Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, September 28, 2007

Yeast Infections - Symptoms & Treatments

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is an infection that is very common. Most people associate a these infections with women, but in fact it is common in both men and women alike. It is estimated that more than seventy five percent of all women have experienced at least one of these bad things in their life.

A fungus that is naturally produced in our bodies causes a yeast infection. Bacteria that are also naturally produced by the body regulate the growth of the fungus. The balance between the fungus and the bacteria is easily upset, when this happens, a yeast infection develops.

There are many different things that can upset the natural balance of the body. When antibiotics are taken for long periods of time, it can cause the body to become unbalanced and one of those can develop. Antibiotics can also destroy the good bacteria in the body that regulates the fungus. When the Ph levels in the body are out of balance it can also cause this nasty infection.

For those who have had one, the yeast infection symptoms are recognizable.

The pain and itching, along with the discharge and swelling can be maddening. Waiting for an appointment for a diagnosis can seem like a year when in fact it is usually only a couple of days.

The most common type of treatements are with anti fungal creams. Waiting for relief from the discomfort of a yeast infection can seem unbearable. These creams usually take between one to seven days to completely clear up the affected area. It is important to follow your instructions from your doctor to avoid a re-occurrence.

There are some steps that you can take to minimize your risk of contracting or developing symptoms.

Diet is very important for a number of health reasons. For a yeast infection, avoid eating large amounts of yeast breads, cakes, and especially beer. All of these have a high yeast content that can throw your body out of whack.

If you love to swim, that is great. It is good health exercise. The important thing to remember is to change out of your wet bathing suit as soon as possible, as it can easy cause an infection.

Another thing that is important to staying on the clear side is to wear underwear that has a cotton crotch. A thong or G-string does not allow airflow.

Every woman has douched, it is important to remember not to use water. This can cause an imbalance and cause a painfully itchy yeast infection. When you find that perfect pair of jeans that you cannot live without, consider how tight they are. If they are too tight, pass on them. Studies have proved that clothes that are too tight will do more than just make you look good.

Yeast infections are horrible and nasty, and they are quite preventable. By taking the necessary precautions, you need never suffer from the affects of this pesty disease again.

For More Informatiion On Yeast Infection Symptoms Treatement please visit my website here Yeast Infection Symptom Treatement. Have yourself a Good Day!


7 Tips to Get Rid of Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Once you've had a yeast infection, you never want it again. People tend to use drugs to get instant remedy. But drugs often have little or no effectiveness and can have bothersome side effects like vaginal burning, stomach upset, loss of appetite, altered taste, diarrhea, nausea, headache or dizziness. Some people have allergic reactions to these drugs resulting in rashes, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing. Here are some tips to get rid of yeast infection and prevent it from coming back.

  1. After using toilet, please wipe from front to back to avoid cross infection from anal.
  2. Wash your underwear separately in hot water. Do not use washer and dryer with other clothes.
  3. Do not use strong soap and perfume when taking a bath. Make sure your vaginal area complete dry before dress on pant.
  4. Cotton underwear is best.
  5. Eat yogurt because the live acidophiles bacteria helps in get rid of yeast infection.
  6. Use condom while having sex.
  7. Vegetables are good, alcohol and sugar are bad.

A lot of people who suffering from yeast infection are looking for instant relief. And the yeast infection keeps coming back. Follow these tips everyday to try to get on the other side where you can live a life without yeast infection.

It's HARD to get rid of yeast infection by using prescription drugs. The story of a yeast infected woman is always about frustration, unnecessary expense, short-term relief, long term sense of despair and out-of-control-ness, and (at times) intense discomfort. Click the link below to know why yeast infection are coming back and why drugs usually don't help.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Scenario of Chronics Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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While it is often called Chronic Candidiasis in medical terms, chronics yeast infection results from an overgrowth of yeast in the gastrointestinal tract. However, it can likewise occur in conjunction with mucus membrane. There are a wide range of factors underlying an elevated risk of chronics yeast infection including using antibiotics, taking birth control pills, taking food loaded with carbohydrates, yeast-containing food, and pregnancy (in case of women).

Yeast infection illness symptoms can be complicated for those trying to diagnose their condition. Chronics yeast infection is represented by a variety of symptoms depending on the specific label of infection. In case of women, for example, vaginal infection by yeast shows in recurring symptoms of itching, a burning sensation, and abnormality in discharge. Gastrointestinal infection is shown by symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. A respiratory allergy with sneezing and puffing is another indicator of the condition. Menstrual abnormalities in women can correspondingly point to infection with yeast. Anxiety, frequent memory lapses, depressed mood, and lack of alertness are all possible symptoms associated with the effect of chronic candidiasis on the nervous system. Fatigue, headache, and irritability are some of the other generic symptoms associated with yeast infection.

The prognosis is often not that clear. Chronic candidiasis is an ailment that still lacks a remarkably precise and clear definition. Therefore, no laboratory test exists that can point out an affliction clearly. For Down-to-earth purposes, all cases of recurring vaginal irritation and thick vaginal discharge are projected as plausible cases of chronic candidiasis at the root. Patients with generic complaints as mentioned above receive a physical examination, CBC (Conclusive Blood Count) diagnosis, tests for serum and liver enzymes, and reading of thyroid glands. If these checks reveal no other dysfunction, then chronics yeast infection is projected as the workable cause of the symptoms reported.

The treatment of Chronic Yeast Infection can be more complex than one might think. Therapies for treating chronic candidiasis encompass substantial treatment with anti-fungal drugs until the symptoms are totally eliminated. Nystatin is the many admired drug for this purpose, taken orally and (in women with vaginal infection) as suppository. Moreover, food changes are suggested, particularly a check on foods rich in sugar or simple carbohydrates. An additional specialized therapy is candida allergy shots that allow the immune system of the body to block out future growth of candida after it has been injected into the patient's body in very small amounts.

Considering how to prevent Yeast Overgrowth Infections might be the best approach. Preventing chronic yeast infection requires you to keep clear of moldy (hot and damp) environments, practice regular body cleansing (bowel, kidney, liver and mouth), keep physically active, and wear clothes that allow sufficient air inside so that a person is not damp with sweat. Use yogurt with food in a proper amount to defeat the infectious yeast in the bowels and digestive tract. Eat healthy and stay healthy.

You can see some of his work at

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Vaginal Yeast Infections - Stop Them Today!

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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VYI (Vaginal yeast infections) are so common in women that it is estimated over 70% of all women will have such an infection at least once in their lives.

VYI is also known as Thrush and Vaginal Rash. They are not serious, but require prompt treatment so stop your VYI today.

What are VYI?

VYI are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans.

These fungus, or yeasts are tiny organisms that normally live on your skin and inside your vagina.

However the vagina's acidic environment normally keeps the yeast from growing however when the vagina becomes less acidic, the yeast grow and causes VYI.

During periods (menstruation), pregnancy and also with the following conditions such as:

Diabetes, taking certain antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, excess moisture and irritation of the vagina can all cause the acidic balance to change, and again encourage VYI. What are the Symptoms of VYI?

VYI are usually associated with a general feeling of discomfort in the vagina including an itching and an uncomfortable burning sensation in the vagina and around the vulva, suffers may also experience painful intercourse, a red and swollen vulva and sometimes a white discharge which creates a foul smell. What Can be Done To Treat VYI?

There are several medicines available, many sold in pharmacies needing no prescription.

Some are creams applied topically to the vulva and also inserted into the vagina. Others are pills and suppositories. Its always a good idea to ask your doctor what to take before deciding on your own.

How to Stop VYI

Generally, you should not wear too tight clothing for many hours, and certainly sleep at night without panties, giving your genital area some air and allowing it to breathe.

Also, try to wear cotton panties during the day, they are best for letting the area breathe and change these twice a day at least.

Do not overwear pantyhose. After the gym or a swim, shower and change immediately.

Other measures involve basic hygiene.

After your defecation, wipe yourself in only one direction, from front to back and never from back to front! This will keep anal bacterial out of your vagina.

After a bath or shower, make sure you dry your genital area well, and if necessary, use a hair dryer on low and warm setting to get rid of moisture.

Always avoid using sanitary pads with deodorant in them.

Ask your doctor before using any feminine hygiene sprays, and take a shower rather than a bath. If you must take a bath, wash with soap first and bathe in clean water, or use a shower on the vaginal area afterwards.

Avoid anything that can change the acidic environment in your vagina.

This was you can stop VYI, especially if are repeatedly affected by it.

It is not dangerous, but having it too often is not a good sign at all.

Sexually Transmitted VYI

Your partner can catch your VYI or you can catch his (if he is uncircumcised). He can have a similar discharge under his prepace called smegma, and you (and he) will know when it is there, as it smells very bad and looks like rotten cottage cheese.

Your partner should practice male hygiene and treat his yeast infection immediately.

This is provided for general information if you feel you may have an infection consult your doctor and get it sorted out.


On both womens health and all apsects of health as well as more on vaginal infections visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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6 Tips to Get Rid of Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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6 Tips to Get Rid of Yeast Infection

Once you've had a yeast infection, you never want it again. Here is some tips to get rid of yeast infection permanently.

1 After using toilet, please wipe from front to back to avoid cross infection from anal.

2 Wash your underwear separately in hot water. Do not use washer and dryer with other clothes.

3 Do not use strong soap and perfume when taking a bath. Make sure your vaginal area complete dry before dress on pant. Cotton underwear is best.

4 Eat yogurt because the live acidophiles bacteria helps in get rid of yeast infection.

5 Use condom while having sex.

6 Vatiams are good, alcohol and sugar are bad.

A lot of people who suffering from yeast infection are looking for instant relief. And the yeast infection keeps coming back. Click here to try to get on the other side where you can live a life without yeast infection.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

The Danger of Candida Yeast Infection Explained

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Candida is a very dangerous yeast infection. Everybody knows about it but very often is underestimated even by some doctors. Why? Maybe because this infection is very "quiet" and its symptoms are vary vague. If a simple Candida infection is taken in consideration by doctors, the chronicle tip of Candida is still unaccepted by some doctors. This form is known as the yeast syndrome or chronic candidacies or Candida related complex and its symptoms are very vague and because of this not taken in consideration by some doctors. It is said that what one doesn't understand does not believe. The effects of chronic yeast infestation in the intestine are so widespread in the human body that doctors can not believe that such a little thing can do such disturbance in ones body.

Further more many doctors, very often, confuse this syndrome with more commune ones because of the similarity of some symptoms. Frequently, in the yeast syndrome, we can encounter nervous symptoms like irritability or confusion. That is why many patients have been branded hypochondriac, malingering, neurotic, and hysteric just because some doctors do not believe in the yeast syndrome. Another thing that doctors link to when they confuse symptoms is represented by the blood tests. They say that if these tests show nothing then nothing is wrong with the patient. This is a falls idea. Why? Because in yeast syndrome blood tests are always negative. So these tests can not eliminate this syndrome.

What is more concerning is that the chronic form of Candida infection has a very high rate of appearance. Studies have shown that signs and symptoms suggesting yeast syndrome are present in 50 percent of new patients. This percentage razes many questions. There must be various causes for this. After many investigations it has been shown that there are three principal causes that can lead to a predisposition to this health problem:

- First of all are the dental problems - the presence of dental amalgam and resultant mercury toxicity; - The second problem is referring to the overuse of the antibiotics. These drugs destroy the "good" flora in our intestines that has the important role of keeping the yeast out of our body. - And of course it is the diet problem who is very commune to those in western regions: a diet with the high carbohydrate content.

All three problems are known as western problems because of its prevalence and all three favor the growth of yeast

To explain why the yeast syndrome is so dangerous we first must understand how Candida works and how it hurts the body. The principal problem is represented by the yeast metabolism. Candida has been found to produce 79 distinct toxins that have a devastating action over the body. No organ can escape of these actions because these toxins quickly and easily diffuse throughout the body. Why so easily you may ask? One of the causes may be the overuse of antibiotics. These drugs can destroy bacteria which are needed for normal digestion. It results a poor digestion that facilitate various toxins, including those produced by Candida, to penetrate the intestine's mucosa and enter into the blood stream. We can add to this the excessive intake of carbohydrates such as breads, pastas, potatoes that stimulate the growth of Candida and we have a perfect case of yeast syndrome.

The yeast infection is most dangerous once it takes hold in the intestinal mucosa. Why? Because once here, it is very hard to get rid of and if this happens, yeast has the bad habit to return over and over again. Once arrived in the mucosa the yeast infection renders the mucosa partially incompetent to regulate the entry of digested food into the intestine. This "wound" is called the "leaky gut syndrome" and it is very harmful for our body because it represents a door for different toxins through which they enter in to our blood stream and then through all of our body. One of the most dangerous toxins that can enter through this door is represented by long chain polypeptides (partially digested protein). These toxins are recognized as "foreign" by the immune system. The immune answer of the body costs in making antibodies that may attack host tissue. What to do you may ask? The first thing you can do is to prevent the yeast from spreading. This can only be done by changing our stile life and of course our diet.

Yeast infection can also appear in other diseases like: many forms of psoriasis and other dermatoses (Skinner, Crook, James, Oranje, Buslau), also in infantile seborrheic dermatitis (Bothe, Busacker, Reinel).

If you want to know more about Candida just visit this site. Find out more about Candida Albicans in our candida center.

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Candida Diet: A Surefire Way to Beat Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A Candida diet is recommended for those suffering from Candidiasis, or the overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans in the body.

Candida Albicans exists naturally in the body, especially in the intestines. Normally, they would not cause any harm to a healthy body. Unfortunately, though, if there is an overgrowth of these fungi, it could cause a systemic infection (an infection that affects your whole body). In the case of Candidiasis, the fungus, due to its abnormal numbers, releases toxins that could harm the internal organs and the mucus membranes. If it manifests in the throat it is called thrush and vaginitis if it occurs in the vagina.

The principle of the Candida diet is to alter the body's chemistry to make it hostile to the Candida, to encourage the proper balance of biotics in the system, and to discourage the overgrowth of Candida.

The Diet Plan 1. Minimize, or better yet, eliminate processed foods from the diet. Foods such as refined sugars and bleached flour should be removed from the diet, along with other treated foods such as meat that have been treated with antibiotics or steroids. Hydrogenated fats such as margarine, peanut butter, butter, cakes should be avoided at all costs.

A rule of the thumb to follow is that if it is fast food, or wrapped in plastic and sold at supermarkets, or mass produced by someone else, you will have to look closer at the ingredients to see if it contains any of above mentioned ingredients. This effectively forces you to stick to fresh vegetables and fruits.

2. Avoid white starch Avoid white, starchy foods such as cakes, white breads, pasta, white rice, and others similarly processed starches. For your source of carbohydrates, stick to whole wheat, brown rice, and other unprocessed carbohydrates.

3. Go for high fiber, low starch vegetables Your mother was right about vegetables being good for the body. Fresh or steamed vegetables are great for people recovering from Candidiasis. Include broccoli, celery, asparagus, spinach, onions, cabbage, and ginger. Pay special note to onion and garlic as they are very potent antifungals.

4. Include high-protein food in your diet You will definitely need high-protein food in your diet. However, this is where it gets tricky. You must make sure that the protein sources in your diet are free from chemicals, hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other synthetic elements. A safe bet would be fish, and fowl that are not grown at poultries. Meat grown at poultries and farms are usually given antibiotics and steroids to both keep them away from disease and to expedite growth. The chemicals soup these animals have been exposed to have a secondary effect on those that consume these products.

For one, some cases of Candidiasis develop from resistance to antibiotics - which is exactly what will happen if you consume such meats.

5. Pay attention to fruits An alkaline body chemistry is important in discouraging the growth of Candida Albicans. Fruits, aside from being rich in nutrients, are helpful in righting the body's chemical and biotic balance. Some fruits have an alkalizing effect on the body and discourage the overgrowth of Candida.

6. Consult your doctor Most doctors heartily recommend the Candida Diet since it eliminates the need for systemic antifungals and in many cases performs better than these medicines - without the side effects! Consult your doctor so that he or she may properly supervise a diet regimen to treat the infection. ---------------------------------------- Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes. -----------------------------------------

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about candida, please go to:

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Yeast Infection More Condition

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Vaginal Yeast infection in women is very common. Yeasts or Candida fungus are minute organisms that live in small numbers on human body. Yeast infection occurs when the number of these organisms increases beyond a certain level.

Typically, the acidity in the vagina keeps the level of yeast low. But with the drop in the acidity level due to various conditions like menstruation period, pregnancy, diabetes or birth control pills, yeast grows and causes the infection.

Symptoms - Mild to intense bouts of itching and burning in the vagina, vulva - the skin surrounding the vagina becomes tender, itchy, burns and sensitive to even the lightest of contact. White, thick and odorless vaginal discharge, burning sensation in and around vagina during and after urination. Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Causes - Reduced body immunity levels, use of strong antibiotics, physical and mental stress, use of birth control pills, menstrual periods and diabetes are some of the common causes for vaginal yeast infection.

Wear loose fitting undergarments and panties as it allows for air circulation, avoid being in wet clothes for a long time. Dry your affected body parts before changing into fresh dry clothes.

Stay away from deodorant sanitary pads and tampons, sprays such as deos, perfumes, bubble baths, coloured toilet papers that could cause irritation to the vaginal tissues

Take a tampon and dip it into yoghurt. Insert in the vagina at least twice a day and continue a day or two more after your symptoms have gone away.

Few drops of tea tree oil poured on tampon and inserted in the vagina, provides relief.

Eat plenty of foods that are high in vitamin C, such as potatoes, citrus fruits and broccoli.

Fill a bathtub with warm water enough to cover the affected area. Add ? cup or so salt, enough to make the water really salty and ? cup vinegar. Immerse your self into the bath tub for approx 20 - 30 minutes. This is easy cleansing solution for your vaginal area.

Mix 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water with 1 clove of garlic. Let it stand for sometime and use it for douching.

Insert 1 or 2 boric acid capsules in the vagina, keeping it overnight for several days. Boric acid may cause burning and discomfort, but will also bring relief.

Peel a fresh clove of garlic, wrap it in cheesecloth and tie it with unwaxed dental floss and insert into the infected area. Leave it for several hours say overnight and remove it in the morning. If vaginal yeast infection is of a severe kind, do this twice a day. Repeat for day or two more after the symptoms disappear.

Dissolve a tbsp of potassium sorbate in 1 cup of water. Insert a tampon in the vagina and pour this solution inside to be absorbed by the tampon. Let it stay for overnight. Repeat this for several nights until the symptoms have resolved.

Mix olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water. This is a good curative tonic for this infection.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.

Kevin Pederson manages sites related home remedies. Vaginal yeast infection is quite common in woman. Read on know the causes, symptoms and {}home based cures for vaginal yeast infections.

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Candida Yeast Infection Treatment

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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is a genus of yeasts (the most important being Candida albicans) that can cause fungal infections (candidiasis) in humans and other animals. Candida grows in the medical laboratory as large, round, white or cream (albicans meaning whitish) colonies on agar plates. Candida is a fungus often present in the human body. It only causes problems when there s too much of it. Then infections can occur not only in the vagina but in other parts of the body as well--and in both sexes. Though there are four different types of Candida that can cause these infections, nearly 80 percent are caused by a variety called Candida albicans.

Causes of Candida:
The biggest cause of Candida infections is lowered immunity. This can happen when you get run down from doing too much and not getting enough rest. Or it can happen as a result of illness. Though not usual, repeated yeast infections, especially if they don t clear up with proper treatment, may sometimes be the first sign that a woman is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Repeated yeast infections can also be caused by other, less serious, illnesses or physical and mental stress. Other causes include:
1.Use of antibiotics and some other medications, including birth control pills
2.Significant change in the diet
3.Poor nutrition

Candida Test:
You can try this simple test to see if you have Candida: First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass. Fill with water and work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour. If you have Candida, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or cloudy saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably don t have an issue with Candida . There are medical test you can do to determine your levels of Candida, ask your doctor to do the Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis and the Candisphere blood test. This test does not merely test for Candida. It measures and reports those factors that can be wrong with the digestive system that allow the Candida to grow. In this way these factors can be found and corrected. Keep in mind that it is estimated that over three quarters of the people who eat a standard diet and have been on at least one round of antibiotics in their life time has Candida and the cost of treatment is often less than the cost of the test so it makes sense to treat rather than test, especially if you are symptomatic.

Author By Michal John

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Yeast Infection: Effective Ways To Reduce Yeast Infections

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Most women suffer yeast infections, few understand why. The immune system plays a pivotal role in preventing yeast infections or candida. Reducing, preventing and eliminating yeast infection, naturally...

The incidence of yeast infections seems to be growing, yet it is often looked upon as a common ailment that is endemic to women. Many men suffer yeast infections and it is just as painful and inconveniently located as for women.

Typically a topical cream or antibiotic (either oral or inserted vaginally) is the approach taken when a yeast infection needs to be addressed, but there may be common sense ways to prevent infection as well as suggestions on treatment options.

What is a Yeast Infection?

When your body produces too much yeast it often results in an infection. Since yeast is common in or on the skin, penis, mouth and vagina these are areas where a yeast infection can occur (although there are generally more incidence in women than men).

How Yeast Grows

The vagina helps prevent the growth of yeast through a caustic (for the yeast) acidic environment. This environment can be altered negatively by menstruation, as well as the use of birth control pills, diabetes and certain antibiotics. These agents work to lower the acid normally found in the vagina. When this happens, yeast, which is common in the vagina in small amounts, can find an atmosphere for rapid growth.

The use of synthetic materials in underwear or lingerie can also contribute to yeast infections by trapping moisture which also creates an atmosphere conducive to excess yeast production.

Why Yeast Infection Occurs

Ph balance in the body is the key. Yeast is prevalent in the body at all times. Yeast infection will occur when the acid ph of the body is lowered. The immune system regulates the acid balance in the body. Your diet is the leading factor to help the immune system keep a healthy balance. The body has a healthy ph of 6.4 (when measuring urine or saliva), the further away, greater or lower, from this natural reading you have, will cause greater disease and illness such as yeast infection.

Stress is one of the largest causes of unbalanced ph readings in the body. Blood ph is higher than body ph. Injury, overweight, antibiotics and birth control pills all alter the natural ph of the body. Fatigue is often overlooked as a stress factor. Your ph reading does vary slightly through the day but should average 6.4 for the day.

What Not To Do

Some may be following advice that is actually harmful, so it is important to know what has been offered in the past as an effective alternative that will not help cure a yeast infection, and may actually accelerate yeast growth or do long term damage to the vagina.

You should never use baking soda in attempting to cure a yeast infection. Baking soda has a high ph causing the yeast to proliferate.

You should never use Echinacea in your attempt to cure a yeast infection. While it may be good to take orally as a means of reducing the effects of a cold, when vaginally inserted it can cause acute burning sensations.

You should also never use bleach in eliminating the effects of a yeast infection. Bleach can actually burn vaginal tissue and result in scarring.

You should avoid douching because it reduces normal and healthy vaginal secretions by drying out the vaginal surface.

Effective Ways to Reduce Yeast Infections

Reducing grains, sugar and most processed foods from your diet can also help reduce available yeast in your body.

Raw vegetables are not only good for you, they can help combat yeast infections

The persistent use and regular washing of either cotton or silk intimate apparel is also an effective way to reduce the incidence of yeast infections.

Nature?s Assistance

Acidophilus is a culture that contains plenty of good bacteria and can help your body fight a yeast infection. It is also a primary ingredient in most yogurt.

Colloidal silver has also proven successful for many women due to the fact that this mineral is highly effective in eliminating more than 600 diseases.

Tea tree oil has also proven an effective ally in the fight against yeast infections and can be inserted vaginally.

If you have suffered several episodes of yeast infections it may make sense to try a more natural management approach as well as effective prevention methods. By learning about how yeast is formed and regulated in your body you might discover new ways to personally assist your own future health.

James Zeller is the new "Euell Gibbons" for natural supplements. For more information about Yeast Infection or his find on natural help for the "50 and Over" Baby Boomers.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Candida Yeast Infection : Many Have it Few Know it

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Let's say that a person especially a women has a sore throat and takes an antibiotic as treatment. She will feel better immediately after taking the antibiotic, the pain will be gone and his body temperature will be normal. But after taking the antibiotic it is very possible to notice something odd in her underwear, a discharge she hasn?t had before.

This is a very common case of Candida yeast infection. If the person goes back to the doctor she finds out that the Candida treatment procedure is very simple and causes no pain.

This could happen to anyone. But before worrying about suffering from Candida yeast infection, you should know some basic stuff about this disease.

First of all, you have to know what exactly Candida yeast infection is. This infection is also known as candidiasis (which is pronuounced as can-dih-dy-uh-sis) and it is describing a very common infection that is being caused by a fungus called Candida. The fungus is similar to yeast, so the infection borrowed its name. An important aspect you should be aware of is the fact that every person carries small amounts of Candida fungus is his/her body. These fungi don?t cause any infection because the balance between the bacteria and other factors is at the right level and the bacteria are not multiplying to cause the infection. The infection occurs when the fungi?s number is growing above the normal level. Warm, moist areas of the body like the mouth or the vagina are the most usual places where the bacteria is multiplying and causing the infection. When the vagina is being affected by the infection, the disease is called vulvovaginal candidiasis.

As previously said, the Candida yeast infection is being caused by the overgrowth of the Candida fungi. This could happen for a lot of reason. Pregnancy or stress may cause it as well as some illnesses which affect the immune system. Even some medicines like birth control pills or steroids may cause the Candida yeast infection. But the antibiotics are the most dangerous as they kill the bacteria which is preventing the overgrowth of the Candida fungi, consequently the infection is on its way. Another cause for the Candida yeast infection could be high blood sugar, but in young females? case. Girls who are suffering from untreated diabetes present a higher risk of suffering from with Candida yeast infection.

Even underwear may cause Candida yeast infection if it is too tight or if it is made out of nylon which is usually preventing the body from breathing. This fabric is creating a hot, moisture environment which is perfect for the growth of Candida fungi. Showers and very scented sanitary products can also modify the balance between the good bacteria and the Candida fungi, allowing the latter to multiply and lead to a Candida yeast infection.

Girls should know that Candida yeast infections are more obvious right before their periods because of all the changes at hormonal level. And they should also know that they can get Candida yeast infection even if they don?t have any sexual activity. They shouldn?t worry, the Candida yeast infections are not sexually transmitted diseases but they can be rarely passed from one sexual partner to another. But these cases are very rare and they don?t require immediate Candida yeast treatment.

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Candida Yeast Infection Diet: An Alternative To Dangerous Drugs Part II

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As part of your Candida treatment through the Candida diet, you will also have to cut all kind of foods which may contain yeast. This means that you have to temporarily give up having bread, alcoholic drinks, black tea, cheese or vinegar. The reason for this is the fact that these yeast-containing foods encourage the multiplication of the Candida yeast infection. Try to replace these foods by consuming green vegetables, salads, poultry, meat and fish. Pay attention to the way you prepare these foods. The Candida diet requires you to use plenty of garlic, ginger, extra-virgin olive oil and herbs like rosemary, thyme, lemon balm or marjoram because all these have a very hostile effect on the Candida yeast infection.

Whenever you are following the Candida diet, remember to drink at least 2 litres of water every day in order to help your body eliminate the toxins produced by the death of the Candida yeast. A part of the Candida treatment is the use of Acidophilus, a supplement which is replenishing the amount of good bacteria in your body. The best way to benefit from this supplement to have the most deadly effect on your Candida yeast infection is to swallow one capsule and insert another one in yur vagina every night before going to bed.

Vitamins represent an important part of the Candida treatment because they help your body fight against the Candida yeast infection and they postpone the effects of the menopause. Combine the Candida diet with vitamin C (which is strengthening your white blood cells) and you will stop the Candida yeast infection from spreading in the affected area. Vitamin C is also helping the adrenal glands in your body, the glands responsible for the small amounts of oestrogen in your body after the appearance of the menopause. Therefore, you should take about 1,000 mg of vitamin c six times a day for three days. After this strong amount, reduce the vitamin C to 1,000 mg taken twice every day for a month. But be careful not to take too much vitamin C as it causes diarrhoea.

Zinc is another substance you should include in your Candida treatment, as it helps your immune system. Zinc also has an extremely toxic effect on Trichomonas, the single-celled organism responsible for vaginitis. Therefore you should include in your Candida diet 15 mg on zinc citrate taken twice a day for 30 days.

Vitamin E is another ally for the fight against the Candida yeast infection because it is helping your body develop resistance against the Trichomonas organism. It is also maintaining a healthy balance of the hormone level in your body and it calms the vaginal dryness. An amount of 400 IU a day of vitamin E in the form on d-alpha tocopherol is enough for your Candida treatment.

Vitamins B are other supplements which have a relief effect on the dryness caused by menopause. These substances stimulate your body to produce more oestrogen supplies or they even have an oestrogen-like effect on the Candida yeast infection.

In conclusion, whenever you are experience vaginal pain or dryness and a heavy abnormal discharge, consult a doctor to thoroughly identify the cause of your discomfort, but don?t rush into taking strong chemical drugs as Candida treatment. Try a Candida diet which is more healthy and less hostile to your body!

Learn how to deal with candida yeast infection from our great information at . Also visit our candida treatment advice section at .

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Candida Yeast Infection Diet: An Alternative To Dangerous Drugs Part I

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Suffering from vaginal pain, itching or dryness is not easy. And things get worse when these symptoms put a shadow on your sex life, making your relationship difficult. Therefore, you should know there are three types of vaginal irritation. The first kind, the vaginal dryness occurs more often while your body enters menopause as the amount of oestrogen is lower. This is causing a decrease in the production of lubricants; consequently the soreness and the itching during intercourse are not far away from happening.

The second type of vaginal irritation is vestibulitis. This is an inflammation of the area at the entrance of the vagina. This is also caused by a very sensitive area in that region of the body. The exact causes of this irritation haven?t been figured out yet, but it?s been reported that the chemical substances in soaps or deodorants have been causing this type of irritation. So always pay attention to your toiletries and don?t use them if you are suffering from this irritation.

And finally, vaginitis is the third type of vaginal infection. This is an itching, even burning sensation which appears deep inside the vagina. And this ?blessing? doesn?t come alone: it brings a heavy, ugly discharge. A Candida yeast infection is the cause for these symptoms. And another cause is the infection with the Trichomonas organism.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, keep your calm and get treated. But before rushing to the drug store, you should know that there is an alternative Candida treatment: the Candida diet. Some of the uncomfortable symptoms will fade away if you pay attention to what you are eating and you stick to a low carb diet completed with some nutritional supplements.

But, before starting any Candida diet or any Candida treatment, you have to see a doctor to thoroughly identify the exact cause of your vaginal problems.

Candida yeast infection is the most common vaginal infection and it is usually treated with anaesthetic gels which are numbing the sore area and stops the brain from feeling the pain. Steroid cream is another common Candida treatment which has an inhibiting effect on the amount of histamine produced by the body. This histamine is the chemical responsible for the soreness and the inflammation of the area. Antibiotics, antifungal or anti-protozoal drugs represent other cures for Candida yeast infection as they go straight to the source and kill the parasite. Antidepressant amitryptiline can also be a part of your Candida treatment as it is mild painkiller which will soothe your pain during night time.

This type of treatment for your Candida yeast infection may seem a good solution, but all drugs have unpleasant and unwanted side effects. The anaesthetic gel may cause irritation and the steroid creams may cause the thinning of the vaginal walls. Antibiotics are usually weakening your immune system and antifungal drugs may cause a burning feeling to the affected area. But the anti-protozoal medicines can make you lose your appetite and even have nausea sensation. Another Candida treatment, the amityptiline may make you experience dry mouth, blurred vision and even fainting.

Therefore, you should be aware of the fact that there is another way of treating a Candida yeast infection: the so-called Candida diet. This alternative Candida treatment is working is a very simple manner. By eating mostly low carb foods you will create an environment hostile to the Candida yeast which will eventually cause its death.

But you must pay attention not to provide the yeast with the sugars and carbohydrates it needs to multiply. This is the reason why the Candida diet consists only of low carb food. So you must give up consuming sweet food like honey, fruit juices or any kind of fruits. Be careful at not having too much milk or dairy products as they contain a high amount of sugar lactose and antibiotic residues which will create the perfect environment for the multiplication of the Candida yeast.

Learn how to deal with candida yeast infection from our great information at . Also visit our candida treatment advice section at .

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yeast Infection Alternative Treatment

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Yeast infection or vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. Yeast, bacterial vaginosis, or trichomonas infections of the vagina. Frequent vaginitis may indicate the presence of pelvic adhesions and tubal blockage from other infections, such as chlamydia. Vaginitis may interfere with sperm penetration of the cervical mucus, and the symptoms may even interfere with the ability and desire to have intercourse.


Gynecologist takes a smear and due to the cause of inflammation prescripts antibiotics and antiviral ointments or drugs to treat yeast infection.



Vagina is naturally protected by useful bacterium and its own sourness. The purpose of therapy is to maintain healthy state of vaginal flora, strengthen the immune system and to reduce the harmful bacteria.


Pour some drops of Myrtle Tree in bath. Myrtle Tree has antiviral and antibacterial effect.


Naturopathy - Natural yeast infection treatment

To avoid yeast infections it is recommended to eat plenty of unprocessed food (raw vegetables and fresh fruit), specially onion and garlic which obstructs activity of viruses, yeast and bacteria. It is recommended to drink cranberry juice.

Caffeine and sugar increase possibility of yeast infection because they both reduce soreness of vaginal flora, also alcohol and tobacco decrease functionality of immune system.

It helps to wash out with Lactobacillusom yoghurt or/and bath with addition of apple vinegar.


Perica S. is one of great online resource analytics with several years of practice in consumer related products.

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Yeast Infection: Relief Using A Natural Antibiotic

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The coffee table talk goes very low when you whisper, "yeast infection", but the body screams RELIEF NOW! A trip to the doctor, adverse side effects and nothing natural would be the next thought. Can there be a natural solution to a disease that each woman will suffer at least twice in her life?

Yeast infection is like a ghost waiting to scare young and older women when their body becomes out of balance due to stress, dubious partners, hormonal changes and/or immune system weakness.

A few women will elude this voracious monster but unfortunately most will be frightened at least twice in their life and others will live with a chronic reoccurrence of yeast infection.

The most important message is to recognize the yeast infection early and try an available natural remedy that you can use in the comfort of the home that is safe and no prescription required.

Natural antibiotics are always a choice that should be taken over a prescription if possible. Colloidal silver has been a patented drug and then relabeled a natural supplement. Oregano oil is also a natural antibiotic.

In addition to natural antibiotics there are two other home remedies that have been used to control yeast infection, yogurt insertion and tea tree oil. The body will always respond quicker to a natural solution and return to a healthy state if it doesn't have a compound job to do. The dual duty of the immune system would be trying to rid the body of an invasive disease while expelling man made toxins in prescription drugs that usually cause unbalanced ph in the blood and immune system.

Natural antibiotics and home remedies are not in any way the answer to all medical problems and do not take the place of a medical doctor. However taking care of your body and boosting your immune system to support good health is your everyday job. Only you know that responsibility best.

The World Wide Web has become a highway to a library of testimonials for natural disease remedies. There is an effort to suppress all natural vitamin, herbs, minerals and home remedy practice. We are a voice crying RELIEF in cyberspace from the proven archives of our word-of-mouth ancestors. We practice freedom of speech, and deny that these references are an attempt to diagnose or treat any disease, symptom or individual.

James Zeller is the new "Euell Gibbons" for natural supplements. For more information about Yeast Infection or his find on natural help for the "50 and Over" Baby Boomers.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Great Candida Yeast Infection Diet Advice

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First of all, whenever debating the Candida diet subject, we should all be aware of what exactly Candida is. Well, Candida is a yeast infection, meaning a type of fungus. The human body is populated with many types of benign Candida which plays an important role for the immune system. But sometimes, in certain conditions and due to some factors, this Candida yeast is multiplying and is causing an infection of the mouth, intestines, vagina, and skin and even of the entire body. The most common type of Candida yeast is Candida albicans and this infection is called candidiasis.

The Candida yeast infection has certain symptoms which may cause complications like bladder infections, loss of energy, puffy eyes, constant fatigue, strange food cravings, hay fever allergies, hyperactivity, and inflammation, annoying itching, migraine, unpleasant mouth infections and rashes sore throat and thyroid problems.

If you are experiencing any of these complications a healthy Candida diet is required as a treatment of your infection.

The Candida diet should be followed in combination with anti-fungal drugs which represent the most important part of the Candida treatment. This Candida diet eliminates the foods which are helping the spread of the Candida yeast infection in your body. But be careful to your Candida diet duration, as its length must be coordinated to the severity of your symptoms and to your overall health. You should be happy to know that patients following the Candida diet have reported improvements in their condition after only 2-4 weeks of using this alternative Candida treatment. However, you will be allowed to start eating some restricted foods after laboratory tests will show the all-clear situation of your organism. So don't worry, you won't have to live too long without eating your favourite 'restricted' food!

The Candida diet consists mainly in cutting off sugar as it is an element that is helping the development of the Candida yeast infection. Therefore, it is most important that you reduce the quantity of carbohydrates you are consuming daily.

Whenever following a Candida treatment you must cut off any yeasty foods as they are creating the perfect environment for the multiplying of the Candida yeast infection in your body. So you have to eliminate bread, beer, cheese and alcoholic drinks from your diet habits during the Candida treatment.

You must reduce the quantity of dairy products you are usually consuming. The reason for this is one side effect of the Candida yeast infection - the decrease of the human body's ability to digest fat foods.

Another thing you should do while following the Candida diet is to eliminate fungi and mold from your nutrition.

And you also have to give up eating processed or packaged foods because they contain sugar, yeast or other substances which are helping the Candida yeast infection to spread.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to your daily diet habits and try cutting off any restricted foods. But don't worry, this ordeal won't last for long, as the laboratory analysis will show an improvement if you follow the Candida diet correctly!

For great candida yeast infection advice on candida diets, candida albicans, candida causes join us at the best candida related site.

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Treat Yeast Infections

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Vaginal yeast infections can be caused by many factors, Candida Albican is the technical term for the main cause in most yeast infections, Every woman has a small amount of yeast that lives in our bodies and most of the time this is considered normal... But when your body has an overabundance of yeast organisms the end result for you is that you end up getting a yeast infection. If you get yeast infections, try Candisil.

Candisil? contains ingredients that are specially formulated to help kill yeast infections without getting your PH balance out of whack, Having a yeast infection and an overabundance of Candida is very common, it also makes it more difficult to treat... Until now!

Candisil? is a double attack, an internal and topical spray to help ensure that the yeast infection is completely removed from your system... The Candisil? Topical Solution is a convenient spray that absorbs quickly into the skin and helps to relieve your itching, burning, swelling and external discomfort immediately... The Candisil? Topical Spray is specially designed to work with the Candisil? Capsules to help remove Candida from your body effectively once and for all..

Learn more about Candisil.

Cindy is a health writer for AskWellness.

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Yeast Infections In General And For Baby's ( Thrush) And Mothers.

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The traditional cure for yeast/ candida with Nystatin is often not successful. Antibiotics makes thrush and yeast infections worse. Still we want to cure our yeast infections and thrush with a remedy, which has no side effect and is successful in battling yeast/ candida infections (thrush). Thrush is showing up in baby mouths as small white spots and are difficult to remove. Thrush often goes hand in hand with a diaper rash.

Having a baby and having a yeast/ candida infection either when you breast feed or when the baby has thrush (yeast infection in the mouth) or in your digestive system or/ and the female parts yeast/ candia infections are in the rise. There is a simple home test you can do. The candida, yeast spit test. See yeast infection on my website for more information.

Avoid sugar and white flour products. These ingredients are nutrition for yeast and will feed the yeast/candida.

Add acidophilus and or kefir to reestablish a good intestinal flora.

Avoid stress, stress diminishes your immune system and infections have more changes to manifest in your body.

For babies add some Oil of Oregano on the baby's feet. When you have sore nipples massage the Oil of Oregano on the nipples and take it internally 3-6 drops every 3-6 hours depending on the severity of your infection and do not forget to take acidophilus and or kefir. Oil of Oregano is very strong and needs to be supplement with friendly bacteria which grow in your intestines.

For the diaper rash...try to leave the diaper off as possible for a little while and you of course massage the bottom with Oil of Oregano.

A nice side effect of Oil of Oregano is that it makes your breath smell like Oregano but people will associate it with eating Pizza.

Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products and writes original articles on preventive health . Her site on natural health products has over 120 articles common sense healing.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptom

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Choosing The Best Yeast Infection Remedy For Your Symptoms

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You can always find the best yeast infection remedy. Yeast infection is kept under control by good bacteria found in our bodies. These good bacteria can be killed when antibiotics are used continuously. Your first remedy would be to stop taking antibiotics to save your good bacteria from dying, however you should consult your doctor prior to stopping any form of treatment. The use of antibacterial soaps may also kill good bacteria so swapping if for a different variety will be helpful.

Acidophillus is good bacteria. So if you are taking antibiotics, the second yeast infection remedy is to take three servings of acidophilus yogurt everyday. There are also some acidophilus supplements that may help with the production of acidophillus. Some of the over the counter acidophillus drugs available in drug stores are: Children's Acidophilus chewable tablets, Children?s Acidophilus Powder, Acidophilus caplets and Acidophilus Strawberry Liquid. If you continue with this treatment, after ten days or more, infection can be stopped.

If you continue taking your acidophilus yogurt soon as you notice any symptoms, it can be enough to cure a mild infection. You just have to ensure that you continue taking it until all the symptoms have completely gone. You should try this for a period of two weeks, if symptoms persist you should consult your doctor.

Some yeast medications include topical treatments, to be applied externally. The other type can be systematic which concentrates on your internal system. Usually, when a person believes they have a yeast infection because symptoms are present, the use of topical treatment is first used to treat the infection. But if a woman experiences yeast infection internally, topical treatments are not sufficient. Therefore, a physician should be consulted. Your doctor will prescribe more powerful drugs because the yeast infection is present internally.

If you are looking for the best yeast infection remedy, it is always advisable to consult your doctor to be sure that the medications you are taking are correct. Even if you think the medication your friend is taking is effective, it is important to understand that people have unique symptoms and the most effective treatment for you can be quite different.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infections or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infection related website.

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What Are The Causes Of Yeast Infection In Women?

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Some yeast can be found harmlessly inside our bodies but when they grow and multiply, they become a yeast infection. It is necessary to know the causes of yeast infection and how it affects you so that predominately preventive measures can be taken. There are mainly three things that can make you susceptible to yeast infections.

First, during pregnancy, your increased estrogen level causes your vagina to produce more glycogen, making it easy for yeast to grow there. Yeast infections are very common in pregnant women, especially during the second trimester. This type of yeast infection is hard to prevent, as the causes of yeast infection in pregnancy is natural. However, you can help by wearing loose fitting, cotton underwear, avoid taking baths and limit your intake of sugary food as yeast needs sugar to grow.

Second is by taking antibiotics. As stated earlier, there are many yeast organisms present in our bodies, which are not harmful. Bacteria also live inside our bodies, which is essential to our health and is usually harmless. The presence of yeast and bacteria inside our bodies should be maintained in balance with one another. Taking antibiotics might kill the bacteria, which allows the yeast to grow rapidly, thereby causing yeast infection. It is important to maintain the balance of yeast and good bacteria in our body so that we can prevent the growth of infections. Therefore, it is advisable to only take antibiotics when it is strictly necessary.

The third common cause is sexual intercourse. Semen is more alkaline than vaginal fluids. Which causes the production and growth of yeast. During sexual intercourse, some internal tissues can become irritated and inflamed, leaving them susceptible to infection. Some birth control devices that contain spermicide can also cause irritation. The use of prophylactics during intercourse can also increase irritation as they are usually coated in spermicide.

There are other factors that might affect your vaginal balance. Stress can be a contributing factor. If a person is stressed your immune system becomes compromised, which invites the growth of yeast. Staying clean is an important factor to fight the production of yeast inside our body. If someone has a high carbohydrate intake like alcohol and refined sugars, this creates the perfect environment for yeast growth. A diet high in sugary foods can lead to Diabetes, which in turn is another cause of yeast infection. Clothing is another source of irritation and can encourage forms of fungal growth. Non-ventilating clothing increases warmth and moisture, the ideal breeding ground for yeast to reproduce rapidly.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infections or for additional information visit this Yeast Infection related website

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Choosing The Best Yeast Infection Remedy For Your Symptoms

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You can always find the best yeast infection remedy. Yeast infection is kept under control by good bacteria found in our bodies. These good bacteria can be killed when antibiotics are used continuously. Your first remedy would be to stop taking antibiotics to save your good bacteria from dying, however you should consult your doctor prior to stopping any form of treatment. The use of antibacterial soaps may also kill good bacteria so swapping if for a different variety will be helpful.

Acidophillus is good bacteria. So if you are taking antibiotics, the second yeast infection remedy is to take three servings of acidophilus yogurt everyday. There are also some acidophilus supplements that may help with the production of acidophillus. Some of the over the counter acidophillus drugs available in drug stores are: Children's Acidophilus chewable tablets, Children?s Acidophilus Powder, Acidophilus caplets and Acidophilus Strawberry Liquid. If you continue with this treatment, after ten days or more, infection can be stopped.

If you continue taking your acidophilus yogurt soon as you notice any symptoms, it can be enough to cure a mild infection. You just have to ensure that you continue taking it until all the symptoms have completely gone. You should try this for a period of two weeks, if symptoms persist you should consult your doctor.

Some yeast medications include topical treatments, to be applied externally. The other type can be systematic which concentrates on your internal system. Usually, when a person believes they have a yeast infection because symptoms are present, the use of topical treatment is first used to treat the infection. But if a woman experiences yeast infection internally, topical treatments are not sufficient. Therefore, a physician should be consulted. Your doctor will prescribe more powerful drugs because the yeast infection is present internally.

If you are looking for the best yeast infection remedy, it is always advisable to consult your doctor to be sure that the medications you are taking are correct. Even if you think the medication your friend is taking is effective, it is important to understand that people have unique symptoms and the most effective treatment for you can be quite different.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infections or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infection related website

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Understanding Your Yeast Infection Symptoms

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If a woman believes she is experiencing signs of infection for the first time, she should see the doctor immediately if she is unsure of the treatment. The doctor will know the proper diagnosis for this type of infection.

Many people ask what the common yeast infection symptoms are. A woman can tell if she suffering if she has a thick vaginal discharge which looks a little like a cottage. But this symptom can be experienced by only about 20% of women who have yeast infections. The discharge may contain a starchy be yellow in color.

In view of the fact that not all women experience a discharge, the easiest way to tell if a woman has yeast infection is if she experiences itchiness in and around her vagina. The itchiness may go hand in hand with a burning sensation. The outer area and the vulva area can become swollen and red, this can result in painful urination and sexual intercourse may also be painful too.

These are the most common and general symptoms of yeast infection, but a woman may experience different symptoms. The best way to determine is by checking for changes in discharge.

Sometimes, a yeast infection may be mistaken as a urinary tract infection, but there is a difference between the two in terms of the burning sensation experienced. In a urinary tract infection, a woman can feel the burning when urine passes down the urethra when it is on its way out, this is different to yeast infections when the burning is caused as the acidic urine hits the irritated skin of the vulva.

It may be quite hard to tell whether you have a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection if you are experiencing symptoms for the first time. It is advisable to see a doctor if any of these signs appear. After you have been diagnosed, the next time you experience burning and itchiness, you will be better placed to know whether it is a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection.

Men are also susceptible suffering with yeast infections although it is unusual for men to develop them they are normally passed on from their female partners. Therefore, it is essential that if you or your partner develops a yeast infection you refrain from unprotected sex until you have both sought treatment. The danger is when only one partner seeks treatment, as the infection can be passed back and forth. For men, yeast infection symptoms can be identified through an itching, red rash and burning at the head of his penis.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection.To access more articles on Yeast Infection?s or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infectionrelated website

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Is There A Natural Yeast Infection Cure?

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Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure. If your yeast infection is not that serious, you can treat it naturally. There are a lot of ways and steps on how to prevent yeast infections from occurring.

The first natural yeast infection cure is simply to eat a well-balanced diet. You should eat well and never skip meals. It is important to take your diet seriously because there are some foods that may cause and ignite the growth of yeast. Eating chicken, beef, fish, vegetables, yogurt, seeds, nut, eggs and oils is beneficial in the fight against yeast infections. What you should avoid eating are those foods made with refined and simple sugars. This includes brown sugar, white sugar, raw sugar, molasses, grain sweeteners and honey. If you can?t or don?t want to exclude sweet tasting food from your diet you can use Stevia as a substitute. Eating a lot of raw garlic can be helpful. You should avoid drinking milk and alcohol. You should also avoid eating mushrooms, fruits and dried fruits.

It is important to avoid foods that contain mold or yeast. This includes cakes, muffins, baked goods, cheese, breads, melons, dried fruits and peanuts. Increasing your fiber intake can help. You can take one teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble fiber which contains psyllium husks, guar gum, pectin and flaxseeds. This can be mixed in an 8 oz glass of drinking water which should be taken two times a day. It is necessary to drink this during an empty stomach.

Taking nutritional supplements is also effective. One capsule of Acidophillus contains probiotic lactobacillus which should be ingested daily. This controls growth of candida, by keeping our intestinal tract more acidic which discourages the growth of candida or yeast. Acidophillus produces hydrogen peroxide, which directly stops and kills candida. Many researches have proven that supplementing with hydrogen peroxide will reduce the occurrence of the antibiotic generated yeast infections. Controlling bacteria can help in restoring the microbial balance in the digestive system, thereby, fighting the growth of yeast.

Good hygiene habits prevent the production of yeast. You should aim to stay fit and healthy. Poor hygiene can contribute to yeast infections. If you tend to wear synthetic clothing, your skin will not breathe freely which can encourage yeast growth to take place. You should avoid wearing tight clothes and go with loose, breathable cotton items. People who perspire heavily should understand clearly that wearing tight, synthetic clothes invites the growth and formulation of yeast.

Now that you know and understand there are steps to you can take to achieve a natural yeast infection cure, it is important that you take these suggestions on board and stop yeast infections from reoccurring.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infection?s or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infection related webs

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

What Yeast Infection Treatments Are Available?

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Yeast infection treatments can be administered at home with prescription medication or potentially after recommendations from people who have experienced it. Treatment can take effect within a week. If your infection is not too severe, you can continue with your home treatment, but if you are experiencing heavy infections, it is important to consult your doctor. There might be some symptoms that means your particular infection is not appropriate for self-treatment or medication.

You can buy yeast infection treatments over the counter (OTC) in drugstores without a prescription from the doctor. Some examples of common treatments are: Miconazole, Tioconazole, Butoconazole and Clotrimazole.

These medications are known as the azole treatments, which block the production of ergosterol. Ergosterol is present in yeast cell walls. In the absence of ergosterol, the yeast cell wall deteriorates and the yeast cell dies. Azole treatments are proven safe to use and are known to effectively fight probable symptoms of yeast infection.

Nystatin and amphotericin B. are good treatments, which can be found in Polyene antifungals. Nystatin is known to be effective for superficial candidal infections and also for thrush while amphotericin B is reserved for more serious cases of fungal infection. These works by attacking ergosterol in the yeast cell wall.

These treatments are applied by topically over a period of 1-7 days, but always read the labels carefully for the correct application procedure. You should watch carefully in case irritation occurs. If it does, you should discontinue using the medication immediately. Pregnant women are not advised to use these medications without prescription from their doctors.

Other medical treatments include pills, creams, troches, lotions and vaginal depositories. To know the right and safe option, you should always seek the advice of your doctor.

OTC products are useful in treating vaginal yeast infections. They tend to be made up of four active ingredients that stop the spread of yeast infection. These drugs are part of the anti-fungal family, which works actively to stop and break down the cell wall of the Candida and bacteria. OTC treatments have been approved by the FDA to effectively stop forms of yeast infection, however, it is useful to be aware that antibiotics may disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria present in the vagina and intestine, which may lead to diarrhea, vaginitis and constipation.

It is important to carefully understand and take seriously yeast infection treatment. If it is your first time visiting your doctor regarding a yeast infection, you should be open and candid with the symptoms that you have as this will help the doctor determine if your infection is manageable or needs more serious treatments. When the doctor explains the effects and how the treatments can be handled properly, you should listen closely so that you can apply the treatment effectively. The use of vaginal suppositories and creams need the right dosage as if used incorrectly your infection may get worse.

 Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infection?s or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infection related website

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What Is A Yeast Infection And What Are The Causes?

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A yeast infection is an infection caused by yeast of the species Candida. It is also referred to as candidiasis, which mostly infects women. It causes vaginal infections and some common mouth infections especially to people who have poor immune system and those who have been taking antibiotics.

A person becomes increasingly susceptible to yeast infection if they take large amount of antibiotics, have undergone organ transplants, has AIDS infection or artificial joints.

Candida albicans, along with the other forms of yeast, commonly grow in the vagina, mouth and rectum. A yeast infection occurs if a person?s immune system is unbalanced. This invites yeast like organisms to grow.

If you want to find out if you are affected with candidiasis, it is strongly advised that you see a doctor. Usually, a doctor or a clinician will take a sample of your oral plaque or vaginal discharge and examine the material under a microscope. Once examined, the doctor will be able to identify whether signs of infection are present and the current stage in the life cycle of the yeast infection.

It has been found yeast infections affects three out of four women. In the United States, nearly 50% of college women have been diagnosed with yeast infection at the early age of 25 and almost 5% of those diagnosed go on to develop chronic yeast infections. Candidiasis can be easily treated but you should know and understand how it can be prevented so it will not lead to serious infections.

During pregnancy, a woman has increased levels of estrogen which causes the increased production of glycogen in the vagina. At this time, increased yeast growth is often observed. If a pregnant woman is observed to have signs of candidiasis, she may pass the infection to her newborn baby in the form of thrush. This can be seen as white patches present in the baby?s mouth at birth.

So if you are pregnant and you have signs of yeast infection, you should see your doctor for the appropriate treatment.

 Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Yeast Infection. To access more articles on Yeast Infection?s or for additional information and resources visit this Yeast Infection related website

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Vaginal yeast infections can be caused by many factors, Candida Albican is the technical term for the main cause in most yeast infections, Every woman has a small amount of yeast that lives in our bodies and most of the time this is considered normal... But when your body has an overabundance of yeast organisms the end result for you is that you end up getting a yeast infection. If you get yeast infections, try Candisil.

Candisil? contains ingredients that are specially formulated to help kill yeast infections without getting your PH balance out of whack, Having a yeast infection and an overabundance of Candida is very common, it also makes it more difficult to treat... Until now!

J. Ratliff is a health writer for

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Monday, September 10, 2007

What Is Candida Yeast Infection?

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The Candida yeast infection is a pathogenic fungus. You should know this fungus exists all around us; it can be found on skins, in the gut, mouth or any other mucus membranes. These fungi turn into infectious factors when antibiotics or other factors cause an overgrowth of these fungi. Don?t worry too much, it is good to know that most candida infections don?t spread throughout the entire body; they limit their activity to the infected mucus areas.

But disseminated Candida infections of internal organs are much more dangerous as they occur mostly to persons whose immune systems have been seriously damaged by other diseases like cancer or AIDS. This much more serious infection is being caused by the presence of Candida fungi in the blood and it can even present danger to the patient?s life. These two kinds of Candida infections can be treated with similar medicines but they are both very difficult to cure.

You should know that the multiplication of yeast fungi is the cause for the Candida yeast infection. Things are simple: the amount of other microorganisms is reduced and the Candida fungi are replacing them, causing the infection. Detergent can cause skin rashes by destroying the skin microflora. Taking antibiotics can cause Candida vaginitis as antibiotics kill the microflora inside the vagina. Antibiotics also cause GI tract Candida.

The gastrointestinal tract has a permanent population of microorganisms who are friendly, ?good? bacteria which activity is vital for GI health and resistance to infections.

If you are wondering how can some bacteria help our immune system, well, here is your answer. The GI tract microflora is using some mechanisms to protect the organ. It is covering the surface of the mucosa and it?s stopping other bad bacteria to gather on it. It is constantly stimulating the immune system to fight against infections. These bacteria are eating all the food available for bacteria, therefore leaving the bad bacteria to starve to death. And they are also keeping a low level of pH which is not allowing the development of other microorganisms.

Antibiotics have a negative impact on this microflora. They are temporarily reducing the number of the microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal area and allow bad bacteria to grow in that area. Laboratory tests have shown that antibiotic treatment have determined the Candida yeast bacteria to colonize and penetrate the mucosa of the intestine.

In conclusion always pay attention to the amount of antibiotics you are taking. The best thing for you would be to take antibiotic treatment only on doctor?s prescription. And remember that antibiotics aren?t the only cause for the occurance of Candida yeast infection. Detergents or even scented products for intimate use may cause this infection. Therefore, try to pay attention to your bathing products and choose a low pH one. And always keep your body clean and dry!

Candida is a common disease of our days. If you are looking for good information on candida yeast infection visit us at and for great candida treatment advice.

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3 Most Common Questions On Candida Yeast Infection

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Candida yeast infection is a very common disease and more and more people worry they may be suffering from it. Therefore there are a few questions people are asking them most often.

The first most common question is: do I have a Candida yeast infection?

Well, the answer to this question can be found in the symptoms which are characteristic for this disease. The most common symptoms are itching and the feeling of irritation in the vaginal area; redness or swelling of the vulva; a white, thick, unpleasant discharge which looks similar to cottage cheese and which has no scent, although sometimes it could smell like yeast; the feeling of burning whenever urinating or having sex.

These are the most common symptoms for Candida yeast infection. But these symptoms are also similar to other vaginal infections or sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore you should always consult a doctor or a gynaecologist whenever having these symptoms. The doctor will give you the right Candida treatment, if it is necessary in your case.

The second most common question is: are men immune to yeast infections? Well, men don?t really get these vaginal yeast infections. Because they don?t have a vagina! But there is an infection similar to Candida yeast infection at women. This infection is called balanitis and its symptoms are similar to Candida yeast infection?s symptoms. This balanitis is an infection of the head of the penis and it is caused by the same overgrowth of the same Candida fungi. Men who are suffering from diabetes are also more exposed to this type of infection. Men can also have a discharge or red and itchy areas like women have.

Men who don?t have a circumcision must pay more attention to their hygiene in the genital area, focusing on the foreskin. The reason for this is the fact that the folds of the foreskin represent the perfect warm, moist environment for Candida fungi to multiply. Therefore, the foreskin area needs extra care for keeping it clean and dry.

And the third most asked question is: can anyone prevent getting a Candida yeast infection?

And the answer will be yes, definitely. The outfits you wear can prevent or cause a Candida yeast infection. Therefore you should avoid wearing nylon underwear, pantyhose, tight jeans, and tight exercise gear, wet bathing suits which are retaining moisture in the area as Candida fungi love this warm and moist environment. If you can?t avoid wearing these outfits, at least try to wear them for as little time as possible.

You should also pay attention to dyes or perfumes in shower gels, soaps or sanitary products as they may cause you irritation to the genital area. If you feel this kind of irritation happening, stop using the product and try switching to a perfume-free one.

Also keep your vagina clean and dry. Give up on nylon underwear and use the healthier cotton one. Avoid wearing too tight jeans or pantyhose. And don?t take antibiotics unless the doctor has prescribed them especially to you.

Try to follow these few rules and you will never have to worry about getting a Candida yeast infection!

Candida is a common disease of our days. If you are looking for good information on candida yeast infection visit us at and for great candida treatment advice.

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Candida Fungus/ Yeast Infection And Cancer

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There is a connection between candida and cancer ? so asserts Doug Kaufmann, author and expert on nutrition who has studied yeast infections and candida for over 30 years. Kaufman?s studies demonstrate that fungi in foods, as well as the overuse of antibiotics, lead to intestinal overgrowth that can compromise our health in many ways, including cancer. As proof of his research findings, Doug Kaufmann devised a diet based on the widely examined problem of mycotoxin contamination of the grains we eat. Children with documented cases of leukemia saw the disease vanish after some simple changes in their diet. After a cycle of antibiotics use, Doug Kaufmann also says, the candida/yeast/fungus overgrowth that comes in its wake can be lethal. And this drug-induced imbalance in the intestinal flora is a reality, to different degrees, in 90% of the American population. Since cancer and yeast infection have been linked, any effort you make to reduce your yeast overgrowth will not only improve your general health. It will also diminish the real, albeit worst-case cancer threat that this condition represents.

In this area there are specialists who can guide you, as well as simple and effective self-tests and self-treatments. Also? be sure to avoid the foods that actually nourish candida/yeast infection. The biggest villains are sugar and white flour products, refined foods, and commercially processed meats, which are full of hormones. Eat as much non-processed food as possible, with lots of vegetables. Read up on the blood type diet, or any other natural foods diet that attracts you. Be sure to use Oil of Oregano for 6 weeks in combination with the diet. Oil of Oregano will be able to diminish or disappear your candida/ yeast infection. Simple home test by spitting in a glass of water in the morning and see how much spirals and sediment appear can be very useful in checking the progress of your diet/ Oil of Oregano. Natural hormone creams as Prosperine can be supportive too. All the above have to do with taking well care of your self.

Be sure to enjoy your life and radiate love, so love finds its way back to you.

Warmly, Pieternel van Giersbergen.

Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. Her site has over 120 articles about healing yourself and staying healthy.

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Total Guide To Understanding Yeast Infections

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Yeast Infections total guide to understanding this infection
Yeast infection - vagina; Vaginal candidiasis; Monilial vaginitis
This is a vaginal infection caused most commonly by the fungal organism Candida albicans.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Candida albicans is a widespread organism with worldwide distribution. It is normally found in small amounts in the vagina, the mouth, the digestive tract, and on the skin without causing disease or symptoms (approximately 25% of women without disease symptoms have this organism present).
Symptoms appear when the balance between the normal microorganisms of the vagina is lost, and the Candida albicans population becomes larger in relation to the other microorganism populations.
This happens when the environment (the vagina) has certain favorable conditions that allow growth and nourishment of Candida albicans. An environment that makes it difficult for the other microorganisms to survive may also cause an imbalance and lead to a yeast infection.
Yeast infection may follow a course of antibiotics (particularly tetracycline) that were prescribed for another purpose. The antibiotics change the normal balance between organisms in the vagina by suppressing the growth of protective bacteria that normally have an antifungal effect.
Infection is common among women who use estrogen-containing birth control pills and among women who are pregnant. This is due to the increased level of estrogen in the body. The increased hormone level causes changes in the vaginal environment that make it perfect for fungal growth and nourishment.

Yeast infections may also occur in association with diabetes or problems that affect the immune system (such as AIDS or HIV).

Vaginal candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. However, 12% to 15% of men will develop symptoms such as itching and penile rash following sexual contact with an infected partner.

Close attention should be paid to episodes of vaginal candidiasis. Repeat infections that occur immediately following therapy, or a persistent yeast infection that does not respond to therapy, may be the first or, at least, an early sign that an individual is infected with HIV.

Both males and females with HIV infection who have developed AIDS may be subject to disseminated infection with candida, including oral candidiasis (in the mouth), esophageal candidiasis (in the esophagus), and cutaneous candidiasis (on the skin).


* Abnormal vaginal discharge
o Ranges from a slightly watery, white discharge to a thick, white, chunky discharge (like cottage cheese)
* Vaginal and labial itching, burning
* Redness and/or inflammation of the vulvar skin
* Pain with intercourse
* Urination, painful

Signs and tests

A pelvic examination will be performed. It may show inflammation of the skin of the vulva, within the vagina, and on the cervix. The examining physician may find dry, white plaques on the vaginal wall.

A wet prep (microscopic evaluation of vaginal discharge) shows Candida.


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Expectations (prognosis)

The symptoms usually disappear completely with adequate treatment.


Chronic or recurrent infections may occur. This may be from inadequate treatment or self-reinfection.

Secondary infection may occur. Intense or prolonged scratching may cause the skin of the vulva to become cracked and raw, making it more susceptible to infection.

Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if this is the first time that vaginal yeast infection symptoms have occurred, or if you are unsure if you have a yeast infection. (If you are sure that you have a yeast infection, you can treat the disorder with over-the-counter medications.)

Call your health care provider if symptoms are unresponsive to self-treatment with recommended vaginal creams, or if other symptoms are present.


Avoid persistent and excessive moisture in the genital area by wearing underwear or pantyhose with cotton crotches, and loose fitting slacks. Avoid wearing wet bathing suits or exercise clothing for long periods of time, and wash them after each use.

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What is a Yeast Infection?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Candida, commonly called yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal infection of any of the Candida species, of which Candida albicans is possibly the most common.

The symptoms of a yeast infection are intense itching, redness, burning, discharge, painful urination and painful sexual intercourse, which can severely reducing your enjoyment of life. Men can also suffer from yeast infection in the form of inflammation at the tip of the penis. It is less common in men than in women.

If you wish to finally eliminate yeast infections from your life, feel more energetic and enjoy better health without using potentially dangerous prescription drugs, then read on.

Yeast infections can be treated successfully with either home remedies or, in the cases of a more severe infection, with either over the counter or antifungal prescription medications. Below you will find links to the best information on home remedies and prescription medication.

Reprint rights granted to copy and publish this article as long as the article and by-line are reprinted intact.

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