Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Yeast Infections in Men - What Can be Done?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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I was shocked when I found out that men could actually get yeast infections. I had always thought that it was something that only women could get, but I was wrong. Men can actually get yeast infections for the same reason that women can get them, and often times the causes are the same, with some notable differences.

Another thing that many people don't realize is that yeast infections in men can actually be classified as a sexually transmitted disease when they are gotten by contact of a sexual nature. In fact men and women can pass the yeast infection back and forth and if it is not detected in the man it could cause a recurring problem with female yeast infections.

Yet another way that yeast infections in men can happen is through prolonged antibiotic use. The problem there, while trying not to be too graphic, is that the male genital area has a lot of bacteria. By ridding the body of the good ones by use of the antibiotics it allows the yeast a chance to grow and to begin to cause a problem.

There are many ways that you can try to treat your yeast infections, and while there has been a lot of medicines that have hit the market to help women with a yeast infection problem they seemed to have left the man out completely. There are some prescriptions that can help to clear up the problem as well as some natural cures that can remove the yeast infection in men as well. I tend to prefer the natural cures because they are not as invasive and do not have the side effects that the prescriptions tend to have.

Recurring or persistent yeast infections can be both annoying and dangerous. If you are tired of all the medicines and creams that carry their own harmful side effects then it's time for you to try a natural cure. Visit our website now to see the special report on 100% natural yeast infection cure that give you relief in hours and cures your yeast infection once and for all.

Stop suffering from Yeast Infection in minutes with this special report.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Products Reviews For Yeast Infection Treatment

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There are many products on the market designed to treat yeast infections. Some of the products for yeast infections require a prescription and some are available over the counter. Herbal products are also used to treat yeast infections. The type of product you choose will depend on the severity of your infection and your personal preferences.

If you have chronic yeast infections or if your infections are severe, you should talk to your doctor before using over the counter products for yeast infections. Severe or recurring yeast infections can be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition like diabetes or HIV.

Many of the products that are available to treat yeast infections are appropriate for both men and women. Monistat and Lamisil are examples of over the counter products to treat yeast infection. Many women and men also use Vagisil to help relieve the symptoms (like itching and burning) that are associated with yeast infection.

Some men and women with yeast infections prefer herbal products to treat yeast infections. Some of those include tea tree oil, slippery elm and gentian violet. Gentian violet.

Boric acid capsules used as suppositories are an effective treatment method for yeast infections in women. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

Some holistic health practitioners recommend products that can be used at home to treat yeast infections One reason many women prefer home remedies for yeast infections is that they dont have the unpleasant side effects that may be associated with other treatment types and they dont require a doctors appointment. Many home remedy products can also be used daily to help prevent yeast infections. Some of the most popular home remedies include:

Regularly daub apple cider vinegar in the areas prone to the infections. If you use this home remedy, you should add some garlic to help relieve the itching feeling and water to dilute the vinegar concentration.

Curds (such as yogurt) are another popular home remedy for yeast infections. Some people suggest soaking a tampon in curds and placing it into the affected region for at least one hour. The theory is that the healthy bacteria from the curds will replace unhealthy yeast bacteria. This can be done twice a day.

Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk per day, whether infected or not. By making curds a part of your daily diet you may reduce your risk for yeast infections. (This home remedy for yeast infections is a healthy choice for most women.)

Saturate a tampon with tea tree oil and leave inserted overnight.

Put 10-15 drops of grapefruit seed extract into your morning juice every day for a month. Some also recommend a daily dose of olive leaf extract together with the grapefruit seed extract.

If you are using over the counter or herbal products to treat your yeast infection you should tell your doctor because some remedies may have adverse reactions when used in conjunction with prescription medications. Most prefer natural products for yeast infections.

Tea Tree Oil: An oil that is said to have healing qualities that is available in most health food stores. Grapefruit Seed Extract: A natural health supplement that helps boost the immune system.

Learn more about pregnancy and yeast infection on our site. You'll also find other information such as untreated yeast infection and yeast infection and HIV is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Obesity and Yeast Infections - What's the Connection

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As if the overweight men and women of the world didn?t have enough to worry about, but yes, obesity is one of the risk factors of chronic yeast infections.

There are two reasons why overweight women get more vaginal yeast infections, and why both men and women who weigh too much can get skin rashes and oral thrush, which are both caused by Candida albicans yeast.

The first reason is purely physical ? yeast loves warm, moist areas on the skin, and folds of fat create exactly the right conditions for yeast living on the skin. Yeast can overpopulate areas under the breasts, in the armpit, in the crotch, and in any area that stays damp from perspiration. An absorbent powder used in these areas can help.

The other reason has to do with hormones. As most of us know, obesity is one of the major risk factors for Type II Diabetes. And the risk of diabetes is caused by something that also causes yeast infections ? a change in your hormone balance due to increased insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone that is used by your body to keep your blood sugar at a safe level. Extra fat cells can make your body resistant to insulin, so your pancreas needs to produce more and more of this hormone to be effective. When the pancreas is no longer able to pump out enough insulin to clear your blood of excess glucose, you are said to have insulin resistance. By this point, you will probably also be diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Since insulin resistance can cause yeast infections, many women are first diagnosed with diabetes when they go to their doctor about their chronic vaginal infections.

How can an overweight man or woman reduce their risk of yeast infections? By staying as dry as possible, of course. But the most important thing to do is to improve your health so you reduce your risk of diabetes, which is a far more serious condition than a yeast infection. To do that, you must lose weight, go on a healthy diet, and get regular exercise.

Since insulin resistance can make it difficult to lose weight, it?s important to include exercise in your daily routine. Exercise helps improve your cell?s ability to use insulin. It also helps to prevent heart disease, which often accompanies obesity and diabetes. The exercise will help you lose weight, too.

And, you need to talk to your doctor about a healthy diet that will help prevent or reverse your risk of diabetes. Studies have shown that a good diet, accompanied by regular exercise, are the most effective treatment for insulin resistance.

The Diabetes Prevention Program suggests a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Since yeast loves sugar, you may want to eliminate sugar from your diet, as well. It will help you reduce the daily calories you consume, help you lose weight, and reduce your risk for those aggravating yeast infections.

Your first step if you?re overweight and suffering from chronic yeast infections? Talk to your doctor, get checked for diabetes, and take your doctor's advice! It could save your life.

Are you concerned about the connection between insulin resistance and yeast infections? Visit

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Breasts Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Natural Cure For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Anyone suffering from yeast infections will know how painful it is and how difficult it is to find a treatment that will not only ease the symptoms of yeast infection but that will cure the infection too.

The symptoms of yeast infection vary from one person to another, some are more severe than others. These include itching in varying degrees, soreness, discharge that can be odorless, feeling more tired than usual and pain when urinating.

Some people with only mild degrees of discomfort do not even recognize that it is in fact yeast infection at all. Yeast infection is caused by an organism called Candida which is present in all women but may suddenly flare up into any of the above symptoms due to a sudden change in environment where they are able to multiply and become out of control.

When the body?s natural defense system cannot cope, an itchy rash and irritation can develop. If you suspect that you may have a yeast infection there are many over the counter pills and creams available that may ease the discomfort. However, it is strongly advised that with more severe cases a visit to your doctor is the best precaution. The doctor can prescribe medication that may last up to a week but instead of simply easing the symptoms will also focus on destroying the cause of the disease at source.

For those who have tried prescribed medicines only to find that the yeast infection returns again at a later date it may be worth considering a more natural remedy to be used as prevention rather than cure.

Boric acid suppositories are a natural cure for yeast infection and there are remedies available that contain this ingredient. The capsule is inserted at night for 3 to 7 days after which the symptoms should subside. Please be aware that boric acid should never be taken orally, and that over use of boric acid can lead to irritation and discomfort.

If you have tried prescription medicines without success or you would like to read further information about a natural 12 hour cure for yeast infection then you may find some useful guidance here.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Work!

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Natural yeast infection remedies have gained much popularity in recent years to cure yeast infection. People seems to have caught on the health bug and are turning more and more to natural remedies for answers to their illnesses. It is not difficult to understand since most over-the-counter medications and drugs are rarely without side effects. Yeast infection is a condition that could rebound, and more are starting to look towards natural yeast infection remedies for permanent solutions.

We will look at some self-care tips before disclosing several effective natural yeast infection remedies that we can use.

Self-Care To Prevent Yeast Infection

1. Foods to avoid

Some foods encourage yeast growth such as alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, processed foods, sugar, products containing wheat and white flour, margarine, milk and dairy products.

2. Personal Care

a. Refrain from sharing common bath area such as pools, baths and other public areas where full immersion takes place. This is so as to avoid exposure.

b. Use a condom during sexual intercourse. Remember to read the label and avoid those with nonoxynol-9 lubricant.

c. Cut down on usage of personal care products such that carry a scent like perfumes, sanitary pads, body sprays and tampons as they destroy the good bacteria that kills yeast.

d. Avoid wearing tight clothing and undergarment as they are poor ventilators of body heat. A warm and moist environment encourages yeast infection to spread. Switch to cotton clothing if you can.

Useful Natural Yeast Infection Remedies

1. Garlic

Garlic has strong antifungal properties and is a natural yeast killer. Wrap the garlic in either a piece of cheesecloth or gauze and insert the small pouch into the infected vagina overnight. The infection would die after a few applications. But make sure you are not allergic to garlic.

2. Yoghurt

Yoghurt has many uses other for consumption as a health snack. One of them is to eradicate yeast. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus which produces hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial. Use plain, non-sugared yoghurt as a topical medication on the infected vulva and vagina for healing. Eating yoghurt also helps!

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used widely in some parts of the world. It is recognized as one of the best natural yeast infection remedies. Using a tampon coated with a lubricant before adding a few drops of tea tree oil, it becomes a potent yeast infection cure.

There are many more useful and safe natural yeast infection remedies around. Be sure to read my blog if you want to find out some unique natural yeast infection remedies that have been proven to cure yeast infection within as short as 12 hours. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yeast Infection Information

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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What is the yeast infection?

A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast organisms in the genital area. Women usually get yeast infections in the vaginal area. Men can get a yeast infection on the penis.

What is of causes of yeast infection?

Yeast infections are not usually sexually transmitted. Although many women get a yeast infection without any noticeable cause, it can be triggered by anything that changes the natural balance of micro-organisms in the vagina, such as taking antibiotic medication.

People with certain diseases, including diabetes and HIV infection, are especially vulnerable to yeast infections.

Symptoms of a yeast infection?

Symptoms may include itching, soreness, or a burning sensation in the vagina, and a thick, cottage-cheese-like discharge. In men, itching and rash at the head of the penis is the most common symptom.

Symptoms of yeast infection in women?

For women, your doctor or other health-care provider will collect a sample of fluid with a small swab from the vagina and have it tested at a laboratory. For men, a yeast infection can usually be diagnosed by a simple visual exam.

Treatment of yeast infection

Medicated creams, vaginal suppositories, or pills taken by mouth can be used to cure a yeast infection. Many of these treatments are available without a prescription at drugstores. You should see a doctor if your yeast infection won?t go away after you?ve taken a full course of medication, or if it keeps returning, as there may be other causes of your symptoms as colloidal silver.

What happens if a yeast infection is left untreated?

Discomfort and inconvenience are the worst problems associated with a yeast infection.

Do sex partners have to be treated?

In general, sex partners do not need to be treated unless they have symptoms.

By the way, women can also get yeast infections from men. So it's important to treat both partners if a yeast infection is suspected. To minimize the risk of passing the infection to a partner, it is generally recommended that you abstain from sexual activity until all of your symptoms are gone

What if I?m pregnant?

We don?t know of any serious effects ? on the mother or the baby ? of a yeast infection

During pregnancy, but you should tell your doctor that you?re pregnant when you seek

Treatment for a yeast infection as colloidal silver.

A yeast infection is not usually sexually transmitted. However, all pregnant women should be tested for diseases that ARE sexually transmitted (STDs), including HIV, as early as possible in pregnancy. You should be tested again during your pregnancy if you or your partner engages in activities that increase your risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). For example, you are at higher risk for STDs if you have a new sex partner during pregnancy, or if you have more than one partner. If left untreated, STDs can be devastating for your baby. To protect yourself and your baby against HIV and other STDs, use a latex condom whenever you have sex.

How can I avoid a yeast infection?

Avoiding unnecessary antibiotic medication may help reduce the risk of a yeast infection.

A yeast infection is generally not sexually transmitted. You can reduce your risk of getting most other infections that ARE sexually transmitted, including HIV, by having sex only in mutually monogamous relationship with a partner you are sure is not infected. If you are having sex outside of such a relationship, you can reduce your risk of STDs by:

1) Always using a latex condom (or other type of latex barrier) whenever you have sex vaginal, anal, or oral. Condoms made of ?natural? materials, such as lambskin, protect against pregnancy, but not against STDs. If you are allergic to latex, you can use condoms made of polyurethane or other synthetic materials.

2) Limiting the number of people you have sex with. The more partners you have, the higher your risk.

3) Avoiding alcohol and drugs when you have sex. Drinking or getting high makes it much harder to remember to use condoms to protect yourself and other.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is

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What Are The Yeasts Or The Bacteria That Causes Yeast Infections?

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Yeast are unicellular fungi. The precise classification is a field that uses the characteristics of the cell, ascospore and colony. Physiological characteristics are also used to identify species. One of the more well known characteristics is the ability to ferment sugars for the production of ethanol. Budding yeasts are true fungi of the phylum Ascomycetes, class Hemiascomycetes. The true yeasts are separated into one main order Saccharomycetales.

Yeasts are characterized by a wide dispersion of natural habitats. Common on plant leaves and flowers, soil and salt water. Yeasts are also found on the skin surfaces and in the intestinal tracts of warm-blooded animals, where they may live symbiotically or as parasites. The common "yeast infection" is typically Candidiasis is caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. In addition to being the causative agent in vaginal yeast infections Candida is also a cause of diaper rash and thrush of the mouth and throat.

Yeasts multiply as single cells that divide by budding (eg Saccharomyces) or direct division (fission, eg. Schizosaccharomyces), or they may grow as simple irregular filaments (mycelium). In sexual reproduction most yeasts form asci, which contain up to eight haploid ascospores. These ascospores may fuse with adjoining nuclei and multiply through vegetative division or, as with certain yeasts, fuse with other ascospores.

The awesome power of yeast genetics is partially due to the ability to quickly map a phenotype producing gene to a region of the S. cerevisiae genome. For the past two decades S. cerevisiae has been the model system for much of molecular genetic research because the basic cellular mechanics of replication, recombination, cell division and metabolism are generally conserved between yeast and larger eukaryotes, including mammals.

The most well-known and commercially significant yeasts are the related species and strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These organisms have long been utilized to ferment the sugars of rice, wheat, barley, and corn to produce alcoholic beverages and in the baking industry to expand, or raise, dough. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly used as baker's yeast and for some types of fermentation. Yeast is often taken as a vitamin supplement because it is 50 percent protein and is a rich source of B vitamins, niacin, and folic acid.

In brewing, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, named after the Carlsberg Brewery in Copenhagen, where it was first isolated in pure culture by Dr. Emil Christian Hansen (1842-1909) in 1883 is used in the production of several types of beers including lagers. S. carlsbergensis is used for bottom fermentation. S. cerevisiae used for the production of ales and conducts top fermentation, in which the yeast rise to the surface of the brewing vessel. In modern brewing many of the original top fermentation strains have been modified to be bottom fermenters. Currently the S. carlsbergensis designation is not used; the S. cerevisiae classification is used instead.

The yeast's function in baking is to ferment sugars present in the flour or added to the dough. This fermentation gives off carbon dioxide and ethanol. The carbon dioxide is trapped within tiny bubbles and results in the dough expanding, or rising. Sourdough bread, is not produced with baker's yeast, rather a combination of wild yeast (often Candida milleri) and an acid-generating bacteria (Lactobacillus sanfrancisco sp. nov). It has been reported that the ratio of wild yeast to bacteria in San Francisco sourdough cultures is about 1:100. The C. milleri strengthens the gluten and the L. sanfrancisco ferments the maltose.

The fermentation of wine is initiated by naturally occurring yeasts present in the vineyards. Many wineries still use nature strains, however many use modern methods of strain maintenance and isolation. The bubbles in sparkling wines are trapped carbon dioxide, the result of yeast fermenting sugars in the grape juice. One yeast cell can ferment approximately its own weight of glucose per hour. Under optimal conditions S. cerevisiae can produce up to 18 percent, by volume, ethanol with 15 to 16 percent being the norm. The sulfur dioxide present in commercially produced wine is actually added just after the grapes are crushed to kill the naturally present bacteria, molds, and yeasts.

The yeast like fungus, Candida albicans, is commonly found in the mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract. Candida is a normal inhabitant of humans and normally causes no ill effects. However, among infants and individuals with other illness a variety of conditions can occur. Candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the mouth is known as thrush. Candidiasis of the vagina is called vaginitis. Candida also causes severe disease in persons with AIDS and chemotherapy patients. Protein Synthesis, and Energetics.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is

To read more information & natural remedies go here:

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Get Rid of Yeast Infection - Discover the All Natural Cure for Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infection is caused by the overpopulation of Candida fungus which is always present in human body. It is a common problem of women, but anyone can get them even men, babies, children and elderly. There are a lot of treatments and a lot of medicines available promising to cure yeast infection and there is also a natural cure for yeast infection.

Some symptoms and discomforts when you have yeast infection include urinary disorder, vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, painful sex or sexual dysfunction, muscle aches, irritability and burning or itching sensation. Symptoms vary from person to person as symptoms may change over time.

With the discomforts of yeast infection, sufferers tend to look for the best cure for yeast infection to end all their sufferings. Without knowing about the natural cure for yeast infection, there are those who even try dangerous drugs like boric acid. Be warned that boric acid is a toxic substance which is a poison and has caused deaths. It has no place in your home especially in your body. Unfortunately, most people with yeast infection end up frustrated with all the available treatments they?ve tried, treating only the symptoms but the infection is still there waiting to be triggered to flare up again and they eventually suffer from chronic yeast infection.

Fortunately, there is a natural cure for yeast infection which is a safe way to get rid of yeast infection. This natural cure for yeast infection treats the root cause of the infection and eliminating the infection permanently. You will be free from the misery of this disturbing disease.

If you have tried all the treatments available for yeast infection and found no relief, the best option for you is the all natural cure for yeast infection.

Do you want relief from burning, itching painful urination or vaginal discharge? Do you want to get back your health and the life you deserve? Imagine how great you will feel having your energy back and regain the glow of good health, feeling and looking younger. Find out all about the natural cure for yeast infection visit 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection at Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Get Rid of Yeast Infection: Discover the All Natural Cure for Yeast Infection. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author?s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection - Cure

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast organisms are always present in all people, but are usually prevented from "overgrowth" (uncontrolled multiplication resulting in symptoms) by naturally occurring microorganisms.

At least three quarters of all women will experience candidiasis at some point in their lives. The Candida albicans organism is found in the vaginas of almost all women and normally causes no problems. However, when it gets out of balance with the other "normal flora," such as lactobacilli (which can also be harmed by using douches), an overgrowth of yeast can result in noticeable symptoms. Pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, engaging in vaginal sex after anal sex in an unhygienic manner, and using lubricants containing glycerine have been found to be causally related to yeast infections. Diabetes mellitus and the use of antibiotics are also linked to an increased incidence of yeast infections. Candidiasis can be sexually transmitted between partners. Diet has been found to be the cause in some animals. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Infertility Treatment may be factors.


Symptoms include severe itching, burning, and soreness, irritation of the vagina and/or vulva, and a whitish or whitish-gray discharge.

Many women mistake the symptoms of the more common bacterial vaginosis for a yeast infection. In a 2002 study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, only 33 percent of women who were self treating for a yeast infection actually had a yeast infection. Instead they had either bacterial vaginosis or a mixed-type infection.

In men, symptoms include red patchy sores near the head of the penis or on the foreskin. The sores may feel irritated and itchy, and sometimes they will burn as well.

Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection

Home remedies for yeast infections tend to have less side effects, milder, cleaner than OTC or prescription drugs. One of the most popular is yogurt. Yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium found in healthy vaginas. This good bacteria kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Use plain, unflavoured yogurt and apply to the vulva and vagina directly. Check first to make sure the yogurt contains live lactobacillus acidophilus cultures. Garlic can also be used. It contains anti-fungal substances that kill yeast cells. It can be consumed in your diet or inserted directly into the vagina. Tie some dental floss to the clove so you can remove it later. Never cut the garlic clove. The juice can sting your vulva. Teatree oil is also widely used for treating infections. Soak an applicator tampon with a lubricant like KY Jelly or Olive Oil and apply a few drops of pure teatree oil. Insert the tampon using the applicator and apply the teatree oil carefully. The teatree oil can sting if it touches the vulva.

There are many internet remedies out there such as yoghurt and cranberry juice which seem innocous enough while others recommend Boric acid, a toxic substance to treat a yeast infection. How do you know what works, what is safe and effective?

Take a look

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Yeast Infections - Causes and Cures

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Many people think of yeasts infections as a woman?s infection cured with a trip to the doctor and a couple of pills. Many times that does not cover the scope of yeast infections. Men, children and babies may also get yeast infections, as well as some who suffer from Chronic yeast infections. To properly diagnosis and cure a yeast infection may require further knowledge of the cause.

Often referred to as Candida, there are two types of yeast infections. The first type is an Acute yeast infection. The symptoms come on quickly and are easy to diagnose. The symptoms are swelling and redness in the genital area, discharge, itching, burning with urination, and are often accompanied with a white coated tongue. If you have ever had this type of yeast infection, you know how miserable it can be.

The second type of yeast infection is called a Chronic yeast infection. You may be treated many times for recurring yeast infections and think you are cured, when in reality, you are not. This kind of yeast infection can go on for years, being undiagnosed. If gone untreated long enough it can lead to more serious illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and a myriad of other diseases, as the candida albicans invade and damage our healthy cells. This type of yeast infection can be much more difficult to diagnose and treat, as it is often overlooked by health professionals.

Yeast infections occur when there is an unbalance of good and bad bacteria in our bodies. Drugs known to cause yeast to develop and thrive are steroids, such as prednisone and cortisone, birth control pills, and antibiotic taken over a period of time. These drugs kill bad bacteria as well as good. The lack of good bacteria in our bodies cause a break down in our immune systems, as good bacteria is needed to fight off infections and disease.

A diet which consists of lots of sugar, starches and carbohydrates may also cause yeast infections. Yeast infections may also be transmitted sexually due to the mixture of secretions which may cause an imbalance in our bodies. Babies often get thrush, a form yeast, from putting bacteria covered objects in their mouths, and having milk built up in their mouths over a period of time. Diaper rashes may also be the result of a yeast infection.

If you are in poor health, have brain fogs, blurred vision, are craving sugar, starches, and carbs, and are constantly feeling lethargic, you may have a yeast infection. By changing your diet and educating yourself about the causes of yeast infections, you can become much healthier and cure yourself for good.

Cathy lives in Salt Lake City and is a freelance writer. She has studied lots of natural methods of healing to promote better health. She loves music, writing, sports, the outdoors, and helping others achieve their goals.

For more information on natural remedies for better health click here:

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

How Candida Yeast Infections Effect You

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Candida yeast infections are caused by a group of microscopic fungi.

Although these fungi can live quite happily in the body, on the surface of the skin or in the digestive system, it only takes a certain set of circumstances and they can start to reproduce rapidly, causing what is commonly called a yeast infection.

The Candida yeast infection particularly thrives in an environment that is moist and warm, such as in the digestive system, in the vagina, as well as in the folds of the skin, on the skin as well as the nail bed.

The most common reason for a woman to suffer from vaginal burning, itching and a discharge is because they are suffering from a yeast infection.

Unfortunately, as the Candida yeast is found in the vagina of most women it can overgrow if the environment and conditions in a womans' vagina changes. One of the main reasons why a woman will suffer from vaginal yeast infection is through excessive use of antibiotics or steroids.

Also pregnancy, the menstrual cycle, sperm, diabetes as well as birth control pills can contribute to a woman developing a Candida yeast infection. And unfortunately these infections can become even more common after menopause commences.

So, if you think you are suffering from a Candida yeast infection when is the best time to consult your doctor in order to get it diagnosed and treated properly?

I would suggest the best time is right NOW. There is no good reason to wait for a candida infection to spread and get worse. In fact, the repercussions of such a decision can lead to a number of severe complications.

If you have tried over the counter treatments, and find that they either do not work, or the symptoms become worse, then you should seek the advice of a medical professional.

It is not unusual for the symptoms of candida infections to be confused with other condition such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis as well as bacterial vaginosis, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible to get the appropriate treatment.

If you find that your condition not only worsens, but you start to suffer from fever, chills, nausea along with vomiting. Or the rash begins to spread to other parts of your body then you should seek medical advice immediately, as it may be the result of may more serious illness.

In general at least 3 in 4 women will at some points in their lives suffering from Candida yeast infections and thankfully these problems can soon be treated if they are diagnosed and treated successfully.

They can either be treated using more conventional Western forms of medication such as anti-fungal medications or you can decide to go the alternative route and use more natural treatments instead. A combination of both usually be used.

Continue reading to find out how you can sign up for our free newsletter and discover natural methods to relieve candida symptoms.

Once candida yeast infections have been diagnosed there are a number of treatment options available, and these will be covered in future articles.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about candidia yeast infection along with more information on the treatment of chronic yeast infections.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Is A Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection?

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Although it is thought that candida is present in everyone, a Candida Albicans intestinal yeast infection is very unlikely unless certain conditions are met.

The main reasons for a candida albicans infection in the intestines are:

- The log term and repeated use of antibiotics.

- A suppressed immune system, either through illness, medication or lifestyle

- A Diet that is high in starch and sugars.

When candida albicans is in its normal state it is quite harmless and forms part of the approximately 500 different type of organisms that live in the GI tract.

However, when the levels of friendly bacteria in the gut is reduced to an unhealthy level, the immune system becomes compromised and the environment in the gut changes. This allows the candida to thrive and increases the risk of it sticking to the intestinal wall and changing its form from yeast to fungus.

Candida Albicans is dimorphic, which means it is a type of yeast that has two forms, either as a simple round yeast cell, or as a fungus. In the fungal form it has tentacle like outgrowths called hyphae that can penetrate the tissue of the body.

If given the opportunity to thrive, it increases in number at an incredible rate and when this it can cause numerous problems and symptoms.

Candida is yeast so as a part of its metabolism it produces ethanol and acetaldehyde (responsible for some of the symptoms of a hangover). These amounts are normally so small that they are eliminated along with other toxins within the body.

However, when the levels of candida overgrowth become high, then the levels of alcohol and other toxins in the body increase and cause many of the symptoms associated with a candida overgrowth like migraines, fatigue and bloating.

A study carried out in the UK tested a number of sick patients, checking their levels of ethanol a short time after ingesting a sugar solution. It was found that the patients consistently had high ethanol levels and was concluded that it came from an intestinal yeast overgrowth.

If candida is allowed to transform into its fungal form, then the hyphae can burrow through the intestinal wall, which can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome. This is where toxins and food matter enter the bloodstream. It also allows the candida to enter the bloodstream and release spores and so become systemic.

If this happens one of the symptoms is that a person may become hypoallergenic to various things or trigger other autoimmune diseases. Once the candida and toxic substances have been provided with access to the bloodstream they can then start to cause problems for other parts of the body including organs such as the kidneys, lungs, liver, heart and brain.

Also, when Candida is allowed to proliferate (grow out of control) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract it can prevent our digestive system from digesting and assimilating nutrients as effectively. This can lead to a mineral or vitamin deficit and also compromise our immune response.

Continue reading to discover natural methods to relieve candida and sign up for our free newsletter.

If you believe that you have the symptoms of a Candida Albicans intestinal yeast infection then make an appointment to see your medical practitioner. They will most likely prescribe a course of anti ? fungal medication, a change in diet and potentially some lifestyle changes for you to adopt.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Candida Albicans Intestinal Yeast Infection

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yeast Infection

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

What Causes Candida Yeast Infections?

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There are many species of Candida to be found in the human body and the most common of all of these is Candida Albicans. Even though the chance of a having candida yeast infections is always present, as it is believed that the large majority of people have the candida yeast in their digestive tract, it is only under certain conditions that the risk of infection increases.

Candida Albicans can normally live quite happily in the body most of the time, causing no health issues. However, under certain conditions it can grow and cause numerous symptoms and complications.

Candida Albicans tend to prefer to the warm moist areas of the body, including in he gastrointestinal tract, the vagina, armpits, oral cavity and folds in the skin, and so these are the areas that the infection tends to hit first and where symptoms can be spotted for early diagnosis.

There are a number of triggers that cause the Candida yeast to overgrow and cause an infection, and some of the most common ones are as follows: -

1. A candida overgrowth can be caused if someone has to take prescribed drugs such as antibiotics or steroids a prolonged length of time, maybe because they are suffering from a reoccurring illness.

2. Infection can occur to people who abuse drugs (prescribed or non prescribed) or alcohol.

3. Also, if a person?s immune system has become weakened through a condition that effects the immune functions of the body they can be more susceptible to candida infections.

There are some statistics that suggest that around 15% of all people who suffer from a weakened immune system are likely to contract some form of Candida yeast infections at some time during their illness.

If left untreated it can allow the Candida yeast infection to cause problems throughout the body and be potentially life threatening, especially if candidia albicans spores get into the bloodstream and infect the brain, eyes, kidneys and heart.

4. Excessive use of devices that are implanted in to the skin such as urinary catheters, IV ports or needles can allow extra Candida yeast to gain access to the body through the bloodstream.

5. Plus the candida can actually enter a person's bloodstream if they happen to have cuts in their skin or the mucous membrane.

The best and most natural way that the body can keep the risk of an infection to a minimum is to ensure that the levels of good bacteria (probiotics) in the GI tract are maintained at a healthy level, and to ensure that the immune system is working well.

These steps, along with keeping stress levels to the minimum and having a healthy diet, with minimal sugar, yeast products and keeping the amount of processed foods to the minimum, give someone a good chance of keeping themselves infection free.

Also, it is common sense to maintain a good level of personal hygiene.

Continue reading to find out more about how you can get a free copy of our candida relief newsletter. In it you will discover simple all-natural methods for relieving candida symptoms.

One of the simplest ways to combat the risk of Candida yeast infections is to have a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about the causes and treatments for candidia yeast infections.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Do You Have Yeast Infection Candida Albicans Symptoms?

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The yeast infection Candida, or a similar yeast infection will affect about 3 in 4 women at some stage in their lives.

Even though it is somewhat more common than it was years ago it is a subject, which many women still find very difficult to discuss, leaving many to avoid treatment and put up with the symptoms.

However, this is never a good idea. Although mild symptoms of candida albicans can be just an irritation, chronic candidiasis, which can eventually occur is a serious medical condition, which left unchecked could lead to severe symptoms.

There are many places now especially on the internet where people can get the information they need to understand what candida is, what causes it, the signs and symptoms as well as how it can be treated.

Continue reading to find out how you can join our free newsletter to find out how to naturally combat candida.

It is vitally important that if a woman thinks she is suffering from a yeast infection she talks to her doctor or another health professional.

Through them they will be able to find the best route possible in order to treat this very common but uncomfortable infection.

One of the first things a person will normally need to do in order to combat the effects of Candida is to alter their diet.

In most cases it would be wise if they eliminated both refined sugars and yeast from their diet as well as increase the amount of probiotics (good bacteria) into their digestive system.

It is the good bacteria, along with a fully working immune system that suppresses the Candida from growing and causing the infection.

Should a persons immune system become repressed or they have reduced levels of probiotics in their digestive system this allows the yeast infection (Candida) to begin growing.

There are round about 20 different types of Candida to be found in the human body and the most common of all of these strains is Candida Albicans.

Although this fungi lives quite happily on and inside our bodies the majority of the time it can, under certain conditions, become so plentiful that it will cause an infection.

These infections will normally occur in the moist damp areas of the human body such as in the genital area of women (the vagina), the mouth or between folds of skin, like under the breasts or armpits.

Should candida enter your bloodstream, allowing the spores to infaltrate the body and enter major organs, it can cause serious complications.

Often a repressed immune system is the reason that candida can multiply in the body. This may be due to an illness or through a form of medication that they are taking such as chemotherapy.

Candida can also start to multiply quickly if there are insufficient levels of good bacteria in our digestive system. These good bacteria or probiotics feed off candida, which helps to suppress the numbers and allow the body to keep the upper hand.

This normally occurs because a person has taken antibiotics prescribed by their doctor for an extended period of time. Antibiotics take a broad stance and will often indiscriminately kill any bacteria, including the good ones that are vital for effective digestion.

To combat this it?s often recommended that a probiotic supplement be taken by people on prolonged courses of antibiotics to help keep yeast infection candida albicans in check.
Sign up to Jane Symm?s free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling the yeast infection candida at Eliminate Candida Naturally.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

How To Banish Yeast Infections With Candida Probiotics

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In order to get the best results for any type of Candida probiotic treatment you should lookf for probiotics containing Lactobacillus, Bifobacterium and Acidodophilus.

These are the active ingredients usually found in good probiotic supplements. These beneficial micro-organisms help to increase and repopulate the intestinal bacteria that are good for the immune and digestive systems.

The probiotics used in supplements for treating Candida also often contain B Vitamins such as Biotin, Niacin, Folic Acid and Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), all of which help to improve a person's digestion as well as help combat vaginal yeast infections.

Successful suppression of candida overgrowth is achieved by an altering the balance of the acid/alkaline found in a person's intestines which in turn deprives the Candida bacteria of the essential nutrients which they need in order to grow and multiply.

When a person is using a probiotic supplement for combating Candida they are bolstering the number of good bacteria in their GI tract, and these good bacteria produce an anti-fungal enzyme, which can then fight the overgrowth.

However, along with probiotic supplements there are other more natural ways increasing the levels of good bacteria in the GI tract. One of these includes eating more live yoghurt.

The live yogurt that we eat is cultured using the same bacteria that live in the gut and the intestines, and helps to protect a person against the overgrowth of Candida in their bodies.

For many years women have found it to be beneficial in staving off vaginal yeast infections when applied to the skin.

So, including live yogurt into a healthy eating regime can lessen the chance of developing intestinal and vaginal yeast problems, along with Candida and digestive disorders.

The introduction of good bacteria into the GI tract has also been linked to an improvement in the immune function, as a properly working digestive system is essential to a healthy immune process.
Read below to discover how you can sign up for the free combating candida newsletter and discover other natural ways for overcoming candida.

If you do not enjoy the taste of yoghurt, there are multiple alternatives available to you.
There are Probiotic foods and drinks, and supplements, which are easy to take and can provide additional good bacteria for your body.

Finally, if you have had a course of antibiotics to treat another ailment then you will often be recommended to consume some form of probiotic supplement or food. Antibiotics are usually pretty indiscriminate and can kill off both the good and the bad bacteria in the GI tract leaving the body wide open to developing a yeast infection.

So, boosting the levels of good bacteria helps to avoid problems and a good candida probiotics treatment is a way of helping the body fortify itself against the misery of a yeast infection.
Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about candida probiotics and natural candida remedies

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Yeast Infections That Last For Months

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Yeast infections that last for months are often associated with an underlying medical condition. When a yeast infection lasts for months it usually means that the yeast and fungal overgrowth are affecting your entire system, not just your genital area.

One thing that is rarely taken into account on lasting yeast infections is the fact that yeast is significantly influenced by the vagina?s natural monthly fluctuating acid base (PH balance). The pH balance changes with monthly hormonal rhythms. Most women with yeast infections that last for months notice that the symptoms manifest or worsen a few days prior to the onset of menstruation and often clear up or improve when the period ends. Just prior to menstruation and throughout the time of the menstrual flow, the vaginal pH balance becomes significiantly more alkaline, allowing yeast colonies that have been in a dormant state to become active and produce symptoms.

Many women treating yeast infections with prescription and over the counter remedies assume that when the symptoms go away the infection is gone for good. Unfortunately, sometimes there is another onset of symptoms, perhaps as soon as the onset of the next period. The main reason for yeast infections that last for months is that dormant colonies of yeast were not eradicated by the perious treatment.

A paste made of slippery elm and a little water can help relieve the symptoms associated with yeast infections that last for months. This can be applied as needed. Another way to relieve symptoms is to keep aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and apply it to your vulva on a cotton pad as needed. For more info see

Some women prefer herbal remedies to help keep their body?s pH balance at a level that discourages yeast infections. Tea tree oil vaginal suppositories are used by many women. Besides being very soothing, the suppositories possess powerful anti-fungal activity that can help return the vaginal pH balance to a normal state.

Women with yeast infections that last for months should eat yogurt every day. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in the vagina. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Some women apply yogurt directly to the affected area to kill the yeast infection. If you use yogurt on your genital area, make sure that you buy plain yogurt with no sugar added.

Try the following steps to help prevent yeast infections:
? Don?t use douches.
? Avoid scented hygiene products like bubble bath, sprays, pads and tampons.
? Change tampons and pads often during your period.
? Don?t wear tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers.
? Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
? Change out of wet swimsuits and exercise clothes as soon as possible.
? Take two acidophilus capsules every day.

Bear in mind that yeast infections that last for months could be the sign of something more serious, like diabetes or HIV. If you have infections that persist you should talk to your doctor about the treatments that are available. Nobody should have to live with yeast infections that last for months.
You can also find more information at causes of yeast infection and vaginal yeast infection.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Yeast Infection Treatments For Results

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In the simplest analysis yeast infections are at least uncomfortable. Many women find the burning and itching symptoms cause to find instant relief with any cure readily available. Yeast infections come in all kinds, including over the counter medications, doctor's prescriptions, natural remedies and strict diets. This means most women can readily find a yeast infection treatment that is befitting them.

From the Pharmacy come many opportunities for relief. They begin with the many common over the counter medicines which are often chosen for yeast infection treatment. Considering yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of fungus that is naturally present in our bodies, the exemplar way to tame that spurt of activity is to curb it with something antifungal. Over the counter antifungal come in a wide variety of creams and tablets that are inserted vaginally over the course of one to seven nights. Many usually come with additional skin cream to apply around the vagina for instant relief of symptoms. Antifungal yeast infection treatments use different types of active ingredients. Depending on the brand a woman may find better results with one or the other.

From your Doctor one might find more definitive prescriptions. Doctors often prescribe a stronger or a more effective antifungal. Prescription medicine for yeast infection treatment can come in forms such as creams, lotions, oral pills or vaginal suppositories and use beyond comparison different types of active ingredients than over-the-counter medicine. Recurring or chronic cases of infection usually require prescription medication for the yeast infection treatment to be indefinitely effectual.

From our home you can find common products that provide relief from yeast infections.
Alternative medicine remedies for yeast infection treatment encompass boric acid suppositories, tea tree or apple cider vinegar douches, garlic clove suppositories and the internal application of yogurt. There are natural products for yeast infection treatment like garlic and yogurt may require one preparation before insertion. You will be obliged to bag garlic cloves with gauze and tie on a dental floss trailer or find inventive and innovative ways to insert yogurt vaginally, after all when you're searching for fast relief from the distressfulness, the preparation isn't an issue at all. Of all the home remedies for yeast infection treatment, boric acid seems to be the most effective however requires one care in preparation and handling.

Whatever yeast infection treatment you use, you need to try to be flexible and wise enough to consult a doctor if symptoms do not begin to clear up after a couple of days. It is possible that you may not have a yeast infection at all and that something else could be serious enough to require medical treatment.
Jerry Cahill has developed a website covering heatlh related issues. He has collected much information which has been published at this website Candida Yeast Infection Treatments

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yeast Infections And Your Baby - What You Should Know Today

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A baby yeast infection caused by candidasis is not something that can simply be cured with a food journal and cookbook. Babies can?t tell you what foods aggravate their symptoms so you need to take a different approach.

Believe it or not, but even babies can be affected by candida overgrowth and can experience yeast infections. The most common yeast infections suffered by babies is diaper dermatitis (better known as diaper rash) and oral (mouth) thrush. In many cases, a baby can experience both of these candida infections at the same time.

How do you know if your child has a yeast infection caused by candida? The following are symptoms of a baby yeast infection you should watch for:

Diaper Dermatitis symptoms - Deep red rash that looks shiny and has satellite lesions. The rash typically appears in the creases or folds of the thighs located in the diaper area and spreads.

Oral Thrush symptoms - Gray-white coating that is present on the tongue, gums and inside cheeks. This coating will not be easy to wipe off. In rare cases, oral thrush may be severe and the baby may find sucking painful.

What causes these baby yeast infections? Yeast infections caused by candida start with a build up of fungus in the intestines. Yeast infections develop in warm, moist environments where bacteria can thrive. For a baby, the best environment for growing bacteria is the diaper and the mouth. This overgrowth of fungus, along with other factors, may lead to diaper rash or oral thrush.

Causes of diaper dermatitis - Diaper rash is primarily caused by a wet or soiled diaper. Skin can be irritated by urine or stool. Irritation can also occur from diarrhea which can be highly acidic and burn the skin. The rash can also result from tightly fitted, air-tight plastic pants which prevent moisture from evaporating.

Causes of oral thrush ? Oral thrush typically occurs in babies who are still in diapers. It can result from taking antibiotics to treat another infection, and can occur if the baby has excessive candida albicans in their system; they have damaged skin; or if there is a yeast infection present on the mother?s nipples.

Diagnosis and treatment - If you suspect a baby yeast infection, take your child to his/her pediatrician so the infection can be properly diagnosed. Once diagnosed, treatment will be prescribed based on what the doctor deems best for your child. Factors that determine treatment may include the age of your child, the severity of the infection, and if there are any pre-existing medical conditions.

Treatment for diaper dermatitis
- Removing diaper for a few days
- Medicated or anti-inflammatory creams
- Moisture-resistant diaper creams

Treatment for oral thrush
- Antifungal antibiotic that can be applied to skin or taken orally
- Topical cream for the mother?s breast if her nipple is the cause of infection

Take preventative action - You can keep your baby yeast infection free by ensuring the following ?
- Change diapers regularly
- Keep the diaper area clean and dry
- Keep diapers off whenever possible
- Do not wash your baby?s skin with soap or other harsh cleaning products
- Properly sanitize soothers and bottle tops by boiling them for approximately 10 minutes to avoid recurrence of oral thrush.
By Jane Symms: Sign up a free newsletter about Candida which brings you regular updates on the condition and more on baby yeast infection.

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Male Yeast Infection Prescription Medications Review

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Male yeast prescription medications may be needed if a man has an infection that is chronic or severe. It is important to take prescription medications if needed to ensure that the yeast is completely cured. Heterosexual couples who have unprotected sex can pass yeast infections back and forth.

Men get yeast infections for the same reason women do. A man can get a yeast infection the following ways:

?Sexual transmission: Candida can be transmitted between two people by direct contact. A yeast infected woman who has unprotected sex with a man can infect her partner. She could then treat and cure her infection and then get re-infected the next time she has sex with him. If you or your partner has an active infection you should be extra careful to follow the safe sex guidelines until you are sure that both of you are infection free.

?Antibiotics: Though far less common than sexual transmission, the other main cause of a penile yeast infection in males is prolonged antibiotic use.

The only way to be sure that an infection is gone is to use male yeast prescription medications. There are two prescription drugs that are commonly used to treat male yeast infections. They are:

?Diflucan (fluconazole) This is a broad spectrum drug. It will kill Candida and some other fungi. Unfortunately some people are allergic to this drug.

?Nizoral (ketaconazole) This is an extremely strong drug that should only be prescribed in extreme cases of yeast.

Some men say over the counter medications help cure their yeast infections. Some men say that applying a little bit of Monistat directly to the penis helps. And if it doesn?t start to work in a day or two just add a few drops of vinegar.

Symptoms of a penile yeast infection include:
?The most common symptom is irritation and soreness of the head of the penis.
?Some men have a discharge.

The symptoms of male yeast infection are similar to those of genital herpes. Genital herpes is a contagious viral infection affecting primarily the genitals of men and women. It is characterized by recurrent clusters of vesicles and lesions at the genital areas. It is caused by the Herpes Simplex-2 virus (HSV-2), one of several strains of the Herpes Simplex Virus responsible for chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, and oral herpes (fever blisters or cold sores, HSV-1). While generally not dangerous, it is a nuisance and can be emotionally traumatic, as there is no cure. Visit to learn more about yeast infection.

It has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.; 500,000 are diagnosed each year. One in five American adults has herpes, but only one third of those inflicted are aware that they have the virus. Many people don't relate their symptoms to herpes, since they have either very mild or no symptoms at all. Over 50 million cases are currently estimated to exist in either the active or dormant stage.

If this is the first time you have had male yeast infection symptoms, you should consult your doctor so that you can be properly diagnosed. If turns out that you have a yeast infection talk to your doctor about the male yeast prescription medications that are best for you.

Learn more about controlling yeast infection and candida yeast infection.

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