

Visit our web site at where you can find natural treatments for yeast infections as well as get your free report on how the drug companies are killing us. You'll also receive a free 52 week series on natural treatments for a variety of ailments.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Avoid Yeast Infection Candida Causes

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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The sad truth is that the yeast infection Candida is often caused because of two main factors that destroy the friendly bacteria (probiotics) in our body that would normally suppress it.

Unfortunately because of the lives we lead today candida yeast infections have become much more prevalent. So much so that doctors believe that 3 out of every 4 women will at some stage in their life be affected by a of yeast infection at least once.

It has been found that there are over 20 different strains of Candida living in the human body and the most common of them all is Candida Albicans.

Generally this form of yeast lives on the surface of our bodies and in the digestive system without problems. However, if at any stage the conditions change then the candida yeast can multiply leading to a yeast infection.

The most common types of yeast infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush, skin infections as well as nappy rash and infections that can infect the nail beds.

It is often the dietary choices we make, the lifestyle we live and if we have been taking specific medication that can increase our risk of a candida yeast infection.

If our immune response becomes weaker (due to a repressed immune system) it can provide an ideal environment in which the yeast infection Candida can grow. Here are two areas that increase the risk of someone suffering from yeast infections:-

1. Diet

Diets that are very high in cooked and refined processed food can contain additives and preservatives, which place more strain on the digestive system as they struggle to process them.

Most of these products are highly acidic and contain large amounts of sugar which encourages Candida growth.

So, it is important to remove sugar and sugary foods from the diet, as the yeast feeds on the sugar. This means eliminating refined or natural sugars, including fruit, fruit juices, syrups and honey.

It is also essential to reduce the amount of food in the diet that contains yeast, or products made with yeast, including most breads and alcohol.

Continue reading to find out how to join our free natural candida relief newsletter.

2. Environmental toxins and medication

There are many toxins in the environment and in the food we eat. Many of these are unfortunately introduced in process of getting the food and drink to your table.

There are also toxins in the air we breathe and there are certain medications that can effect the environment in gastrointestinal tract, and also impact the immune system.

Toxins can build up in our system over time, which can impact on the immune system. If this occurs, it can lead to an increased chance of the candida yeast overgrowing and infecting the body.

The main source of many of the chemicals that we ingest today can be found in the food that we eat.

You only have to read the labels in order to see just how many chemical additives have been used in many of the processed foods that are available for purchase.

So it is important that if you want to keep the yeast infection Candida at bay you limit the amount of man made chemicals that you ingest by eating a diet full of fresh, natural produce.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about the yeast infection Candida and for information on chronic yeast infection please visit Naturally Eliminating Candida.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Home remedies for yeast infections are becoming increasingly popular and everywhere you go, yeast infection sufferers will have their own unique home remedy which they believe to be the very best.

For many years now, over the counter drugs have been available to treat yeast infections, but more people are beginning to realise that taking medication time after time may not be the answer and could, in fact, make things much worse in the long run. Home remedies for yeast infections really come into their own when people who get recurrent bouts find a remedy that suits them and implement it at the first sign of an attack. Furthermore, many home remedies for yeast infections take a more holistic approach ? that is they treat the problem as a whole rather than just masking the symptoms. This means that the likelihood of having numerous attacks is greatly reduced as the ?root cause? is dealt with instead of being covered up.

This overall approach, when combined with a home remedy for yeast infections which will target the presenting symptoms achieves a two pronged result: the sufferer gets immediate relief without using drugs or having to spend money on prescription medication and the longer term affect ensures that the problem does not keep occurring in the future. Whilst a plan like this can take a degree of commitment from the sufferer, most people who use home remedies for yeast infections report a lessening of the immediate symptoms and a feeling of overall wellbeing, which in no small part comes from the feeling of being ?in control? of the yeast infection at last.

Home remedies for yeast infections have been around for centuries. The yeast that is responsible for the infection cannot be cured by antibiotics but nature, in her wisdom, has provided us with a wealth of natural substances which provide an excellent source of quick and effective relief from the symptoms of yeast infections. A good home remedy for yeast infections will provide you with information on why it works. The plan should explain the properties of the treatment, whether they are anti-fungal or healing, explain which natural supplement is best and why and show you ways to alter your lifestyle and habits so as to maximise the effects of the home remedy.

When choosing home remedies for yeast infections you should look for someone who has done their research and can prove it. Ideally, it should be someone with first hand experience of a yeast infection problem, someone who has used home remedies for yeast infections themselves and been successful both in treating the initial outbreak and in keeping the problem at bay. Home remedies for yeast infections definitely work; it?s simply a question of finding the right one at the right price that works for you.


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