Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Friday, November 30, 2007

How To Cope With Oral Thrush - Yeast Infection Of The Mouth

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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There are many definitions of thrush. It?s sometimes used to describe yeast infection as a category, yeast infection in the mouth, and even yeast infection in a baby?s mouth.

Here we will focus on thrush in the mouth, or oral thrush, both for adults and for babies. Oral thrush can exist on the tongue, on the insides and roof of the mouth and even spread to the esophagus. In some cases it can be very painful and may restrict one?s diet.

What are the causes of mouth thrush?
Our body naturally has yeast cells. These occur in the mouth, skin, vagina and even in the rectum. Under normal conditions, yeast cells are kept at bay by other microorganisms in our body, and it?s only when we become deficient in those microorganisms that yeast gets a chance to grow and become a problem.

Oral thrush can occur simply by taking antibiotics or being on chemotherapy. Having thrush and diabetes, or HIV is not uncommon because of the weakened immune system. Even wearing dentures may result in thrush. All of these create conditions in which ?good? microorganisms are depleted and the yeast cells thrive.

What are the symptoms of oral thrush?
Typical symptoms include white, yellow or cream colored marks on the tongue and in the mouth.
Avoid scraping the marks off since this causes cuts on the tongue. If you think you may have oral thrush, do a search on the Internet for ?pictures of oral thrush? and then you can compare to your own situation.

How to treat thrush
When planning a treatment for thrush, think short and long term. In the short term, there are many oral medications that will take care of it and your doctor can advise you on what to take. If you are looking for a natural treatment for thrush, then consider garlic, or yogurt with acidophilus.

Alternatively, you can find books on the Internet for treating oral thrush naturally. Which ever path you take, try and understand what was the root cause and address that so that thrush does not reoccur.

Thrush in infants
Yeast infections in the form of oral thrush or diaper rash are common in newborns. The combination of thrush and breastfeeding can result in thrush being passed to the mother, even when the baby just has diaper rash.

Nipples with yeast infection may appear very red and be extra sensitive. There may be pain between feedings and the pain may run deep in the breast both during and after breastfeeding. Gential violet is a solution that is popular for mothers with yeast infection on the breast.

Thrush and HIV
Thrush occurs because of a deficiency in the immune system and is common in HIV patients, but is thrush an early symptom of HIV? Not necessarily, for as mentioned earlier there are many other causes. However, the appearance of thrush for an HIV patient might indicate changing conditions in the immune system and should be discussed with one?s doctor.

If you think you have oral thrush, consult your doctor before taking steps to cure it. The symptoms of oral thrush are similar to other conditions, so it?s best to know what is the issue as soon as possible.
Frank Thornton writes on yeast issues at

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How To Cope With Vaginal Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Our body is the home for yeast organisms or cells called Candida Albicans. These cells exist in several places including the skin, the mouth and the vagina, and it?s perfectly normal to have them.

The problem of vaginal yeast infection occurs when there is an excess amount of yeast cells in the vagina. Usually these cells are kept from multiplying by the acid balance in the vagina, and so it helps to understand what causes an imbalance.

Ironically one of the causes of a yeast infection can be antibiotics. If you have a urinary tract infection, the antibiotic you use to cure it may indeed be creating conditions in which yeast infection thrives.

While antibiotics destroy harmful microorganisms, they can also destroy ?good? ones. This causes an imbalance and conditions which enable Candida cells to grow in their place, resulting in an excess number of yeast cells. In some cases, this manifests itself as a vaginal yeast infection.

When do yeast infections occur

Yeast infections can occur during pregnancy, at the end of menstruation, being on a course of antibiotics, or using birth control pills. Child bearing years is certainly a common time to have a yeast infection.

Recognizing a vaginal yeast infection

The most common vaginal yeast infection symptoms are itching in the vagina or vulva region. Sex can be painful and a vaginal yeast infection discharge often occurs, similar to cottage cheese in consistency. You can easily find pictures of vaginal yeast infection on the Internet. Simply search for the term ?pictures of vaginal yeast infection?.

How to treat a vaginal yeast infection

Treatments for vaginal yeast infections range from natural home remedies to over the counter vaginal yeast infection medication such as antifungal creams like MONISTAT.

Popular home cures for vaginal yeast infections use garlic or yogurt. A good tip is to take yogurt when you are on a course of antibiotics. Be sure to choose yogurt with acidophilus (check the label) since it helps with the fight against yeast infection.

Some people use boric acid for vaginal yeast infections, in the form of supplements. However, boric acid should never be taken during pregnancy, and it?s best not to even consider using it until you have talked to your doctor about it.

When treating a yeast infection, it?s one thing to get pain relief and it?s another to actually cure the cause. It?s best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.

Frank Thornton writes on yeast infections at

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Understanding Chronic Yeast Infection And How To Treat It

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A chronic yeast infection can be an indication that the immune system is not working properly. People with chronic health conditions like diabetes and HIV are prone to chronic yeast infections.

In people with weakened immune systems, chronic yeast infections can affect various internal organs and cause pain or dysfunction of the organ. Approximately 85% of people with HIV contract a chronic yeast infection called esophagitis in their upper gastrointestinal system. This infection is similar to thrush but extends down the mouth and esophagus to the stomach. Candida esophagitis can cause painful ulcers throughout the GI system, making it difficult to swallow anything, even lukewarm liquids. If the infection spreads into the intestines, food may be poorly absorbed. People with this type of chronic yeast infection are in danger of becoming dehydrated.

If Candida yeast gets into the bloodstream, a person may become sick without fever. If the infection spreads to your brain, acute changes in mental function or behavior may occur.

When it comes to chronic yeast infections, self diagnosis may be a misdiagnosis. A handful of other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) the most common cause of vaginitis in the US, and trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, cause similar symptoms. BV and trichiomoniasis may also be associated with serious reproductive health conditions that may lead to problems during pregnancy and after delivery. Visit for more information on yeast infection.

A chronic yeast infection that includes a vaginal discharge that has an offensive odor with irritation is not normal and should be taken seriously. To diagnose your vaginal symptoms your health professional will perform a gynecological exam to check your vagina for inflammation and abnormal discharge. A sample of the vaginal discharge may be taken for laboratory examination under a microscope or for a yeast culture, a test to see if Candida fungi grow under laboratory conditions. Looking under a microscope also helps rule out other causes of discharge such as BV or trichomoniaisis, which require a different course of treatment than chronic yeast infections.

In general, it is acceptable to use OTC antifungal medication to self treat your symptoms if you?ve had a yeast infection diagnosed by your health care professional before and you are now experiencing exactly the same symptoms. However, if you meet any of the following criteria, do not self treat. Instead, contact a health professional for guidance:

? You?ve never had a yeast infection before
? You have fever and/or abdominal pain
? Your vaginal discharge is foul-smelling
? You are diabetic HIV positive, pregnant or nursing
? You used an over the counter yeast treatment but your symptoms have not gone away or they returned almost immediately.

If you take medication to treat a chronic yeast infection (whether it?s over the counter or prescription medication) be sure to use the full course of medication. Don?t stop using it, even if you feel better.

If you have chronic yeast infections you should make an appointment with your doctor for a complete physical examination. Chronic yeast infections may be caused by a serious underlying medical condition.

Learn more about pregnancy and yeast infection and chronic yeast infection.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Yeast Infections In Youngsters

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Our children are our most loved ones and therefore we always do all we can to provide for them. This especially includes caring for all their needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. It is our duty to provide for their education so that they may carry on for us. And most importantly we love them so much that we do all we can to protect them from harm.

However it is not possible to completely isolate our youngsters from all the things that can happen to them. When our children become ill we find it quite agonizing. We do all that we can to nurse them back to health. Most of us are familiar with cutting teeth, flu, fever, colds and allergies and know what to do to help them.

There is one infection we know less about and tend to blame ourselves when our children develop it; a yeast infection. Some people equate a yeast infection in a child with not caring properly for the child. This is not true and therefore it is important to know what causes yeast infections in children. We need to know the symptoms and the steps to preventing these infections from occurring again.

What are the youth infection causes? Never forget that a child is simply a child. That means that a child is not yet fully developed in all aspects. They are not yet fully developed physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.

This means that a child's immune system is also not fully developed. Children by and large have far more colds than others by way of example. Since their immune system is in a growth period it often does not fight off many infections or childhood diseases.

Often in our effort to be good parents our trips to pediatricians result in a prescription for antibiotics to fight an illness. This is a good way to fight the illness but it leaves the child more vulnerable to yeast infections and may be the major reason that children suffer from yeast infections. It is well known that antibiotics tend to kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. This leaves the child's body without a good balance of good bacteria within their digestive and immune system. Without sufficient good bacteria the yeast fungus within the child grows unchecked. This creates the possibility of yeast infection within the child.

Yeast infection in children can occur in numerous areas of the body. These areas include the mouth, genital area (diaper rashes), infections of the ear and others. Also there are associated ailments within the digestive system such as excessive gas, loose stools and bloating.

The prevention or initiating measures to address recurring yeast infections in youngsters should start with significantly building up their immune system. The most natural and perhaps the best way to do so is through proper diet.

Natural foods with high vitamin and mineral content should be plentiful in a child's diet. This helps assure a child's full development, particularly of their immune system. It may be a good idea to provide supplement that include anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals in your child's diet.

One must also consider that some food favorites may not be good for your child if they suffer from yeast infections. This is particularly true of food which could contain mold such as peanuts or peanut butter. If that is a child food favorite you should only use guaranteed organic peanuts or peanut butter.

Jerry Cahill is an author/researcher who is dedicated to helping people find the resources, books, news and information on health. Learn more at Yeast Infection

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Friday, November 23, 2007

5 tips for home yeast infection remedy

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections are one type of nasty infection, that you can really do without. With this in mind, it is usually something that you would rather personally take care of in the comfort of your own home, rather than heading to the doctor. So what type of home yeast infection remedies are available to cure yeast infections at home?

1. Buy plain yogurt and make sure it has "Active Cultures" listed on the container. Take a tampon, dip it into the yogurt and then insert it into the vigina for at least an hour. You can leave it in there longer if you wish. Repeat this once or twice a day for 2 - 3 days, or until you get rid of the infection. This should help you get rid of the bad bacteria that cause the infection, by replacing it with the good bacteria contained in yogurt.

2. You can also dab apple cider vinegar regulary in the infected areas. When using this home yeast infection remedy, you can use garlic to relieve the itchy feeling and a little water to dilute the concentration of vinegar.

3. Also try, drinking at least two glasses of buttermilk a day, this is regardless of whether you are infected or not. In fact it has been proven that daily intake of curds can drastically reduce the probability of getting yeast infections.

4. Another home yeast infection remedy you can use, is a mixture of olive leaf extract with grafefruit seed extraction with a glass of water. This is what we would call a reliable curative tonic for yeast infections.

5. Last but definetely not least, you can get some boric acid from your local pharmacy and fill two gelatin 00 caps with it. Insert into the vagina for 7 - 10 days and this should also get rid of the infection.

As you can see, there are several home yeast infection remedies or cures you can try. Some may work better for you than others, so you might want to try as many as you possibly can to see what works for you.

If you are looking for more ways to cure your yeast infection from home, please visit my website at

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What Does Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Cure Your Yeast Infection Today

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A surprising number of women who buy over the counter medication for yeast infections don't really have a yeast infection. They do have symptoms commonly caused by the yeast Candida albicans but the symptoms are caused by something other than yeast.

The most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection yeast vaginitis are:

* Itching and burning in the vagina and vulva.

* Soreness, swelling and pain around the vulva.

* Pain during intercourse or urination.

* Vaginal discharge. This discharge is not always present, but if there is a discharge it will be odorless or smell like baker's yeast, and usually has a whitish, thick appearance.

Unfortunately, these are also the common symptoms of other conditions, which can be caused by dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, and by allergic reactions to chemicals found in soap, colored toilet paper, vaginal sprays, laundry detergent, and colored and scented bubble bath products.

In addition, very similar symptoms can be caused by bacteria, pubic lice, and scabies, plus the common sexually transmitted diseases caused by gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

And finally, similar symptoms may be caused by the common parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis

While a yeast infection is not usually "shared" between sexual partners (although it can be, in some cases), some of these other conditions are transmitted sexually, and can cause serious damage to a woman's reproductive organs. Often, the male partner will not have any symptoms at all, but must be treated for the infection in order to protect his health and to prevent the further spread of the disease.

The most common cause of a vaginal discharge accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor is a bacterial infection called <em>bacterial vaginosis

This is not a sexually transmitted disease, even though it is most common among sexually active women. Bacterial vaginosis needs to be treated by antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from going into the uterus or fallopian tubes. This is particularly important if you're pregnant

Since a douche can push the bacterial infections up into the uterus, you should never use a douche if you have a bacterial infection.

Yeast infections are very common during pregnancy, but a bacterial infection that looks like a yeast infection is actually more serious. An untreated bacterial infection can cause premature birth, intraamniotic infection, (infection of the amniotic fluid, membranes, placenta, and/or uterus), and postpartum infections of the uterus that send you back to the hospital after giving birth.

What that means, of course, is that you should never attempt to self-diagnose and treat a yeast infection when you're pregnant.

If you think you have a yeast infection, it's wise to see a doctor to diagnose your symptoms even if you think its "obvious." Natural yeast infection remedies and anti-fungal medications meant for a vaginal yeast infection will not cure these other illnesses, even though the symptoms may go away

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Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection - Cure it once and for all

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections are caused by the Candida Albicans bacteria. They are normally present in small quantities in the vagina and crotch area. However, under the right conditions, the bacteria can multiply rapidly and cause a yeast infection (also called Candidiasis). Also, if you don't treat the causes of yeast infection, they can easily reoccur, causing you unnecessary suffering and distress. In this article, we are going to explore some of the causes, symptoms and natural remedies for yeast infection.

One of the main culprits is tight, non-breathable clothing (like nylon) that trap heat and moisture in the crotch area. These conditions are ideal for yeast to grow. Try to wear cotton underwear and change them daily. Man made chemicals such as fragrances and dyes can alter the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria in your vaginal area and lead to infections. Make a list of all the things and chemicals that come into contact with your crotch area. It could be scented toilet paper, soaps, sanitary pads, even the laundry detergent used to wash your underwear. Douching and feminine sprays can also cause infections because the chemicals used in these products can kill the good bacteria keeping the yeast in check.

The typical symptoms of a yeast infection are:
- Itching or irritation in your vaginal or surrounding area.
- Redness or swelling of the vulva.
- Thick, white stuff that smells like cottage cheese or beer.
- Pain or burning during urinating (also a symptom of Urinary Tract Infection)

Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection
Home remedies for yeast infections tend to have less side effects, milder, cleaner than OTC or prescription drugs. One of the most popular is yoghurt. Yoghurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium found in healthy vaginas. This good bacteria kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Use plain, unflavoured yoghurt and apply to the vulva and vagina directly. Check first to make sure the yoghurt contains live lactobacillus acidophilus cultures. Garlic can also be used. It contains anti-fungal substances that kill yeast cells. It can be consumed in your diet or inserted directly into the vagina. Tie some dental floss to the clove so you can remove it later. Never cut the garlic clove. The juice can sting your vulva.

Teatree oil is also widely used for treating infections. Soak an applicator tampon with a lubricant like KY Jelly or Olive Oil and apply a few drops of pure teatree oil. Insert the tampon using the applicator and apply the teatree oil carefully. The teatree oil can sting if it touches the vulva.

There you have it, a quick look at some of the causes and natural remedies for yeast infection. If you're still plagued by chronic infections or need a quick, safe and effective natural cure, take a look at our website below. We'll show you how to get rid of yeast infections permanently.

Berlynn Teh, the author of this article, is passionate about women's issues and fashion. To discover a safe, effective, all natural remedy for yeast infection, visit our website.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Do You Really Have a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A surprising number of women who buy over the counter medication for yeast infections don't really have a yeast infection. They do have symptoms commonly caused by the yeast <em>Candida albicans</em>, but the symptoms are caused by something other than yeast.

The most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection (<em>yeast vaginitis</em>) are:

* Itching and burning in the vagina and vulva.

* Soreness, swelling and pain around the vulva.

* Pain during intercourse or urination.

* Vaginal discharge. This discharge is not always present, but if there is a discharge it will be odorless or smell like baker's yeast, and usually has a whitish, thick appearance.

Unfortunately, these are also the common symptoms of other conditions, which can be caused by dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, and by allergic reactions to chemicals found in soap, colored toilet paper, vaginal sprays, laundry detergent, and colored and scented bubble bath products.

In addition, very similar symptoms can be caused by bacteria, pubic lice, and scabies, plus the common sexually transmitted diseases caused by gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

And finally, similar symptoms may be caused by the common parasite called <em>Trichomonas vaginalis</em>.

While a yeast infection is not usually "shared" between sexual partners (although it can be, in some cases), some of these other conditions are transmitted sexually, and can cause serious damage to a woman's reproductive organs. Often, the male partner will not have any symptoms at all, but must be treated for the infection in order to protect his health and to prevent the further spread of the disease.

The most common cause of a vaginal discharge accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor is a bacterial infection called <em>bacterial vaginosis</em>.

This is not a sexually transmitted disease, even though it is most common among sexually active women. Bacterial vaginosis needs to be treated by antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from going into the uterus or fallopian tubes. <em>This is particularly important if you're pregnant</em>.

Since a douche can push the bacterial infections up into the uterus, you should never use a douche if you have a bacterial infection.

Yeast infections are very common during pregnancy, but a bacterial infection that <em>looks</em> like a yeast infection is actually more serious. An untreated bacterial infection can cause premature birth, intraamniotic infection, (infection of the amniotic fluid, membranes, placenta, and/or uterus), and postpartum infections of the uterus that send you back to the hospital after giving birth.

What that means, of course, is that you should never attempt to self-diagnose and treat a yeast infection when you're pregnant.

If you think you have a yeast infection, it's wise to get a doctor to diagnose your symptoms even if you think its "obvious." Natural yeast infection remedies and anti fungal medications meant for a vaginal yeast infection will not cure these other illnesses, even though the symptoms may go away.

Do you want to protect your health? Learn everything you need to know about vaginal yeast infections. All the facts in one place at

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

6 Tips to Get Rid of Yeast infection Problems

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection is incredibly irritating when you have it and if you have been diagnosed with a yeast infection then please read on to find six tips to get rid of yeast infection problems. If you think you may have a yeast infection then this article will also help you to diagnose whether you have it or not.

Candidiasis is more commonly known as a yeast infection and is usually found within open tracts in the body. Usually it will be found in the vagina, the mouth and throat, skin and also mother's nipples when they are breastfeeding. It is caused by the over production of yeast organisms within our bodies normally initiated by unhygienic practices during sexual intercourse. It can also occur when taking a dose of antibiotics.

The first symptom of candidiasis is an itching or burning sensation in the infected area which may also include some discharge if the infected area is the vagina.

The first tip to get rid of yeast infection problems is to go and see your doctor. This may sound a bit patronising but many women get the self diagnoses wrong and mistake canidiasis for a vagina bacterial infection so it is important to see your doctor.

The second tip is to buy some natural yoghurt and apply it to the infected area liberally. There is also evidence that eating natural yoghurt can control the spread of the fungal microorganisms.

The third tip is to go to your pharmacy and purchase an over the counter treatment of which there are many. A popular product called Miconazole has been shown to be quite effective but can still take over a week of application to see the benefits of the treatment.

The fourth tip is to eat plenty of garlic. Your friends may not appreciate this tip but it has been shown to work with some women when eaten regularly.

The fifth tip is to NOT USE boric acid! It has been published that Boric acid will cure Candidiasis, please be very wary of this as Boric acid is in fact a poison! Please consult your doctor for medical advice.

The final tip is to use condoms during sexual intercourse and wash the genitals before and after sex.

I have shown in this article that yeast infections although unpleasant are very common and also highly treatable by a number of methods. It is important not to be embarrassed by having a yeast infection and it is also important to get professional medical advice before trying any treatments yourself.

For The Best Information On How to Get Rid Of a Yeast Infection In Just 12 Hours Then Please Click on

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What To Take For Man

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to get rid of yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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I am a former yeast infection sufferer and know first hand how yeast infections can disrupt a persons life.

But I find Natural Cure for Yeast Infection in a website

and complete relief from yeast infection in 3 days.

Typical Yeast Infection Symptoms are as follows:

*Painful Sex or Sexual dysfunction *Vaginal Odor *Premature Aging *Vaginal Discharge *Arthritis *Depression *Chronic Rashes *Tiredness or Fatigue *Poor Memory *Irritability *Joint Pain or Swelling *PMS *Feeling Rundown *Digestive pain *Muscle Aches *Short attention span *Hand pain *Hip and Knee Pain *Headaches *Acne *Respiratory Infections *Memory loss *Lowered Immune System *Lowered Self Esteem *Skin problems *Impotence *Gas *Hand pain *Depression *White Vaginal Discharge *Hypoglycemia *Menstrual Pain *Urinary disorders *Skin Lesion*Shortness of Breath *Food allergies *Learning and Memory problems

I am happy to tell you the website where I find Natural Cure for Yeast Infection.

Did you find those tips on how to get rid of yeast Infection useful? You can learn a lot more about it here.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

The Yeast Infection Epidemic

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Nebraska Cultures announced today the release of their definitive book "Cultivate Health from Within" researched and authored by Khem Shahani Ph.D. with foreword by Frederic Vagnini, M.D., F.A.C.S.This probiotic guide provides in-depth answers to the age-old problem of 'yeast infections' for women and even men. Over 80 million Americans needlessly suffer from yeast infections or candidiasis in some form or another during their lifetime. The book informs the reader that, "In modern times, proper balance of friendly bacteria is not an easy feat to accomplish. Diets rich in sugar, cortisone and cortisone-like drugs, birth control pills, immuno-suppressive drugs and antibiotics, have been major culprits in the "candida epidemic" of today. Many people are unaware that they consume antibiotics daily, without a doctor's prescription in the foods they eat. Anti-biotics are routinely used as supplements in animal feed or the treatment of sick livestock. Consequently, humans who eat these types of animal products may be destroying their beneficial bacteria without their knowledge, starting the epidemic cycle of candida." The book further explains, "Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis are two of several (fungal) organisms normally present in the human body. These organisms have been around for thousands of years, living symbiotically within man and are good guys to have around? in appropriate quantities and in balance with the natural ecosystem of the body. Candidiasis refers to a parasitic infection whereby levels of these yeasts increase dramatically, well beyond acceptable, ecologically balanced levels. Normally, the candida fungi reside naturally as part of normal body flora in the mouth, gastrointestinal tracts, skin, and vaginal cavities, where other friendly bacteria help the immune system keep the proper balance of organisms, including candida, under control." Spokes person for the book, Frederic Vagnini, M.D., F.A.C.S. stated that ,"Khem Shahani's pioneering research and dedication to the understanding of probiotics as stated in the book, will benefit all people, young and old for decades. " ??????For story ideas or interviews contact - Angie Jones -Jones Int'l - e-mail protected from spam bots or 760-773-3232.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Home Remedy for Yeast Infection - Effective Ways to Treat a Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections come in various forms, but there is one fact that remains constant throughout ? they usually affect women who are of child bearing age. The cause of this infection, according to medical sources, is the Candida albicans; which is a specific type of yeast. When this yeast naturally builds up in the vagina, imbalances are caused; and a yeast infection results.

It should be noted that steroids, antibiotics, and some birth control pills can cause an unbalance of bacteria, and thus lead to a yeast infection. Also, wearing tight jeans can also help cause the yeast infection, due to the jeans not giving the area room to breathe. While there are many drugs on the market for curing and/or preventing yeast infections, natural remedies can be even more effective in treating yeast infections.

There are many home remedies that have cropped up over the years, and it should be noted that not all of them are real. As such, women should take caution in applying remedies found on the internet, and should consult a doctor before taking action.

The first home remedy that is one of the most effective is consistently putting apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball or cloth, and applying to areas affected by the yeast infection. A downside to this method is that it can often produce an itchy feeling ? this can be combated by adding garlic to the area, which naturally reacts with the vinegar to reduce or even remove itchiness. In addition, you might want to consider adding water to the vinegar to dilute it to a more tolerable concentration.

The next home remedy is another one that has reportedly worked wonders. Yogurts or curds are very effective, and it is advised by many to soak a tampon in yogurt or curds and insert it into the infected area for around an hour. The bacteria found in the yogurt will naturally replace the infected yeast bacteria, thus aiding in the healing of a yeast infection. Repeat this process 2-3 times per day until the infection heals itself.

While home remedies for yeast infections are effective, there is nothing more effective than preventing the infection in the first place. One great way to prevent a yeast infection is to drink 1-2 glasses of buttermilk every day, whether you are infected or not. This will keep your bacteria healthy and in good supply, making it much harder to receive a yeast infection.

Dee Cohen is a writer and publisher at where you can find articles on many health topics. Read more about Home Remedies for Yeast Infection and peruse our other articles.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Natural Yeast Infection Cures, Apple Cider Vinegar A Natural Alternative

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections in women can be painful and very difficult to treat. Whilst there are a large amount of medical treatments available, people have reported that they can be ineffective and even worse, the side effects are worse then the infection. Given that medical treatments for yeast infections can be very expensive it is not surprising to find that many people are now seeking more natural cures for yeast infections.

A quick internet search shows a multitude of different natural solutions from yogurt right through to washing with tea tree oil. The main crux with natural yeast infection cures is they seek to balance the pH or acidity of the body thus removing the environment that allows yeast or Candida, it?s medical name, to flourish.

One treatment that has received much public support is Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used both to bath the affected area or drunk in a dilute solution to help balance the bodies acid levels.

Internet reports state that drinking a dilute mix of two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water twice a day has been very helpful in treating yeast infections with many saying that it works faster and better then the medical treatment they had previously tried.

Other people have reported great relief from their candidiasis symptoms by using two cups of vinegar in a low bath and gently bathing the area. One person reports she was able to see the dramatic difference in her level of swelling and pain within two bath treatments.

Importantly it has been noted that the best Apple Cider to use is the organic or ?raw? apple cider vinegar, this is the brown murky type. It would appear that this is more effective then the clear distilled type. One reader also has warned that moderation is the key, that in enthusiasm she has consumed a large quantity that this pushed her pH balance out of range and this actually made the infection worse.

As with all natural yeast infection cures it is best to go gently in the early stages as you learn your own body?s reaction to the treatments. I recommend you always consult with a doctor who understands of your wishes to trial natural treatments.

You can learn more about natural yeast infection cures by visiting

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How Can You Cure Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Cure Yeast Infections - Your Guide To Medical And Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infections or "vaginal candidiasis" in the medical language, is a painful infection caused by a yeast called "Candida". This particular bug thrives in warm, moist areas of the body i.e., the vagina in women, under the foreskin in men, and even under folds of skin in the warmer climates.

The cures for yeast infections can be both complimentary - traditional treatments, and medical treatments. The medical treatment of yeast infections are based around medications that kill the yeast bug. This can be via tablets or ovules called "pessaries" that are placed inside the vagina, creams that are applied to the infected area and also tables that are swallowed that treat the whole body. The length of treatment can be a once only dose, a few days and some creams may need to be used for a week or longer. People who have frequent infections, more then four episodes a year, can be treated with preventative medications that act long term and are usually given once or twice a week. If you choose to use a medical cure for your yeast infection it is best to talk with your local doctor to discuss the various treatment options.

Natural cures for yeast infections work towards helping the body cure the infection and also help balance the level of acidity in the vagina.

Traditional cures can include Calendula which is both anti fungal and also soothing, garlic which can be placed inside the vagina, and tea tree oil which can be used to cleanse the area.

One popular natural cure for yeast infections is yoghurt. This can be either eaten or inserted inside the vagina. It is important to only use plain, live acidophilus yoghurt as it is the bacteria ?lactobacillus acidophilus? that is needed to help balance the natural acidity of the body.

Naturally it is always important to contact your local medical doctor to be help you decide on the optimal treatment and cure of yeast infections

You can learn more about Curing yeast infections at

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Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection

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In this article I'd like to give you some ideas of natural remedy options for a yeast infection. Whether in your kitchen cupboard, or an inexpensive product from the grocery store, each natural remedy can give you surprisingly fast relief from a yeast infection.

The first and probably most popular natural remedy is good old yoghurt. You might even hear it recommended by medical practitioners, and with good reason. Yoghurt contains natural bacteria -Lactobacillus acidophilus - which is also found in healthy vaginas. This friendly bacterium kills the yeast infection by releasing hydrogen peroxide and starving the yeast of oxygen.

Secondly, take a look at garlic. Garlic is a powerful natural antifungal with many beneficial properties (if you can handle the smell!); applied directly to the problem area it can work wonders overnight. Be careful though, make sure that you test the garlic on a small patch of skin to ensure that your skin is not unusually sensitive.

My final natural remedy for a yeast infection is cranberry juice, used in treating urinary tract infections and also with the amazing ability to reduce the PH balance of your urine. Cranberry juice, though soothing, is best used in combination with other yeast infection treatments.

I hope that this brief look at natural remedies for a yeast infection has gone at least some way to introducing you to the treatment options that are available. There are many others available, and I hope that you find the remedy that is right for you. Good luck in your search for a natural remedy (or otherwise) for your irritating yeast infection.

Discover how to eliminate your yeast infection within hours - 100% Guranteed.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yeast Infection: A Preventable Nuisance

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast Infections are caused by the Candida albicans fungus. This tiny yeast organism is found naturally on the skin and within the vagina and is usually kept in check by the normal acidic level .

When the acidic balance of the vagina is upset, it allows for the growth of these yeast organisms, to the point where an infection occurs. This in turn leads to the common symptoms of a yeast infection, including itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge and swelling.

The acidic balance in the vagina can be upset by such things as menstruation, pregnancy, birth control pills, antibiotics, diabetes and steroids. Other contributers include irritation and moisture.

It is estimated that 3/4 of all women will experience at least one infection, while up to half will experience multiple infections. Infections in some women can become almost chronic. Yeast infections can also be transmitted sexually to men.

With the widespread use of over-the-counter anti-fungal medications, there are now strains of this infection which are becoming more resistant and harder to treat. Therefore it is important for women who are prone to chronic infections to look at prevention and natural remedies as an alternative to over-the-counter remedies.

8 Ways you can prevent recurring yeast infection:

1). Antibiotics are a major cause of yeast infections, as they kill healthy bacteria along with the target bacteria. In this case the yeast infection may end up being a necessary evil. However, you can avoid products, such as anti-bacterial deoderant soaps, for example.

2). Avoid chemicals such as, dyes, inks and perfume. If you find that you seem to be sensitive, try using non-colored, non- perfumed toilet paper for example. Watch what fabric softners and detergents you are using. Any of these products can affect your body chemistry.

3). Clothing - avoid non-cotton, tight fitting clothing, for example, which tends to trap heat and moisture. Heat and moisture are a recipe for infection.

4). Condoms - nonoxynol-9, a lubricant used with some condoms has been linked to yeast infections, as have latex allergies.

5). Poorly controlled diabetes has been linked to yeast infections in some women. If you are diabetic - get it under control!

6). Sexual transmission of yeast infections is common. Use safe sex practices.

7). Hormonal changes due to such things as pregnancy, birth control medication, menstration and steroid use. In this case the infection should be recognized and treated, even though prevention may not always be feasible.

8). Avoid injury to the vaginal membrane caused by friction. Make sure that lubrication is sufficient to prevent harm and use care in selecting artificial lubricants.

The author enjoys writing about natural health and wellness products, as well as disease prevention. Please visit this site, if you have further questions on the topic of natural treatment for yeast infections.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Vaginal Yeast Infections - The Facts

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Vaginal yeast infections send more women to the doctor than just about any other cause. Unfortunately, many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns. If you?re one of those women, you know that a yeast infection is no fun at all, and you?re ready to do whatever it takes to keep from having another one.

According to recent research, the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in the yeast organism itself. No one really knows for sure why the incidence of infections is increasing so rapidly.

Since most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many people don?t realize that over 10,000 people in the United States die each year from fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and burn.

The yeast that is responsible for vaginal infections and oral thrush is a tiny fungus called Candida albicans. Occasionally, a yeast infection is caused by a form of Candida yeast other than the common C. albicans. These yeasts include C. dubliniensi and C. stellatoidea. Tests can be done to determine what type of yeast is causing an infection, but infections by yeasts other than Candida albicans are rare.

Candida is the most common type of fungal infection in humans, and it can lead to serious health problems for some people. A yeast infection can even be deadly in people with compromised immune systems. For this reason, any woman who gets the symptoms of a yeast infection while receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

There are four common causes of yeast infections:

1. The balance of power between bacteria and yeast is disturbed. Bacteria help us by keeping the yeast in check, so if the bacteria are killed, a yeast population can explode out of control.

This can happen when antibiotics are used during an illness. A diet high in refined sugars and other carbohydrates can also upset the balance by favoring the growth of yeast and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. This imbalance can lead to a yeast infection in the mouth or vagina.

2. Changing hormone balances, (due to pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, and oral contraceptives), can create the right conditions for a yeast infection.

3. Yeast infections can also occur when the patient?s immune system is compromised by an HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, Lyme disease or organ transplant. Steroids can also slow the immune response and allow a yeast infection to take hold.

4. And finally, chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of a more serious underlying illness, such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, leukemia or AIDS. If your yeast infection keeps coming back, ask your doctor for a complete exam to rule out any underlying cause.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are very similar to other conditions that are caused by bacteria and parasites. While yeast infections are not usually dangerous in women with intact immune systems, a bacterial infection can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs, and must be treated promptly.

This is why it is so important to get a medical diagnosis, even if you?ve had a yeast infection before. It?s also the reason why you should be very careful before treating an infection on your own ? up to two-thirds of the women who purchase over-the counter medications for yeast infections actually have a bacterial infection instead, and the anti-fungal medication won?t do any good. In fact, using anti-fungal medications when you don't need to can make future yeast infections more difficult to treat.

To make matters even more complicated, some ?natural? cures for yeast infections that you find on the Internet can actually push a bacterial infection up into your uterus and fallopian tubes, where it can cause permanent damage. For this reason, it?s important to learn as much as you can about vaginal yeast infections, and the other types of conditions that look just the same, but need to be treated differently.

Vaginal infections aren?t the most exciting subject in the world, but it?s important to be informed so you can make good decisions about your health. To learn more about Candida albicans yeast infections ? what causes a vaginal yeast infection, how to get rid of it, and how to keep it from coming back ? visit


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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Five Steps to Cure Yeast Infections Rapidly

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast is probably one of the most uncomfortable common infections people get. Most commonly it effects women but it can manifest itself anywhere on the body and even systemically in either sex. Even infants can have it as a diaper rach or in the mouth as thrush. Yeast can either be a vaginal infection or it can be a skin rash. Yeast infections most commonly effect women who are of childbearing age. This infection is caused by Candida albicans, which is a strain of yeast. This, as well as other strains of yeast naturally crop up in a woman's vagina and in everyone's body, in miniscule amounts and are kept in control by Lactobacillus acidophilus, a naturally ocuuring bacterium. However, a yeast infection occurs when there is an inbalance in the body.

There are many resons for this inbalance. For example, the common use of broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids, and birth control pills is greatly responsible for the problem. Another reason is simply biological, due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy and surrounding a womans menstrual cycle the body's tenuous balance is thrown off. Frequent sex can also cause yeast in some women becasue the acidic enviroment of the vagina is changed by the semen causing an infection. Other causes of infection can be tight clothes, wet bathing suits or even frequent douching.

There many remedies at the pharmacy which will kill the yeast. These can make you comfortable but they do not restore the healthy balance to your body. Natural home remedies have a longer lasting effect and can be used alone or in conjunction with the pharmecutical remedies. Usually natural home remedies can be used on a daily basis not only to cure the yeast infection but to ensure it doesn't return.

There are 5 steps to curing a yeast infection that I have found to create a yeast free life stlye.

Wear loose cotton clothes especially cotton underwear.

Take Acidlopholus(can be found at health food stores) or in yogurt.

Use a tampon and cover it in plain yogurt. Insert it and by morning you will be symptom free. This site has a great all natural remedy that gave me relief in hours with out using any pharmacutical drugs.

These 5 steps and a thourough understanding of why yeast infections occur can keep you yeast free for ever. Good Luck.

A 41 year old Boston University Graduate, mother of two enjoys writing. She has spent years learning and researching the practical everyday side of life.

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12 Hour Yeast Infection Relief

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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After years of yeast infections and the same old medicine, I recently stumbled across a great remedy. It's called the "Natural Cure For Yeast Infection". The first thing I asked myself was "How legit can something with a name like that be?" Their website looked good and there were some great testimonials. After doing a little research and reading some articles online, I gained enough confidence to give it a try. I figured that with a 100% money back guarantee, what do I have to lose? The ordering process was really fast and easy. I received my ebooks almost instantaneously. The information they gave me regarding yeast infections was revolutionary to say the least. I recommend this solution to anyone and everyone that suffers from yeast infections. The most amazing part is that it literally started working within 12 hours, just as they said.

Click Here For 12 Hour Yeast Infection Relief

After years of using the same old "tried and true" medical treatments, I turned to the Internet and alternative medicine. It's my goal to try and review as many alternative medical treatments as I can.

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