Instantly Cure Yeast Infection

Monday, March 31, 2008

Yogurt Can Provide Effective Prevention Against Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yogurt is one of the most commonly recommended home remedies for yeast infection. But why is yogurt considered to be so helpful? That is because the yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a type of beneficial bacteria that exists in a live culture inside the yogurt.

Yeast infections are often caused by a hormonal imbalance in women that decreases the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the body, allowing the yeast organisms known as Candida albicans to grow and spread more rapidly than normal. The yeast organisms exist naturally in women?s bodies and are harmless under normal conditions. It is only when there is a significant imbalance that the yeast infection will occur. But the addition of live bacterial culture to supplement the body?s beneficial bacteria can help to drive back the excessive yeast growth and reduce the level of the yeast infection.

Studies show that daily consumption of at least 8 ounces of yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus can be effective in reducing the presence of the yeast organisms and prevent a vaginal yeast infection. It is also very possible, although clinically unproven, that such daily consumption can help to clear up an existing case of vaginal yeast infection. It probably is very helpful, although I have not been able to find a specific medical science study that would confirm that to be true. There are also options available besides consuming yogurt. For example, you can drink acidophilus milk or take acidophilus tablets.

I have heard that some women actually recommend applying the yogurt directly to the afflicted vaginal area. This can be done by applying the yogurt using a douche or tampon. However, there is as yet no way of knowing just how effective this method is, and it would seem to be rather controversial among medical experts, many of whom are likely to discourage such a practice. Anecdotes indicate that some women do benefit from such a method and that others do not. That is also possible as there are differences of genetics and body chemistry that must also be taken to account in using such types of treatments.

If you do decide to use yogurt, then make sure to use yogurt that is non-flavored and free of sugar or fruit. Yeast organisms thrive in sugar, so applying anything that contains sugar can make an existing vaginal yeast infection become even worse.

Worried about whether you or your partner is showing signs of a yeast infection? You can find helpful information about its causes and remedies at

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What is A Yeast Infection Symptom?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Actually many people would be surprised to find out that there are actually many symptoms of yeast infection, and even more would be surprised because some symptoms of yeast infection, would seem to not be connected at all, but they are.

If you have ever had a yeast infection you know that it itches, it is or can be a rash, red or white in color, depending on where it is on the body, there is also pain in urination, discharge and sometimes an odor. It does not depend on your age, or gender whether you get yeast infections or not and the symptoms for all are generally similar. The interesting thing here is that there are so many symptoms that usually are not considered related.

Such symptoms include:
-Repeated Infections- this is called Chronic Yeast Infections, meaning repeated infections are related.
-Loss of that Healthy feeling
-Loss of Energy, Always Tired
-Rashes on other parts of the body, such as your hands
-Unusual symptoms, not otherwise explainable
-Loss of Appetite
-Development of Food Cravings
-Not feeling like yourself
-Painful Intercourse
-Premature Aging
-Depression, Mood Swings, Low Self-Esteem
-Digestive Pain, Gas,
-Respiratory Infections, Shortness of Breath
-Arthritis, Joint Pain and Swelling

Any more that can be from a yeast infection or from chronic yeast infections.

So, now that you know that a yeast infection causes so many problems, it might be a good idea to discuss some cures for it. There are obvious ones, such as going to the doctor and/ or the pharmacy to get an over the counter product. But there may be some things you can do from home to help get rid of your yeast infection.

Male Yeast Infections and Children or Babies with Thrush can use these remedies as well as women:
-Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to the area multiple times a day
-Apply diluted garlic to the area
-Use of Tea Tree Oil can be helpful by applying daily
-Yogurt, applied to the area, even women, who may insert a tampon covered with active yogurt

*Please do not try boric acid, it can be dangerous, if used the wrong way.

There are more remedies to yeast infections, but wouldn't you like a CURE? The difference is that the remedies can work to clear up the infection, take care of the rash and the more common symptoms, but the infection could just be lurking waiting to attack again, along with all the not so common symptoms from above, that may not go away at all without a cure. If you are interested in saying goodbye to your yeast infections within hours, please get more information about this Cure.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Bacterial vaginosis is about as unpleasant as it can be. (My wife, an RN, basically wrote this article for you ;) If you have it, it might seem like nothing is ever going to take away the unbearable itching or the uncomfortable burning sensation that plagues you almost night and day. You have probably tried just about every bacterial vaginosis treatment available on the market and nothing has worked to date. So what do you do now?

Take heart, because there are yeast infection home remedies available for you to try right in the privacy of your own home. But if you?re thinking of going the natural remedy route, you might want to first talk to your doctor to make sure that what you?re suffering from is indeed bacterial vaginosis and not some other problem! Often you can describe your symptoms on the phone and get an idea of what's going on without actually going to your doctor.

And make sure you check up on any possible drug interaction with another drug you may be taking. You want to make sure that any herbal or natural remedy that you?re planning on taking doesn?t react adversely with another drug.

But the particular bacterial vaginosis treatment that we're about to discuss is very popular and used by many women to help rid themselves of their bacterial vaginosis. It is a yeast infection home remedy that makes use of unsweetened yogurt. You may have heard of this before, but here's how to go about it:

There are two simple methods we'll cover here, but there are others. Anyway, the first method requires you to literally paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt. Since this can be a fairly messy affair before and afterwards, you might also want to wear a pad while the yogurt is within you. Make sure the yogurt is unsweetened with live bacterial cultures. So be sure to read the label first.

The second method involves the use of a tampon and is slightly less messier: Simply coat the tampon in the unsweetened yogurt and insert into the vagina. Replace it every few hours or so. How long should this go on? Use your judgment; it depends on the level of bacteria present in you when you start.

Other than using yogurt as a natural yeast infection home remedy for bacterial vaginosis treatment, there's another method that utilizes garlic. Known as your basic wonder-herb, garlic can do just about anything that you need--including warding off evil spirits! But seriously, this remedy can work if you can put up with the garlic smell. Because many women swear by this method as a great bacterial vaginosis treatment that can be done at home.

The most popular way to go about this involves peeling garlic cloves and wrapping the peeled cloves in a piece of gauze. Now tie it off with unwaxed dental floss. There may be other creative ways to do this, but this one is known to work. You then insert this suppository into your vagina leaving a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out when you need to. This should be done every few hours or overnight until the infection gets better. You didn't know you could make your own garlic suppositories, did you!

You can also take garlic in pill form, like you would for controlling bad cholesterol. Same for the yogurt bacterial culture--they can be taken in pill form. The yogurt is available as lactobacillus acidophilus tablets. This is a little slower than the suppository method, but definitely easier.

There are other natural yeast infection home remedies that work if the above two methods don't suit you. Bacterial vaginosis treatment methods can also involve apple cider vinegar baths. After you've cured yourself, remember to try to wear only cotton underwear and looser-fitting clothing. Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, stick to a good balanced diet, and exercise.

Charles and Jennifer Brown are successful Webmasters and the publisher of You can find much more information on yeast infection home remedies and about bacterial vaginal yeast infections in general on their website.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

How Do You Know If You Have A Yeast Infection?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida abicans. Yeast are tiny organisms that normally live in small numbers on the skin and inside the vagina.

The acidic environment of the vagina helps keep yeast from growing. If the vagina becomes less acidic, too many yeast can grow and cause a vaginal infection.

The acidic balance of the vagina can be changed by your period (menstruation), pregnancy, diabetes, some antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids. Moisture and irritation of the vagina also seem to encourage yeast to grow.

Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable, but are usually not serious. Symptoms includes, itching and burning, vaginal discharge, pain during sexual intercourse and swelling of the vulva.

Yeast infections are so common that 3/4 of women will have one at some time in their lives. Half of all women have more than one infection in their lives.

Be sure to see your doctor the first time you have symptoms of a yeast infection. It's very important to make sure you have a yeast infection before you start taking medicine.

There is a Holistic System in existence that will show you how to permanently cure your yeast infection, eliminate Candida, and regain your natural inner balance.

It does not matter what type of Yeast Infection you have. The principles outlined in this holistic approach required to cure and prevent your Yeast Infection are basically the same for all types.

Whatever your Yeast Infection condition is, you can finally decide to stop making the same Yeast Infection treatment mistakes that have been holding you back and begin applying to become Candida infection free. You will have the power to make it happen.

After all, with all the other Yeast Infection treatment products available why should you choose this program over other products? Good question and you are right if you asked it.

The solution you are offered here is an intelligent, scientific approach that gets Candida under normal control within 1 or 2 months depending on the severity.

It teaches you how to prevent Candida infection reoccurring. This approach is 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that permanently eliminates the ROOT cause of your Yeast Infection. It offers a holistic solution, a practical solution, easy to use and understand and offers FREE professional private email counseling.

Theresa Williams is a grandmother of two and a part time farmer. She loves information, loves to impart some of her knowledge gained through life. For more info on the above article visit

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What are the Yeast Infection Signs

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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As you may or may not know you could be suffering from a yeast infection without even knowing it or else you could totally mistake it for something else. Knowing what the yeast infection signs are could help you discover whether you have a yeast infection or not. Although you must be aware that sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.

So the first thing you should do is consult your doctor if you think you have some or all of the yeast infection signs. First this will inform you whether you are infected or not and if you are this will help you determine what is the proper medication for you.

If you find out you have all the yeast infection signs and decide that you want to get rid of it yourself then there is a lot of possibilities available to you. First there are of course medications like Monistat available but there is also other natural ways to get rid of a yeast infection.

For some people using medication (like Monistat) will work but not in the long run. You see by using it over and over, you are making your body used to it, and in turn immune to it. The side effect of this is when you will really need it won?t work for you anymore. Therefore using more natural methods can be the solution for you.

Some of the yeast infection sings are the following:

- rash
- itching
- burning sensation
- vaginal discharge
- pain during sexual intercourse
- redness and soreness of the irritated area
- swelling of the vulva

Probably the most unbearable symptoms of all the yeast infection signs is that of the itching. The worst part is that it can interfere with your daily life. Using medication that can give you instant relief is probably the best way to go.

Some of the thing you can do to help yourself getting rid of the itching would be to employ something like Aloe Vera Juice; you just need to apply a little bit on the affected area with a cotton pad.

Other yeast infection signs like the burning sensation when urinating or the pain you might feel during sexual intercourse can interfere with your daily life. You should always treat those symptoms as fast as possible as they could herald other medical conditions.

One other yeast infection sign that can cause problems is the vaginal discharge. It can cause you problems (not all the time). Depending on the scent and texture of the discharge you may need to take steps to help yourself.

The Vaginal Discharge can be like:

- odourless and thin milky-like
- strong and pungent scent
- yeasty or sulphuric in nature
- different consistency (from thin milk-like to cottage Cheese-like)

You should always consider yeast infection signs very seriously and even more seriously if you are the type to get recurring signs. It could very well be the signs that your yeast infections signs are more symptoms of something else rather than being the cause itself.

If you liked our article about yeast infections signs visit our website for more information about the best yeast infection treatment and yeast infection cure.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Remedy For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infection yeast infection symptom natural remedy for yeast infection yeast infection picture cause of yeast infection home remedy for yeast infection male yeast infection vaginal yeast infection oral yeast infection yeast infection treatment yeast infection cure yeast infection in man yeast infection man female yeast infection picture yeast infection pregnancy natural cure for yeast infection sign of a yeast infection dog ear yeast infection chronic yeast infection skin yeast infection candida yeast infection symptom yeast infection remedy yeast infection symptom in man how to get rid of yeast infection recurring yeast infection

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Yeast Infections - What Causes Yeast Infections And How To Avoid Them Forever!

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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What is the cause of yeast infection? These annoying, often painful vaginal yeast infections can cause your intimate relationship to screech to a halt due to pain and burning as a result of intercourse.

It is important to understand what causes these infections so that the causes can be avoided, or at least worked with to prevent recurring infections.

The cause of a yeast infection is, in most cases, simply the overgrowth of Candida, a bacteria normally is present in the genitals in small numbers. When the yeast bacteria find just the right environment, they multiple more rapidly and the result is a yeast infection.

Yeast infections can be transmitted sexually and having unprotected sex with an infected partner is one way to get a vaginal yeast infection.

It is, however, by no means the only way and anyone who tells you that yeast infection indicates sexual activity is simply uninformed.

One of the most common causes of yeast infections is taking broad spectrum antibiotics for a medical problem. These antibiotics kill the bacteria causing the medical problem or illness, but they also kill ?good? bacteria which help to ensure that flora found in the vagina maintains a healthy balance. The result can be that yeast takes over and a full fledged infection develops.

Another cause of yeast infections can be remaining in wet or damp clothing after swimming or perspiring profusely. If you go swimming and then sit in a wet swim suit, the moisture and heat create a perfect ground for yeast to flourish.

Tight, nylon clothing or other materials that do not allow air to circulate can have the same result. Those tight leather jeans that you love to wear dancing could be the cause of your yeast infections!

Hormonal changes can result in a change in the body?s chemistry sufficient to allow a yeast infection to catch hold. It is not uncommon for a woman that has never experienced any problems with yeast infections in the past to suddenly find they experience the annoying symptoms during pregnancy.

Personal hygiene products that change the pH of the vagina can provide yeast a perfect environment.

Commercially available douches, deodorant sprays, and other personal care products can change the chemistry of the vaginal area just enough to promote yeast growth and a subsequent yeast infection. Nonoxynol-9, a common spermicidal agent used on some condoms has been linked to yeast infection.

A common cause of yeast infection recurrence is having unprotected sex with the same partner with whom you had sex before you treated your yeast infection.

It is very common for couples to pass the Candida yeast infection back and forth between them. When a woman has a yeast infection and has sex with her committed partner, the man can get Candida inside the penis, causing him to carry this infection. If the woman treats her yeast infection, once it gets better she may return to having sex with that same man.

Within a day or so, the woman will again have all the symptoms of a full-blown yeast infection. A doctor can prescribe medication to treat both partners in a relationship to prevent this cyclic yeast infection process from occurring.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures".

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Yeast Infection Home Remedies - Safe And Effective Yeast Infections Remedies You Can Use at Home

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Experiencing a yeast infection can be an irritating, painful experience. Home remedies can help you get rid of this type of infection quickly and easily in many cases.

Of course, if the yeast infection is persistent or does not respond to home remedy treatment, it?s time to visit your doctor or gynecologist.

Many of the home remedies for yeast infections have proven themselves over the decades.

Only in modern times were antibiotics, ointments and creams available to treat this problem, but women and men have been treating yeast infections using home remedies throughout the centuries.

One home remedy that works for both men and women is a 30 minute bath in a tub of water containing one cup of sea salt and one cup of apple cider vinegar.

This creates an acidic environment in the genital area, discouraging the overgrowth of yeast. Fans of apple cider vinegar also swear by adding two tablespoon of vinegar to one cup of water and drinking this mixture twice per day during yeast infections.

Many women have experienced relief by inserting a yogurt-soaked tampon at bedtime and leaving it overnight each night for one week.

The active cultures in the yogurt help create a vaginal environment that welcomes good bacteria but proves hostile to the overgrowth of yeast.

Apple cider vinegar and white vinegar douches are long been popular as home remedies for vaginal yeast infections.

Simply mix one-quarter cup of vinegar with one quart of water and use as a douche to create an acidic vaginal environment.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures"

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Vaginal Yeast Infection - What Is It And How To Cure It

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A vaginal yeast infection can be a very annoying and even painful experience for a woman. It can occur regardless of the age of the female or whether the woman or girl is sexually active or not.

This itchy, burning health issue is no respecter of age, race, sexually orientation, income level, or any other factor. An infection of yeast can strike any female at any time.

Many vaginal yeast infections can be avoided once a female understands some of the factors involved with the disorder.

The yeast bacteria, while always present in some degree in the vagina, simply increases in number to a level that the other good bacteria in the body can not control the growth of the yeast.

A commonly held myth is that these vaginal infections are only spread by sexual activity or specific sexual acts. This is completely untrue.

It is not uncommon for a child or even a baby to get a vaginal yeast problem even though there has been no sexual contact of any kind whatsoever.

If your child has symptoms and you learn that she does, in fact, have a vaginal yeast infection, do not fall for this myth and believe she has been sexually abused unless there are other signs indicating abuse or she tells you that someone has improperly contacted her.

One of the most common causes of vaginal yeast infections, especially in a female that is not sexually active, is improper wiping after defection.

A woman should always clean herself from FRONT to BACK, so that no bacteria from the anus can come in contact with the vagina, allowing bacteria to enter the labia and vagina.

A woman should also not keep on wet clothing after swimming because this provides the perfect environment for yeast growth.

Girls and women who swim, then sun in their wet swim suits for a while, return to the water, and repeat this process during a day at the beach or pool can unknowingly cause themselves to get a vaginal yeast infection that promptly becomes very annoying and painful.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures"

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Yeast Infection Cures - Safe - Easy and Effective Cures to Rid You of Your

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection cure is simple and easy in most cases. Only a few really stubborn cases require the intervention of strong prescription medication to cure the infection caused by the yeast bacteria, Candida.

A yeast infection, in reality, is when the normal flora present in the vagina becomes unbalanced, allowing yeast to multiply to rapidly.

Of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and in the case of yeast infections, this is especially true. If you have to take antibiotics for an illness, you can often prevent getting a yeast infection as a result by eating yogurt with active cultures or drinking buttermilk every day during the period of medical treatment, ensuring the ?good? bacteria flourish and yeast bacteria do not overgrow.

Avoid wearing tight, damp or wet clothing for an extended period of time because the moist, wet environment provides yeast the perfect place to overgrow.

The most common yeast infection cure used today is readily available in the form of non-prescription medication which is contained in a suppository meant to be inserted into the vagina and left overnight.

This treatment must occur several days consecutively in order to effectively stop the overabundance of yeast. These treatments can be very effective when used as directed and are quite convenient to use.

Natural yeast infection cures include oral intake of lactobacillus acidophilus available from health food stores, vinegar douches, and use of yogurt-soaked tampons.

The idea behind each of these natural cures for yeast infections is that they create a pH balance in the body which encourages the right balance of naturally present bacteria rather than the over abundance of yeast.

In stubborn cases that refuse to respond to any of the normal cures, prescription medications, taken orally, can be used to help the body return to health.

People who have diabetes, immune system disorders, or simply a very persistent yeast infection turn to these cures on the direction of their doctor or health care provider.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures".

Bacterial Yeast Infection - What is it and What to do About It?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A bacterial yeast infection, whether present in the female vagina or the male penis, is annoying and painful. It can also be spread by sexual activity to an uninfected sexual partner if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs.

A bacterial yeast infection is simply the overgrowth of bacteria that is always present, to some extent, in the human body. These bacteria are present in the human digestive tract, sexual organs, and sometimes even the mouth.

When provided with an environment in which the yeast can multiply and flourish, the number of bacteria becomes so great that symptoms occur.

Symptoms of a bacterial yeast infection in females can include itching and burning of the genital area including the vulva, labia, and vagina.

There may be a discharge from the vagina which can be cloudy, or thick and white, and may have the consistency of cottage cheese. The discharge may also have a strange smell or odor which is not normal or the vaginal area.

The signs in a male can range from completely non-existent to itching and burning of the penis. The male may experience a discharge from the penis and painful or burning as urine is passed.

An infection caused by yeast bacteria can be present in babies, children, or adults of either gender and may occur without any sexual contact of any kind.

Because the genital area is moist and warm, bacteria can flourish and yeast can over-multiply. Even babies can get these infections when feces in diapers contact their genital organs.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures"

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections That Work Fast!

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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A yeast infection can be an unpleasant experience and treated promptly, whether it occurs in a male or female. Babies or children of either gender can get these infections, without any type of sexual contact as can in adults of either gender.

There are natural remedies for a yeast infection which can be very effective. One that really works is to consume yogurt or other food products with natural, active cultures.

The lactobacillus acidophilus in the food provides good bacteria to prevent the overgrowth of the yeast bacteria in the vagina or penis. Regular consumption of food with active cultures can ward off chronic infection as well as improve your overall digestive health. This natural treatment works for both males and females.

A tampon soaked in a mixture created by adding one tablespoon of potassium sorbate, inserted and left in overnight can be effective. Boric acid, inserted into empty gelatin capsules obtained from a pharmacist and used as vaginal suppositories, is recommended by many natural remedy experts.

Tea tree oil, applied to the top half of a tampon applicator along with some lubricant such as KY Jelly, can also be used as a natural treatment for yeast infections. These remedies are used for several days, until symptoms vanish.

A douche of one teaspoon hydrogen peroxide plus one cup of water, used daily until the symptoms disappear can often solve the infection.

One to two tablespoons of white vinegar in one cup of water douched daily can create vaginal environment sufficiently acidic to cause the bacteria to return to normal levels. Lemon juice or vitamin C (ascorbic acid) also provides an acidic douche mixture.

A more complex but effective douche can be made by adding several tablespoons of tea created from the following recipe to water and using every other day or daily for severe infection:

  • One part of raspberry or comfrey leaf
  • One part sage
  • One-quarter part goldenseal
  • Steep four tablespoons of herbs in one quart of boiling water for about 20 minutes
  • Strain and cool to room temperature, then add:
  • two tablespoons white vinegar
  • one-fourth cup of yogurt or acidophilus powder

Be aware that any natural remedy which treats a female but not her sexual partner may allow re-infection during sex.

Both partners must address the yeast infection to ensure it is not passed back and forth repeatedly if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures".

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Yeast Infection and Sexual Intercourse - What Role Does Sex Play in Your Yeast Infection?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Having a yeast infection and sexual intercourse can really take the joy out of what is intended to be a loving, intimate experience between two consenting adults.

The burning, itching, and even pain during copulation experienced by the woman can make it unbearable for sexual intercourse to continue. Doesn?t sound like fun, does it?

The vagina, vulva, and labia are irritated when a woman has a yeast infection, resulting in terrible itching, a burning sensation, and in some cases, pain when the area is touched.

If the woman attempts to have sexual intercourse, then the pain really sets in. If she attempts to have sexual intercourse and is not properly lubricated, the pain can be severe as already-irritate sensitive tissues become even more irritated.

Having sexual intercourse during treatment for a yeast infection, even if the woman is not experiencing too much pain, can be risky. The creams and suppositories commonly used to treat yeast infections can cause latex condoms to burst, possibly resulting in pregnancy or transmission of a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

It can be a good idea to wait until your yeast infection is under control to return to having sexual intercourse if you rely on latex condoms for birth control or do not have a monogamous, long-standing relationship with one sexual partner that has been tested and is known to be free of any STDs.

When a woman does have unprotected sex, either due to unwise choices or because she is part of a monogamous relationship, the yeast infection can into the man?s penis and cause him to become infected.

While many men have no symptoms and often no treatment is required, if the woman has sexual intercourse again with that man while he is infected, she will again experience a yeast infection.

If you are sexually active, either avoid sexual intercourse during treatment of a yeast infection or seek the advice of your health care professional to obtain treatment for both partners.

When both partners of a relationship obtain treatment, the cycle can be broken.

Yes, yeast infection and sexual intercourse are not good partners. But, curing your yeast infection can return you to enjoying sexual encounters without itching, burning and pain.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures".

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yeast Infection Symptoms - What Are They and How Do I Get Rid of Them?

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Annoying and sometimes painful yeast infection symptoms of the vagina or penis occur in many otherwise healthy people. It isn?t even necessary to be sexually active to get a yeast infection although yeast can be transmitted sexually or the symptoms can be made worse by sexual activity.

In males, there are often no symptoms at all when a yeast infection occurs. When there are symptoms, the signs are usually itching, burning on urination, or a discharge from the penis.

In females, yeast infection symptoms are often more pronounced. The signs include vaginal discharge which may be white and have a cheesy consistency. There may also be an unusual vaginal odor which flags an infection.

Itching and a burning sensation may be present and may become worse after sexual activity. A bad yeast infection may make intercourse impossible due to the burning and itching.

Yeast infections occur more frequently in females because of the warm, moist environment of the vagina and genital organs. Women who wear nylon underwear, panty hose, plus other layers of clothing provide a perfect environment for the bacteria to multiply. These infections are really just an imbalance of bacteria which allow yeast to over-multiply.

Men less frequently experience yeast infections as a result of spontaneous events. Most often, men get the infection from sexual activity with a partner who has yeast but in some cases it may occur simply because of the warm, moist environment, especially in men who remain in wet clothing after swimming, perspiring a great deal, or for any other reason that extra moisture is present.

While yeast infection symptoms are nothing to be ignored, the infection is easy to treat in most cases. Your physician or gynecologist can prescribe medication which, for women, is inserted into the vagina and directly attacks the invading yeast. For male and in some case for stubborn infections in females, oral medication is necessary.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures".

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Safe and Effective Treatments for Your Yeast Infection and How to Avoid Them in The Future

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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When a person, male or female, experiences an infection of yeast bacteria, it can be easily cured by obtaining yeast infection treatment from a physician or gynecologist.

In females, the symptoms will involve the vagina and may include burning, itching, white or cheese-like discharge, and an unusual odor. In males, there are sometimes no symptoms but when signs are present, they may include itching, burning on urination, or discharge from the penis.

In most countries of the globe, females can obtain yeast infection treatment which is very effective by purchasing over-the-counter vaginal medication which is usually a cream or dissolvable table or capsule to be is inserted into the vagina.

The treatment may require three to seven days of yeast infection treatment to cure the disorder. Stubborn yeast infections must be treated by a doctor who can prescribe more powerful antibiotics to be taken orally.

Because males can not insert a yeast infection treatment into the penis, they must take medication orally which can be obtained from their doctor.

Often, in the case of married couples, the woman?s doctor will provide prescription medication for both partners.

The best yeast infection treatment is, of course, prevention. Unprotected sex in any situations where the relationship is not a long-term monogamous bond between two people who are known to be disease free should be avoided. The use of a condom can prevent many yeast infections.

Another preventive measure is to avoid providing an environment that encourages yeast bacteria to grow in the genital area. Damp clothing can allow yeast to multiple, so change into dry clothes soon after swimming or perspiring a great deal.

Ensuring that, depending on gender, the vagina or penis does not come in contact with feces is another preventive measure and must be encouraged in babies and children as well as adults. After defecation, proper cleaning, from front to back, helps ensure that fecal matter does not enter the vagina or penis.

If anal sex is practiced, protection of the penis is crucial and in no case should vaginal intercourse occur after anal contact without proper cleaning of the penis and use of clean protection.

Whenever any person, male or female, young or old, has any symptoms of an infection, yeast infection treatment should be sought promptly.

Be sure to share with your health care provider about your sexual activity and any practices which might impact the treatment plan used to quickly cure the yeast infection.

Tired of the ongoing pain and suffering from yeast infections? Would you like a free resource to help you end your yeast infections once and for all?

Go to my website now at and discover safe, effective and fast working yeast infection cures, treatments and other useful facts, including a hot article on "Yeast Infection Cures"

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Best Yeast Infection Remedy

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Yeast infection is a very uncomfortable disease common to women. Thousands of women affected by this infection are seeking the best yeast infection remedy. Yeast infections are caused by Candida fungus that lives in human body in small quantities. Overabundance of Candida fungus caused yeast infection. Yeast infection may affect any part of the body and may infect both men and women but it is most common in women. Vaginal yeast infection affects 75% of women and constantly looking for best yeast infection remedy to end their predicament.

Symptoms of yeast infection varies from one person to another, it includes burning sensation or non stop itching around vaginal areas, digestive pains, painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese and smells like bread or beer. People suffering from these symptoms are craving to find the best yeast infection remedy that will end their discomfort.

Imbalance in your system brought by antibiotics and stress contributes to the development of yeast infections. Pregnancy, diabetes, hormonal replacement for menopause and taking pills are some of the factors affecting the growth of yeast infection.

There are home remedies and over the counter remedies for yeast infection. Home remedies for yeast infection includes daubing apple cider vinegar and using garlic. Some even use capsules of boric acid which is really not safe; you have to be warned that boric acid is a poisonous substance and has caused deaths. Over the counter remedies include Butoconazole, Clotrimazole, Tioconazole and Miconazole which can be used without the prescription of doctors. People who have tried one of these remedies and found comfort may say this is the best yeast infection remedy for them but there are cases that the infection keeps coming back.

While it is recommended to consult medical professionals for the correct diagnosis and treatment of yeast infection, there are still people who have not found the best yeast infection remedy to end all their miseries.

The best yeast infection remedy treats the root cause of the infection. Some medicines work temporarily but the infection keeps coming back. In this case, the medicine treats only the symptoms and not the cause of infection. If not treated accordingly this infection may lead to chronic yeast infection.

If you have tried home remedies, over the counter medicines and medical treatment but unsuccessful to find the best yeast infection remedy, there is a natural way to treat your yeast infection that cured people suffering from yeast infection for years. To find out more about the best yeast infection remedy visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Candida Yeast Infection Symptom

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Candida yeast infection symptoms such as itching, mouth, vagina and nose infections, cramps, heart burns and more can be very annoying and debilitating, and anyone who has or currently suffers from this condition will know just how uncomfortable, irritating, and embarrassing it can be, which is why it is always advisable to nip it in the bud immediately it is noticed. The best way to diagnose if someone is suffering from candida yeast infection is to get samples or cultures. This of course will be after you have seen a doctor.

Candida, which is the more common term used for Candidiasis, is a yeast-like fungus known as Candida Albicans, that causes superficial infections of the mucus membranes, and is responsible for such conditions as athlete's foot, vaginitis, thrush, or other such infections. In small amounts it is quite harmless, but can be rather discomforting and harmful when it exists in the body in larger quantities. Whatever the case may be, candida yeast infection symptom is not a desirable condition and no doubt anyone who suffers from this condition is most likely desperate to find a lasting solution.

Even though candida is a general condition, it behaves differently in everyone. However, there are certain general guidelines that apply to everyone in it's treatment, such as having a healthy inner ecology or having a strong immune system.

Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body and it is found mainly in the human digestive system and skin. It is a natural and somewhat beneficial yeast cell that lives in the intestinal tract where it does some good for the body, and it exists in every human body. Where these organisms are not in sufficient quantity in the body or not easily absorbed, such person usually has a low iron content and therefore has little oxygen in their tissues.

The reason that many people suffer a chronic case of candida is because they have imbalances in the systems of their body that keep us healthy, thereby allowing the fungi to cause harm. Candida is said to be found in the mouth of 31 to 60% of healthy people in developed countries, and it is known to occur in the intestinal tract of virtually all humans to some degree. It can also be fed and made to grow by other yeast molds that are contained in many foods that we eat. Because Candida is naturally found in the human body, it is difficult to diagnose the overgrowth.

If you suffer from any candida yeast infection symptom you owe it to your health and perhaps your social life to treat it, and even more make it never come back. And know that this is very possible.

Wouldn't you would like to know how to cure your Candida infections permanently, and this by natural means that is permanent? Then visit this website and learn first hand from someone who was plagued with this condition for many years, but has found a permanent way to cure all candida yeast infections through a natural and holistic method that has helped thousand of people just like you.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Vaginal yeast infections are so common that about ? of all women will have at least one at some time during their lives, and nearly half of all women have more than one. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus, Candida Albicans, which is normally present in the vagina. Candida is usually kept under control by bacteria that are also normally present in the vagina, notably Acidophilus. Under certain circumstances, the Candida is able to grow unchecked, and an infection results.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
? Itching and/or burning of the vagina and vulva
? Cheesy, curd-like white vaginal discharge
? The discharge has a ?yeasty? smell, like baking bread or beer
? Swelling of the vulva
? Pain with intercourse

CAUSES: The direct cause of a vaginal yeast infection is Candida. There are a number of circumstances that allow Candida to become a problem. Some of them are:
? An alkaline vaginal environment
? A warm, moist vaginal environment
? Diabetes and high blood sugar
? Hormonal changes
? Anything, such as antibiotics, that decreases the number of bacteria present
? Allergies and irritants
? Injury or irritation, which can occur with sexual intercourse.
? Immune deficiency, as with HIV/AIDS, immunosuppressive medications or some other illnesses

Candida can be sexually transmitted, too. Men can become infected, but usually don?t have symptoms. The man can then reinfect his partner. Sexual transmission occurs more frequently between lesbian partners because women are more susceptible to yeast infections than men.

MEDICAL TREATMENT It is important to see a physician or nurse practitioner the first time you believe you have a vaginal yeast infection. Several other vaginal infections, such as bacterial infections and trichomoniasis, have similar symptoms. You need the right diagnosis to get the right treatment.

You can usually treat subsequent yeast infections with over-the-counter antifungal medications. If a yeast infection does not get better with over-the-counter medications, or if it comes back right away, you should see a physician to get a prescription-strength medication. Some yeast infections do not respond to over-the-counter medications.

ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS Many women are able to self-treat vaginal yeast infections (after the first one is diagnosed by a physician) with yoghurt. Yoghurt contains the bacteria that normally keep yeast in check. Applying plain, unsweetened yoghurt with live culture to the vulva and inserting it into the vagina twice a day for a week works well for many ladies. Eating yoghurt seems to help, too.

Aloe vera applied to the vulva and vagina won?t cure the infection, but it may relieve the itching and burning. DO NOT use baking soda for itch relief; it will make the vagina more alkaline, and can make the infection worse.

SELF CARE AND PREVENTION If you are prone to getting yeast infections, there are a number of things you can do to prevent them.
? Avoid douches, feminine hygiene sprays, or perfumed feminine hygiene products
? Avoid colored or perfumed toilet paper
? Avoid bubble baths
? Make sure your vaginal area is thoroughly dry. If necessary, dry with a blow dryer on the cool setting.
? Some ladies find that limiting yeast-containing foods and sugar helps.
? Wear cotton underwear and change them frequently. Wash them in hot water and dry in a hot dryer. Some people recommend ironing them with a hot iron to kill any yeast that remain.
? Try changing laundry detergents or double rinse your underwear.
? Don?t have intercourse or use tampons during an active infection

Yeast infections are something most women have to deal with at one time or another. It is important to get an accurate diagnosis, so be sure to see a physician the first time you have symptoms of a yeast infection. After that, there is a great deal you can do to prevent future infections, and to manage the ones that do occur.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Penny Watkins is a freelance writer working for She worked for over twenty years as a registered nurse, specializing in cardiovascular nursing.

Penny Watkins is a freelance writer at PillsPills Pharmacy who worked as a critical care nurse for over twenty years, specializing in cardiovascular nursing.

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Coping with Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Our body is the home for yeast organisms or cells called Candida Albicans. These cells exist in several places including the skin, the mouth and the vagina, and it?s perfectly normal to have them.

The problem of vaginal yeast infection occurs when there is an excess amount of yeast cells in the vagina. Usually these cells are kept from multiplying by the acid balance in the vagina, and so it helps to understand what causes an imbalance.

Ironically one of the causes of a yeast infection can be antibiotics. If you have a urinary tract infection, the antibiotic you use to cure it may indeed be creating conditions in which yeast infection thrives.

While antibiotics destroy harmful microorganisms, they can also destroy ?good? ones. This causes an imbalance and conditions which enable Candida cells to grow in their place, resulting in an excess number of yeast cells. In some cases, this manifests itself as a vaginal yeast infection.

When do yeast infections occur

Yeast infections can occur during pregnancy, at the end of menstruation, being on a course of antibiotics, or using birth control pills. Child bearing years is certainly a common time to have a yeast infection.

Recognizing a vaginal yeast infection

The most common vaginal yeast infection symptoms are itching in the vagina or vulva region. Sex can be painful and a vaginal yeast infection discharge often occurs, similar to cottage cheese in consistency. You can easily find pictures of vaginal yeast infection on the Internet. Simply search for the term ?pictures of vaginal yeast infection?.

How to treat a vaginal yeast infection

Treatments for vaginal yeast infections range from natural home remedies to over the counter vaginal yeast infection medication such as antifungal creams like MONISTAT.

Popular home cures for vaginal yeast infections use garlic or yogurt. A good tip is to take yogurt when you are on a course of antibiotics. Be sure to choose yogurt with acidophilus (check the label) since it helps with the fight against yeast infection.

Some people use boric acid for vaginal yeast infections, in the form of supplements. However, boric acid should never be taken during pregnancy, and it?s best not to even consider using it until you have talked to your doctor about it.

When treating a yeast infection, it?s one thing to get pain relief and it?s another to actually cure the cause. It?s best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.

Learn more about yeast infections at

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

5 Things You Should Know About Choosing A Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection

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With so many different yeast infection treatments on the market it can be difficult to know whether to choose a drug or a natural remedy for yeast infection. Before you choose a remedy for your yeast infection here are five things you should know.

1. Drugs Only Treat the Symptoms. The yeast infection drugs on the market today may relieve you of the common itching and burning associated with yeast infections but they may leave your body carrying dormant yeast cells even after the treatment is finished. Unless the roots problem of the yeast infection is cured you could experience flair ups down the road once the dormant yeast cells have the right environment to become active again.

2. Chronic Yeast Infections Can Remain Undetected. When a yeast infection is left uncured it can become chronic. Often chronic yeast infections can give off atypical symptoms not usually associated with typical yeast infections. While drugs may mask the usual symptoms only a natural remedy for yeast infection will completely rid your body of the yeast cells and return your body to a healthy balance.

3. Yeast Can Turn to Mold. A yeast infection left untreated for prolonged periods of time can turn into a mold form that will send out roots into your skin. This very serious form of yeast infection is extremely difficult to treat with convention drugs and cannot be cured.

4. Can be used on Adults and Children. Unlike over the counter or prescription drugs, a natural remedy for yeast infection can be used on children, as well as adults. Cure vaginal yeast infections, male yeast infections, and even diaper rash and thrush in infants with a safe and natural cure.

5. Not all Natural Remedies are Created Equal. There are many natural remedies for yeast infection out there but very few are actually safe to use. Some even go so far as to recommend using ingredients that can be harmful or even toxic. Be sure to choose a natural remedy for yeast infection that is created by someone with medical knowledge to ensure the treatment is 100% safe.

Cindy McKie is a former beauty professional who now works as a freelance writer. Are you suffering from a yeast infection? If you are looking for a safe and natural cure check out The Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies Are Perfect Yeast Fighters

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Natural yeast infection remedies are preferred by the health-conscious. Even though over-the-counter and prescribed treatments are easily available, those who are looking for more lasting solutions to their yeast infection problem are now turning to natural remedies for yeast infection. Simply put, most natural yeast infection remedies are not only effective in combating yeast infection, they can be used on a more regular basis without any harmful repercussions on our health.

Natural yeast infection remedies can be easy to prepare. Folks always have this mindset that grabbing a medication or two at the pharmacy or clinic is the easiest and most convenient thing to do. This is not actually the case as natural yeast infection remedies too can be concocted with homemade ingredients. You get to save money and time waiting for consultation with your doctor.

We have a number of natural yeast infection remedies that have been reported to provide quick relief and healing for yeast infection.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 1 ? Plain Yoghurt

You may have heard about this. Yoghurt is rich in acidophilus which is a natural yeast killer. Use only non-flavored yoghurt without sugar content. There are different ways to use yoghurt to cure yeast infection. You can either apply it directly in the vagina using a yoghurt-dipped tampon or douche with water. Some folks prefer it to be frozen as a popsicle. It is said to be extremely soothing though you would experience a slight sting initially. Eating yoghurt brings the acidophilus directly into our bodies. Normally the yeast infection would go off in a matter of days.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 2 ? Acidophilus

Its effect was explained earlier in plain yoghurt. You can get hold of pure acidophilus in certain foods, milks and diary products. Head to the supermarket for some shopping and read the product labels. Alternatively, you can find them in powdered form at health food shops.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 3 ? Gentian Violet

Smear gentian violet over the yeast infected area. Remember to wear a pad when you use this remedy. It probably works after the first round of treatment.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 4 ? Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent natural yeast infection remedies. But we would not recommend using it as a direct topical medication because of its sting. Dilute it with water as a douche or take a bath in the apple cider vinegar-water solution.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 5 ? Buttermilk

Buttermilk would build up your resistance against yeast infection. Be sure to drink at least one glass daily during the infected period. The yeast infection should clear up much faster.

Read up on more potent natural remedies for yeast infection at my blog and discover secret treatment methods that can cure your yeast infection within hours using completely safe and natural yeast infection remedies.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

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Just What Is A Yeast Infection?

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A yeast infection or candidiasis is an infection which is caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast in the body. Today there are more than 20 species of Candida and the most common of these is Candida Albicans. What a person should know is that this fungi lives on the surface of all our bodies and under certain circumstances they can become so numerous that they cause an infection. These infections will often particularly occur in warm and moist areas of the body such as those around the vaginal and anus areas of the body. Such infections are referred to as vaginal yeast infection, thrush, skin and diaper rush. Also a person may suffer from a yeast infection in their nail beds too.

As mentioned above such yeast infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas and this includes the underarms. Although a person's skill will usually effectively block yeast from entering the body but if there is any breakdown or cuts in the skin then this may allow the fungi or yeast to enter a person's body. As we grow older some adults may find they suffer from oral yeast infections and this becomes more common as a person's age increases. But most of the yeast infections that an adult will suffer from can be easily cleared up using treatments. However, for some people a yeast infection that is recurring may be the sign that they are suffering from a more serious illness such as diabetes, leukemia or AIDS.

There are many varieties of yeast infection and as mentioned earlier these can usually be found in exposed or moist parts of the body such as:-

1. Oral Thrush
2. Vaginal Candidiasis or Thrush
3. Diaper Rash - Often found in the folds of the skin around the diaper area on a baby.

It is noted that Candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginal irritation in women and it can also infect the male genitals also (known as male yeast infection) and is particularly prevalent in men who have been circumcised.

But luckily today there are many ways in which a yeast infection can be treated and before starting any course of treatment for a yeast infection a sufferer should consult their doctor first.

Looking for more information on what is a yeast infections and how to prevent it visit

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Monday, March 10, 2008

What is the Cause of Yeast Infections

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The statistics reports that at least 75% of the women in their lifetime will get at least one yeast infection. Some of theses women will even get recurring yeast infections. But to prevent them you first need to be well informed about the cause of yeast infection.

First I must clarify the fact that there is no one cause for vaginal yeast infection. There are various factors that provoke them such as:

- Simple stress
- Hormonal changes
- Transference through sexual intercourse
- And more

So because of this it is a good idea to be well informed about the different cause of yeast infections. To be aware of theses causes will help you avoid getting a yeast infection in the long run.

One cause of yeast infections is antibiotics. You see antibiotics are created to kill of any bacteria in your body. The problem with this is that sometimes these antibiotics, whether they overused or not, will kill some of the good bacteria?s in your body. The side effect can often be an imbalance in your body therefore increasing the growth of yeast producing bacteria.

As I wrote earlier stress can also become a cause of yeast infections. Stress as the power to change your hormones around resulting in a yeast infection.

Also hormonal changes are a major factor in the cause of yeast infections. Pregnant women, lactating women and menopausal are affected greatly. For the average women the same applies with their menstruation cycle.

As for men the most usual cause of yeast infection is through sexual intercourse with yeast infected woman. This also includes oral sex.

Other factors can be a major cause of yeast infections in women. Factor such as :

- the use of douches
- scented feminine hygiene products
- feminine sprays
- regular use of spermicidal cream
- and more

The combinations of some or all of these products will sometimes imbalance the delicate balance of the vagina which in turn can create a yeast infection.

Another well known cause of yeast infection that is largely overlooked is clothing. Items like tight jeans, pantyhose and synthetic underwear prevents the vagina from breathing properly. Clothing articles made from man made fibers will often do the same thing.

Click here if you want more information about the Cause of Yeast Infections. We provide various information to help understand and treat yeast infections. Find the best Yeast Infection Treatment and Yeast Infection Cure

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

What To Do About Recurring Yeast Infections

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Women who experience multiple yeast infections throughout the year are suffering from ?recurring yeast infections? and should be under the care of a doctor. Recurring yeast infections may be a sign of something more serious (such as diabetes or immune system deficiencies) and treating the root of the problem can reduce the number of yeast infections.

Studies show that only 5 percent of women actually suffer from recurring yeast infections, although many more women think they do. Because so many women misinterpret their symptoms, it is very important to see your doctor and ask him/her to perform a diagnostic test if you have more than two yeast infections in a year.

According to the National Women?s Health Information Center (NWHIC), vaginal yeast infections are very common. About 75 percent of all women have a yeast infection during their lives. Almost half of all women have two or more yeast infections in their lives.

A vaginal yeast infection is an irritation of the vagina and the area around the vagina, called the vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast called candida, which is one of the organisms that naturally occurs in a woman?s vagina. The overgrowth occurs when there is an imbalance of the acidity of the vagina or in the body?s hormones. In addition to intense itching, another symptom of vaginal yeast infections is a white curdy or thick discharge. Some of the symptoms of a yeast infection include itching, burning or soreness, burning during urination, pain with sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge, rash or redness and odor.

The Food and Drug Administration now allows medications that used to be prescription only to be sold without a prescription to treat recurring yeast infections. If you?ve never been treated for a yeast infection you should see your doctor before you purchase over the counter medications. Yeast infection symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other, more serious, vaginal infections so it is crucial to get an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor will either recommend some over the counter products or may prescribe a drug called Diflucan. The FDA recently approved the drug, a tablet taken by mouth, for clearing up recurring yeast infections with just one dose.

Some women prefer to use natural remedies to treat recurring yeast infections. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are using natural remedies because some remedies do not mix well with prescription drugs.

To help prevent recurring yeast infections, try the following:
? Don?t use douches
? Avoid scented hygiene products like bubble bath, sprays, pads and tampons
? Change tampons and pads often during your period
? Don?t wear tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers
? Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch
? Change out of wet swimsuits and exercise clothes as soon as possible.
? Eat one serving of plain yogurt every day.
? Take one or two acidophilus capsules every day.

A recurring yeast infection can be uncomfortable and may be a sign that your body?s immune defenses aren?t working properly. It is important to see the doctor to test for yeast infection and the exact cause for recurring yeast infections.

Learn more about Yeast Infection Symptoms on our site. You'll also find other information such as Diaper Cream And Yeast Infection is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Candida Causes - Tips to Prevent This Itchy Yeast Infection Menace

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Candida causes can be determined by the actual symptoms. Therefore, before you determine what to do to treat Candida; you have to know its origin. A yeast infection occurs when the Candida albicans or more commonly know as fungus, begins to grow in the vagina. In addition, candidiasis can usually be found the oral cavity, known as oral thrush; folds of skin in the diaper area or diaper rash; and the nipples during breastfeeding.

Although candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginitis, it can also occur on the male genitals, particularly in uncircumcised men. The Candida infection can involve the esophagus as well. Children between the ages of three and nine 9 years of age can also be affected by chronic mouth yeast infections, normally seen around the mouth as white patches. However, note that this is not a common condition.

While it is a common fact that small amounts of fungus are evident, they are usually prevented from continual growth by protective mucous which acts as a natural cover against bacteria. While Candida causes are found in the vaginas of almost all women, it does not always elevate to full blown symptoms. However, when the growth continues, an infection occurs. Among other Candida causes is diabetes. In addition, the use of antibiotics is also a contributory factor to an increased incidence of yeast infections. It is important to note that candidiasis can be sexually transmitted between partners.

Other Candida causes may be evident if symptoms such as itching and irritation of the vagina, as well as swelling and redness of the vulva occur. A white thick discharge is also a sign of Candida as well as pain or soreness during intercourse.

While there is a natural remedy for candidiasis, you may wish to check with your doctor to determine the extent of the infection. If you prefer a more natural cure for yeast infection, you can use tea tree oil or grapefruit seed extract, both of which have known to cure this infection without undue side effects. There are also several sources of natural remedies found on the internet, some purportedly quick, guaranteed results.

However, if the condition is chronic, you need to seek out your doctor and have him perform tests to determine of you have diabetes. Hence, a more traditional form of treatment may be prescribed in the form of an antifungal drug. While Candida causes are many, prevention of this infection can be utilized by good hygiene habits. Washing the area around the vaginal opening daily with unscented soap and water provides the best hygiene available. Avoid using deodorant sprays, which are not only unnecessary, but which contain chemicals that can irritate the vaginal lining.

While a natural remedy for Candidiasis may work just fine, a chronic recurrence of the Candida causes may lead to more problems in the future and you should consult with your physician on other possible causes.

Battling yeast infections? Bre Rhodes is the beauty and health consultant in the U.S. for the largest beauty/health retailer in Europe. She struggled with yeast infections for years and WON!

If you found this Candida causes article helpful, be sure to check out her main site:

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chinese Herbs Candida - Tips on Herbs Effective Against Yeast Infections

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat different conditions, and Chinese herbs Candida is no exception. Research indicates that grapefruit seed extract has become a very safe and effective alternative cure for yeast infections.

According to research, the active ingredient of grapefruit seed extract appears to develop in the membrane of the microorganisms. Grapefruit seed extract dissipates germs, and there is no evidence to indicate that any type of organism has ever built up a resistance to the grapefruit seed extract active ingredients. Furthermore, it is also believed that this resistance is impossible as grapefruit seed extract disrupts the organisms. In addition, those who have taken grapefruit seed extract has been found to control chronic Candida as opposed to other medications which were found to be ineffective.

One of the many products which have grapefruit seed extract as the main component is Citricidex. It is a liquid acid which contains many polyphenols. These polyphenols are then converted into more stable substances, some of which have an extremely powerful antimicrobial activity. Grapefruit seed extract has the unique ability to protect the organism from bacteria, mushrooms and parasites. In fact, therapists use it, with excellent results, to create a hostile intestinal environment for Candida albicans and against systemic Candida as well.

The use of a Citricidex application has been well documented troughout South America, Europe and the Far East. Its active ingredient is extracted from the seeds and other parts of the grapefruit. It is suggested that citricidex is to be used by mixing five to fifteen drops in five ounces of water or juice, and taken two to three times daily. This extract contains no yeast, dairy, egg, gluten, corn, soy or wheat products. It also does not contain any sugar, starch, salt, preservatives or artificial color, flavor or fragrance.

It should also be noted that grapefruit seed extract has no toxicity and exhibits no negative impact on beneficial intestinal bacteria. There are no known side effects or interactions. Grapefruit seed extract can be taken for long periods of time with no ill or toxic effects. It is non-allergenic. People who are allergic to citrus have had no adverse reactions. This is largely due to its harmonizing effects to cope with body stress. Grapefruit seed extract can be used safely by most people; from babies to the elderly. Used for over 25 years, grapefruit seed extract as a Chinese herb Candida, has been safely used worldwide by doctors and alternative health care practitioners.

If you develop Candida, you may wish to research the many forms of grapefruit seed extract to determine its efficacy as it relates to your particular circumstance. This widely used extract has been touted as an effective means to thwart off bacterial properties consistent with yeast infections. In addition, there are other natural cures for yeast infection that can help combat this fungus without the need for prescription medications.

Battling yeast infections? Bre Rhodes is the beauty and health consultant in the U.S. for the largest beauty/health retailer in Europe. She struggled with yeast infections for years and WON!

If you found these Chinese herbs candida tips helpful, be sure to check out her main site:

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So - What Is A Yeast Infection?

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A yeast infection is an infection of the genital area, mouth, or throat that's caused by bacteria known as Candida Albicans. The most common type of yeast infection is the vaginal yeast infection that many women suffer from off and on throughout their lives.

Candida bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments, and this is why yeast infections are so commonly found in female vaginal tracts. Yeast infections, also known as thrush, can also be common in or around the mouth, and in the throat for the same reasons. These areas of the human body are quite warm and always moist.

Some people are more prone to yeast infections than others are, but the infections can actually be caused in numerous ways.

One of the biggest contributors to yeast infections is prescription antibiotics. The human body is filled with what are described in simple terms as "good bacteria" and "bad bacteria". When you get any infection, yeast included, your body has an overabundance of bad bacteria and that has overwhelmed the healing and balancing capabilities normally handled by the good bacteria and your body's immune system.

Common treatments for any kind of infection involve taking prescription antibiotic medications. These medicines are quite strong, and their job is to kill all bacteria in your body. Antibiotics don't differentiate between good or bad bacteria, so when you take these medicines - particularly for an extended period of time - all the good bacteria in your body is destroyed in the process. This leaves you more vulnerable to other types of infections, and vaginal yeast infections are a common one women suffer with after taking prescription antibiotics.

The second biggest cause of yeast infections for women is the clothing they wear. Wearing tight pants for instance, or underclothing that does not let air circulate can create a super friendly breeding environment for the Candida bacteria to populate and grow.

Another common cause of vaginal yeast infections in women is colored dies and perfumes. If you use perfumed toilet paper for instance, or feminine hygiene products, you could be more susceptible to a yeast infection.

Dirt will help create yeast infections too, particularly if there is an open cut or sore in the affected area. This is a very common cause of oral thrush in children actually, because they tend to play in the dirt and sometimes even eat it. Women are more susceptible to vaginal yeast infections if they wear dirty cloths, or have intercourse with men who work with dirt, grease or oil during the day and haven't cleaned up first.

A little known fact about vaginal yeast infections is that condoms can actually create them too. The use of condoms which have spermicide on them known as nonoxynol-9, has been proven in studies to be linked to increased yeast infections. Some women however, are simply allergic to latex, so using any type of latex condom can start a yeast infection for them.

Vaginal yeast infections are usually indicated by burning, itching sensations in the vagina or vulva area on a woman. There's often a discharge as well, and this can look almost like a cottage cheese substance. In some cases the discharge can simply be discolored however. Usually there is a smell similar to bread or beer with the discharge.

If you've never had a vaginal yeast infection before, you should visit a doctor so they can do a lab culture and make sure. You don't want to treat for a yeast infection when you don't actually have one, because this can cause additional health problems later. Once you know what a yeast infection is like and feel confident recognizing it on your own, you can use herbal remedies to treat it, or buy over the counter yeast infection medications.

Statements made here may not be approved by the FDA, and should not be considered as professional medical advice.

Discover A Fast and Effective Natural Cure For Yeast Infection, that's Safe, 100% Natural and Completely Drug Free! Natural Yeast Infection Cure

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Find Out What Causes Bacterial Vaginosis (Yeast Infection)

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If you've never suffered from bacterial vaginosis then it might be difficult to clench just how painful and distressing it can be. Although this is not what some people might term to be a grave condition, bacterial vaginosis can be something of a burden to many women.

Besides the fact of the pain there is also the element of embarrassment. The embarrassment factor can lead to distress, loss of confidence and insecurity for most women. So, find out the facts about yeast infections and relief yourself of all the negative factors.

Bacterial vaginosis, or a yeast infection as it is also known, can have troubling symptoms and it can even be a great hurdle in many women's lives. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of this infection just can't be ignored. Although sometimes challenging to identify, arming yourself with knowledge can be of great help.

Things like unbearable itching, a burning sensation of the irritated area, painful sexual intercourse, hurting during urination, yeasty smell or cottage cheese-like discharge, and a rash are all indications that you might be suffering from a yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis.

These symptoms don't always have to be a yeast infection, but these are all good indicators. If you feel that you might have a yeast infection, there are a few things that you might want to do first.

Consulting a trained medical doctor should be the first order of the day if this is the first time you have ever had a yeast infection. If your bacterial vaginosis is repeated then you always have the alternative of treating it yourself through one of the many home remedies. This is where your knowledge of this burdening infection will come in very handy.

Another thing that you might want to look into doing if you think that you have bacterial vaginosis is to abstain from sexual intercourse as your partner might also contract this infection. Though infection isn't a sexually transmissible disease, it can be transferred from one mate to the other through sexual intercourse.

Since bacterial vaginosis can be repeated in some women, it's always best to know what the causes are of this particular infection. By learning this info you then have the option of being able to take preventative measures and steps to help stop the recurrence of a yeast infection. Getting to know your body and it's functioning will be knowledge to you that is priceless.

Causes of bacterial vaginosis can include hormonal instability and things leading to a hormonal imbalance like pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation. All of these can lead to a bodily unbalance which in turn can lead to a yeast infection.

There are also those factors which can throw the ph balance of the vagina out of synch. When this happens the yeast inducing bacterium can have free rule to flourish in the vagina.

These factors include the use of douches or feminine sprays, the use of scented feminine hygienics products, the use of spermicides, and elongated contact with semen.

There are also other factors to take in such as the extended use of antibiotics, birth control pills, stress, and even certain types of clothing such as too-tight jeans and wet bathing suits.

As you can see bacterial vaginosis can surface as a result of many factors, but if you take care to avoid most of these, you should be able to keep bacterial vaginosis from occurring or even recurring. Also, if you take a proactive approach and know when you have this infection you can quickly provide the appropriate remedy.

Bowe Packer provides free and valuable online information. He has written numerous articles on Bacterial Vaginosis, commonly known as yeast infection. Visit his yeast infection site and learn The causes and cures of yeast infections for free.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ways Of Treating A Vaginal Yeast Infection

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There are now various anti-fungal vaginal medications readily available to treat yeast infections in a woman. Often a woman can purchase anti-fungal creams, tablets or suppositories over the counter in order to treat their vaginal yeast infection. However because there are some forms of vaginal problems such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and yeast infection which are difficult to distinguish on the basis of symptoms alone it is important that a woman visits her doctor to get an accurate diagnosis of the problem. Only after this diagnosis should a woman then look to using one of the various treatments previously mentioned above.

Although you can use over the counter products which contain anti-histamines or topical anesthetics for dealing with a vaginal yeast infection they do not actually treat they underlying problem and instead just mask the symptoms. Women who find that they are suffering from either recurring or chronic yeast infections may need to be treated with vaginal creams for extended periods of time, but just recently there are more effective oral medications now becoming available. But any woman suffering from either recurring or chronic vaginal yeast infections should consult their doctor in order to find out what the underlying cause of the problem is. Certainly HIV infected women may find that they suffer from severe yeast infections and in some cases they find that the problem is unresponsive to treatment.

However a woman who is pregnant should only use a vaginal infection treatment without first consulting their doctor. Other wise they can be used as long as they come under the following:-

1. Can you be sure that they symptoms you are displaying are actually caused by a vaginal yeast infection. If you have never been diagnosed with suffering from any form of yeast infection then it is important that you consult your doctor before starting any treatment.

2. As long as you have not been exposed to any sexually transmitted disease (STD) then you are able to use over the counter treatments.

3. You can use an over the counter treatment as long as you are not suffering from either chronic or recurring bouts of a vaginal yeast infection.

One such treatment a woman may wish to consider in order to treat a vaginal yeast infection is Miconazole Vaginal Cream. Miconazole is an anti-fungal treatment in the form of a cream or suppository. This particular product is used to treat the most common forms of vaginal yeast infection which is caused by Candida. It helps to relieve the itching and burning symptoms which are commonly associated with vaginal yeast infections and comes in a 1 day (prescription only) or 3 and 7 day treatment courses.

For more information about yeast infections and its treatments visit

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Thinking About Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infection is a condition caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is so often seen that it is no longer a diagnosis that causes concern.The symptoms of yeast infection include itching and watery stool. Chronic yeast infection is common and the signs and symptoms can come and go over time. Girls can get the condition after a round of antibiotics. Candida is not caused by sex.

It is crucial not to treat medical conditions yourself. Yet, don't forget that a lot of doctors are not aware of natural remedies. Nonetheless, always consult a nurse but take the advice skeptically.

Some difficulties with yeast infection are just intense itching which may lead to a skin infection if the skin is rubbed too raw. However typically there are no dangerous troubles. The condition can be avoided if you refrain from baths and wear underwear to bad, and be sure to wear cotton underwear. Popular treatments for yeast infection include fluconazole, or Diflucan. Such simple creams are applied to the problem area each day for 1 week. But, these are actually inferior to natural remedies.

Unquestionably, the right method to treat yeast infections are with natural remedies. The popular over-the-counter remedies could make the yeast infection worse. As with antibiotics, the methods often kill most the good stuff in our system we require. In fact, Candida is needed in the body. A yeast infection occurs only when there is an over-abundance of it.

Popular natural remedies include garlic and probiotics, and many others. Visit our site to read more.

Candice is a natural health writer for

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Use a Natural Remedy for Your Yeast Infection

Free Video Reveals 1 Weird Tip To Quickly Cure Your Candida Overgrowth & Enjoy Permanent Freedom From Yeast Infections In As Little As 12 Hours - Guaranteed!

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Yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by a type of yeast-like fungus called Candida. It is so often seen that it is considered a normal part of life.The symptoms of yeast infection are a thick, white discharge resembling cottage cheese. Women can rarely get a yeast infection from unprotected sex. Candida is not harmful to you.

It is better not to treat yourself without first speaking with your doctor. But, don't forget that most doctors are not aware of natural remedies. Nevertheless, always consult a doctor but take the advice skeptically.

Some difficulties with yeast infection are intense itching which may lead to a skin infection if the skin is rubbed too raw. But usually there are no dangerous complications. Some ways the condition can be avoided are to refrain from hot tubs and scented pads and be sure to wear cotton underwear. Popular treatments for yeast infection include anti-fungal cream. These simple creams are put on the problem area every day for 1 week. Still, these are actually inferior to natural remedies.

Of course, the better approach to address yeast infections are with natural remedies. The popular over-the-counter remedies might make a yeast infection worse. Similar to antibiotics, these methods often kill a lot of the positive stuff in our system we require. The truth is, It is required in the body. A yeast infection is just when there is a bit much of it.

The most used natural remedies include onion and pau-d'arco, to mention a few. To read more about how to cure yeast infections naturally and to download a comprehensive eBook on curing it permanently, visit our website.

Candice is a natural health writer for Visit the site now to read more about how a natural remedy for curing yeast infections is more effective and better for you health

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yeast Infection - Candida Albicans and the Fibromyalgia Connection

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Is there a connection between yeast overgrowth and Fibromyalgia? Could some of the mystery surrounding this condition finally be beginning to fade away with the light of new knowledge? It would seem that a connection between Fibromyalgia and yeast overgrowth has been made.

Normally yeast are present in the lower intestine and held in check by friendly bacteria such as the Lactobacillus variety. When the population of the friendly is decreased (such as with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics) yeast populations, normally in check, now can begin to multiply out of control. They can also morph into a fungus state and disrupt the integrity of the intestinal walls. This allows toxic metabolic byproducts of the yeast to enter the blood stream. Among the many of these metabolic products are ethanol, carbon dioxide and tartaric acid.

Tartaric acid is an organic acid that acts as a muscle toxin. It is more toxic than 100% pure alcohol (ethanol) which is lethal at about a 1 ounce dose. Tartaric acid can be lethal at half that dose. When yeast ferment sugar and turn it into ethanol, they also create tartaric acid. In animal experiments, it causes muscle damage.

People with Fibromyalgia have been shown to have up to 50 times the normal level of tartaric acid in their blood. Fibromyalgia sufferers experience muscle and joint pain.

Tartaric acid has been shown to inhibit an enzyme called Fumarase which creates a material called Malic acid in the energy producing process called the Krebs cycle. Malic acid is a key component of the Krebs cycle in that it is used to both turn over energy in the cell and is used to create Glucose (blood sugar) through a process called Gluconeogenesis. This is a process where non-sugars are used to create blood sugar and is part of the survival mechanism of starvation. Your body will use up protein and fat to create sugar to feed your brain.

When Malic acid production is stopped, the energy mechanism of the cells becomes impaired and weakness can ensue. Tartaric acid crystals can settle in the muscles and joints and cause pain. Blood sugar levels can also drop because Gluconeogenesis is inhibited. This can lead to tiredness and brain fog.

So why would all this happen to Fibromyalgia sufferers? One likely reason is that many times the onset of Fibromyalgia occurs after a traumatic accident such as a car wreck. The standard procedure is to treat these people with broad spectrum antibiotics to prevent infections. This in turn kills off friendly bacteria. Next these people live on a high sugar and carbohydrate diet to get energy, but they end up feeding the yeast more than themselves. They end up, in fact, fueling their own poisoning from within.

Jon owns Yeast Infection NoMore which helps people learn about yeast infection elimination

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